Causes of blue circles in children and adults

Bruising( or as often says ophthalmologists - blue circles) in the eye area may appear suddenly or may accompany a person all his life - this depends on the reasons that caused this unpleasant phenomenon.

Bruises under the eyes spoil the mood, make the face tired even when the person is full of strength and energy.

Bleeds can appear in people of different age and sex. To eliminate this defect, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence. Correct and complex treatment will help to get rid of bruises, make the face beautiful, healthy, attractive, young.

    • 1. Bruises under the eyes of children
    • 2. Bruises under the eyes of women and men
    • 3. Treatment at home
    • 4. Treatment at a cosmetologist

Bruises under the eyes of children

Parents tend to always worry about their healththeir children, the exception is the appearance of blue circles under the eyes of the child. Such complaints are received almost daily by pediatricians.

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Indeed, this phenomenon is not a very good sign for human health, since it is associated with certain problems in the health of the child. Let's try to understand the reasons.

Causes of

Bruising under the eyes of infants and teenagers can arise from the influence of several factors:

  • Genetics .All children are more or less similar to their relatives, the skin of a child is also an exception, in particular, a predisposition to the appearance of blue circles. For this reason, no special treatment is required, but the child is monitored continuously. It is recommended to carry out complex vitaminization of the baby in the winter-spring period, regularly observe the regime of the day, eat right.
  • Increased fatigue .This phenomenon is suitable for school children, whose parents immediately begin to suspect the fact of fatigue. In fact, modern children are being provoked into overwork by a complicated school program with all the additional electives and circles, going for tutors. The volume of such congestion significantly exceeds the permissible norm and can significantly affect the operation of vessels and the structure of young skin. As a result, the vessels are visible, which appears externally as bruises. To combat such a circumstance, the first tool is to optimize the child's day schedule, replacing active activities with rational rest, preferably in nature, mainly in the fresh air. In this scenario, bruises disappear quickly enough.

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  • Incorrect power to the .The world of high technologies nowadays negatively affects the quality of nutrition of all people, especially the children's emerging organism. Everyone knows that soups and cereals are nutritious, but our children often refuse such food, replacing it with chips, Coca-Cola, hamburgers and so on. Moreover, the matter is complicated by the fact that parents can not control the baby's nutrition all day long due to the workload of both parties.
  • The disturbed mode of the day .The full balanced work of the whole organism directly depends on the establishment of the regime of the day, including healthy sleep, active rest and physical activity. With constant lack of sleep the body is gradually depleted, the first sign of this is the bruises under the eyes of the child.
  • Development of anemia .A common cause is iron deficiency anemia. If the bruises become pronounced, the doctor will start the examination with a blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin. This phenomenon is very important for infants. Treatment is prescribed with iron-containing drugs.
  • Helminthes .Little common, but the cause of the blue circles under the eyes of the child is the infection with worms. Dark circles appear because of the intoxication of the whole body with the products of the vital activity of parasites. This phenomenon is treated with specialized medications.

Bruising under the eyes of women and men

In adulthood, the cause of bruising under the eyes can be diseases of the kidneys, heart, vascular system. It is therefore important to consult a doctor so that he confirms or refutes the presence / absence of disease.

In women, bruises under the eyes appear for various reasons. One of the most popular is the use of poor-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics( the skin around the eyes is too thin, so you need to choose a cream and gel with a very light structure), a sharp weight loss, increased nervousness or enthusiasm for mono-diets.

In adults, the most common causes of bruising under the eyes are:

  • too close position of the vessels under the skin around the eyes - the bruises are constantly visible;
  • skin pigmentation disorders, when the color of the dermis is not like "like";
  • age changes - every year the body "dried", the skin becomes less elastic, around the eyes the dermis hangs and its shade becomes bluish;
  • weight loss - if weight loss is great, the skin can not "keep up", so it contracts, turns into blue "bags", similar to women after 30 years;
  • bad habits( use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, which remove vitamins from the body, interfere with the absorption of nutrients);
  • deficiency of vitamin C, which is necessary to protect the body from diseases and is extremely important for supporting skin elasticity( eat more garlic, fruits, berries, honey);
  • long work for PC( eyes get tired, the body moves little): if you work or "relax" for PC more than two hours a day, you need to lead a more active lifestyle and every half an hour to take a break for 5-10 minutes( walk around, do a workout, tighten on the bar);
  • stress and nervous tension: any person is daily exposed to stress factors, but whether they affect health, depends on the state of the body, so you need to exercise, strengthen the body and take care of it every day.

Adults who love books, but violate the hygiene of reading, often have blue bags or circles. Faster they appear in women, the weaker sex the skin around the eyes is thinner. Therefore it is important to take a break every 20-30 minutes, to be distracted from reading( at least to look into the distance, but it's better to get up, walk and do gymnastics for the eyes).

In men, blue circles occur when a strong sex leads an unhealthy lifestyle, has bad habits( smokes, consumes alcohol), sleeps a little. Also, possible causes are allergies to medicines, foods, plants. Or latent( sluggish) diseases that have not yet been diagnosed.

Home Treatment

At home, we can use folk remedies for getting rid of blue circles in the eye area. What does the traditional medicine offer us in this case?

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  1. Tea welding .The most popular tool in the fight against bruises under the eyes, and the easiest way to use - used tea bags, which apply to the eyes for 10-12 minutes. If the tea is brewed, it is necessary to wet cotton balls or swabs into the strong tea leaves and apply them to the eyelids. In this case, you need to change these tampons with a frequency of 2-4 minutes.
  2. Fresh cucumber .Currently, this product is considered readily available year round. Cucumber is cut across the "wheels" a half centimeter thick, applied to the closed eyelids of the eyes for 10-12 minutes. This vegetable removes puffiness and whitens the skin.
  3. Spoon made of silver. This item is applied to the eye for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Crude potatoes .It is cut across, applied to the eyes for 12-15 minutes. You can grate a bit of raw potatoes on a small grater and make a mask on the whole face from the finished mass. You can add 20 percent of milk to this mass. This is a very good remedy for fighting tired skin of the face.
  5. Massage .This exercise leads the skin to tone, not an exception is the skin of the face. The procedure is as follows: light movements massage the area around the eyes, tapping lightly with your fingertips. These movements are from the outer part of the eye to the inner. The skin can not be pulled at the same time! Massage on duration usually should be no more than 3-5 minutes. Positive effect and exercise for the eyes: very close your eyes for 6 seconds, sharply open them. Repeat 8-10 times.
  6. Water .Change the skin color can 500 grams of water drunk for a short time.
  7. Ice .The oldest folk method of getting rid of bruises under the eyes. A piece of ice wipe your eyes in the morning.
  8. White bread with milk .Milk can perfectly tones and moisturizes the skin on the face. For the convenience of application, white bread is used, which also saturates the skin with vitamin B.

Treatment by a cosmetologist

If the bruises are caused by blood vessels that are too close to the skin, then the problem can be remedied by laser correction, lymphatic drainage massage. When the problem is caused by impaired pigmentation, you can solve the problem with the help of bleaching agents( masks, cosmetic procedures).

The skin around the eyes is so tender and thin that any changes in the body can cause bruising in the eye area. Absence of fatty tissue under the skin can be easily corrected. For this purpose it is possible to apply injection vitaminization( it restores the color of the dermis).Also popular and effective cosmetology procedures are:

  • Carboxytherapy of the eyelids. Introduction of carbon dioxide to enhance metabolism and stimulate the formation of collagen, other nutrients through injections or masks onto the skin. This procedure is affordable, safe, and the result lasts a whole year. The course consists of 5-12 procedures, which repeat 1-4 times a week;
  • Mesotherapy. In the middle layers are introduced vitamins, healthy medicines( mesococtails with acids and other useful substances).Mesotherapy is injectable( microneedles under the skin are injected valuable vitamin blends) and non-injection( with the help of mesoroller).
  • Mezoniti. Three-dimensional modeling of the area around the eyes( under the skin are introduced needles with mesonites, which dissipate after a while).Repeat the procedure in 6 months. Mezoniti stimulates the production of collagen, protects the dermis from sagging.
  • Microcurrent therapy( biostimulation). Low-frequency electrocurrents are used that accelerate metabolism, improve blood circulation, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, remove toxins, relieve inflammation. The course lasts 10-15 procedures. Repeat them every 3-4 days. And then, once every 4 weeks, it is necessary to perform supportive stimulation.
  • Lipolyfting of the eyelids. A thin needle inserts fat from the skin under the skin from other parts of the body( abdomen, buttocks, thighs).This procedure is very popular among celebrities and anyone who wants to quickly, painlessly eliminate large bruises around the eyes.
  • Laser peeling. The upper layer of the skin is removed, which promotes rejuvenation. The result will last for 3 years. The course consists of 3-5 procedures. You need to repeat them once a month.

Other well-known procedures include: filament lifting, biorevitalization( hyaluronic acid injections), blepharoplasty, etc.

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