Methods for treating swollen eyes

Sometimes it happens that in the evening, going to bed, we do not notice visible changes in appearance, and in the morning we get up with swollen eyes. Some very hypochondriacs immediately have a panic and a search for a remedy for swelling.

It is not necessary to ascribe in advance to yourself terrible diagnoses, in most cases, the swelling of the eyes is explained by banal reasons.

But on the other hand, one can not be superficially at one's health either, because some external signs can be manifestations of pathologies of other organs before our eyes.

Contents of
    • 1. Causes leading to swelling in the eyes of
    • 2. What to do
    • 3. Treatment of
    • 4. Eye drops

In order to quickly and accurately understand the ways to quickly return normal-sized eyes and size, Know the causes that cause the entire eye or eyelids to swell.

Causes leading to swelling in the eyes

Swelling in both eyes can be seen if there are abnormalities in the functioning of organs and when eating certain foods.

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  1. If you ate a salted fish in the evening and drank several glasses of water, even with a healthy urinary system, a swelling of the eyes is noticeable. This is because salt can detain fluid in the body, and the thin skin around the eye orbit swells first.
  2. Alcohol - a large amount of beer and other alcohol-containing beverages disrupts metabolic processes and provokes excessive permeability of the vascular walls.
  3. Increase in blood pressure leads to the expansion of small vessels around the eye, which leads to swelling of the subcutaneous layers.
  4. Periodic swelling in the morning around the eye area can be observed if the kidney and heart function is impaired. Therefore, if you do not find other reasons for changing appearance, then you need to visit a doctor and take all the relevant tests.
  5. A hormonal surge in the body is a pregnancy, the stress at which adrenaline is released.
  6. Allergy to household chemicals, pollen of plants can also cause swelling of eye tissues.

In the event that the swelling of one eye, or rather its upper or lower eyelid, the cause is rather an infection or inflammation.

  1. Conjunctivitis is an infectious disease of the conjunctiva that can occur with the penetration of bacterial and microbial pathogens. In addition to swelling, reddening of the sclera, lachrymation, and excretion of pus are revealed. In children this disease is acute - in the morning on awakening the child can not open the eye because of the abundant accumulation of pus.
  2. Barley - inflammation of the bulb of the eyelashes, developing under the influence of infection. At first, a large swelling at a certain point is noticeable, then inflammation occurs, which in two or three days can lead to a pronounced edema. After the maturation of the purulent core in the center, the yellowish point is determined, after its opening all the symptoms undergo the reverse development. At the time of ripening barley for the eyelid, you can lay tetracycline ointment and Floxal.
  3. Phlegmon - extensive lesion of the eyelids, the touch of a swelling in this disease is dense, hot. The lack of treatment quickly leads to the spread of inflammation in the surrounding tissue.
  4. The bite of insects - mosquitoes, bees can also lead to swelling of different sizes. In addition to the edema itching is expressed, it is possible tearing.
  5. Foreign body .Got a piece of sand in the eye, scales can attach to the tissues of the century, causing their inflammation and swelling.

Depending on the cause of the disease, edema of the eyelids and eye tissues in some patients is accompanied by itching, soreness, lacrimation, discomfort. All these phenomena occur after a decrease in the tumor.

Read more - what to do when the vessel burst in the eye. Causes and treatment.

In the article( here) Lutsentis analogs.

The inner structure of the human eye!http: // stroenie-glaza-cheloveka.html

What should I do

A person with swollen eyes is not the best appearance for any job. Putting yourself in order in some cases of eye swelling can be done in half an hour, in others you will need specialist help and identification of the underlying cause.

  1. If the main provoking factor of swelling in the eyes was excess salt or alcohol, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of salty foods and include in the diet as much as possible a volume of clean water. Applying cold compresses and tampons with tea reduces swelling. Usually, with healthy kidneys by the middle of the day, the swelling of the eyes, caused by salty foods, passes. In extreme cases, you can take a diuretic, but you need to be careful - it will be enough to use once, and the dose is best halved by the recommended one-time.
  2. High blood pressure is reduced with a prescribed antihypertensive drug. Reduces swelling and decoction of rose hips or fresh tea with a slice of lemon.
  3. When pregnant, all drinks should be replaced with a broth of rose hips or clean water. But they should not get carried away, as the burden on the kidneys is greatly increased.
  4. With conjunctivitis, the first thing to do is to clear the eye of the accumulation of pus. You can use furatsilin, decoction of marigold, chamomile, bay leaf, freshly brewed tea. It is not recommended to use packaged varieties, and simple brewing is filtered after infusion. The main treatment for conjunctivitis is appointed by the doctor, since the disease can have a different nature of origin - fungal, bacterial or microbial and, accordingly, the therapy will be different.
  5. With barley, many of the patients prefer folk methods, but it is necessary to follow the sequence of their implementation, this will avoid complications. At the stage of maturation, that is, before the purulent rod appears, use dry heat or lotions from calendula broth, you can use an alcohol-containing liquid or an iodine solution. After the breakthrough of the abscess, tetracycline ointment is applied to it, and Albucid is instilled in the eye.
  6. Suspected phlegmon should force you to see a doctor for treatment. Pulling with a visit to a medical institution is impossible, since the inflammation near the eye spreads very quickly.
  7. Tumescence with an insect bite is considered an allergic reaction and therefore it is necessary to take Suprastin, Loratodin, Zirtek, Fenistil in the age-related dosage.

Note - treatment of Blepharitis. Description of the disease.

In the news( here) instructions for use on eye drops Timolol.

Analogues Okomostin!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / okomistin-opisanie.html

If you have swollen eyes in the lower eyelid, you need to exclude from the causes of this state of banal fatigue, the use of non-quality cosmetics, for women, gynecological problems.

In some cases, a constant swelling in the lower eyelid may be the result of excessive growth of adipose tissue, it is removed only surgically. Edema of the upper eyelid is more often caused by the formation of barley or an insect bite.

Treatment of

With regular repeated swelling in the eyes, barley, conjunctivitis, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and identify the cause of swelling. With frequent barley, it can be a decrease in the work of the immune system and beriberi.

Chronic conjunctivitis develops with untreated infections. Having appointed the delivery of certain tests, the doctor will find out the reason and propose a treatment regimen.

  1. With frequent barley, immunomodulatory therapy and a course of vitamins are prescribed.
  2. With conjunctivitis, a drug is selected, designed to destroy the identified pathogen.
  3. Kidney and heart problems require serious treatment and constant preventive examinations.
  4. Allergic reactions are eliminated by the appointment of antihistamine drops and tablets.
  5. Inflammation caused by a foreign body can be treated using compresses and digging in anti-inflammatory drops.

Eye drops

A huge variety of drops designed for the eyes, differing in the mechanism of action and composition, is developed and manufactured.

If the eye is swollen, you can advise the drugs depending on the cause of the pathology:

  1. Albacid is an antimicrobial drug. Can be used to treat conjunctivitis, including in children.
  2. Floxal - antibacterial drops and ointment. Drops are prescribed for conjunctivitis, ointment is placed behind the affected eyelid with barley.
  3. Drops Allergodil is used to eliminate swelling, itching, soreness in allergic inflammations.
  4. Ophthalmoferon - removes inflammation, has antimicrobial activity, relieves soreness.

With regular swelling in front of the eyes, an ophthalmologist can advise an effective remedy. It should be borne in mind that eye drops, like any other pharmaceutical preparations, have their contraindications. You can get rid of frequent edema only after a complete examination.

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