Mummy from hair loss and for hair growth photo

  • 1 For hair mummy
    • 1.1 Use of a miracle substance - useful properties according to experts
    • 1.2 How to use mumiye( proportions and methods of application)
    • 1.3 Contraindications
  • 2 From loss, for strengthening and growth of hair "mummy"
    • 2.1 Mum for hair- tablets
    • 2.2 Magic shampoo
    • 2.3 Mask with mumiye at home
    • 2.4 Mumio for hair - tablets, in capsules
  • 3 Mummy for hair in shampoo - reviews, photos before and after
    • 3.1 Hair mumie - otzyou( write some fictional reviews)
    • 3.2 Before & After

main question today, which we propose to consider with us - mummy hair shampoo reviews in the national beauty recipes. In the proposed text, we will talk about how to dilute it, the dosages, what affects it and what it does, what harm it can cause, how often to use, etc.

For hair, mummy

What is a mummy and what is its use for hair? Its true origin has not been scientifically proven to-day, there are theories about its origin from the

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of the amber resin .This ancient natural produt is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. Previously, it was widely known as the Indian medicine for all diseases.

It is extracted from grottoes of caves and rocks ( mining mining companies are engaged in mining).In its richest medicinal composition includes a mass of elements - with it help off excess weight, well cleans scars and scars, relieves inflammation, etc. An incredible effect in the treatment and healing of human hair( shampoo, masks, tablets etc.), suitable for men andwomen. But do not overestimate its medicinal qualities. We recommend that the course( treatment, prevention) be conducted under the supervision of specialists.

Externally, the mummy is very similar to the dark-colored resin and has a similar structure, but the smell has a significant difference. It is a mixture of chocolate, bitumen and resin. Its chemical composition includes:

  • fatty, organic and inorganic amino acids;
  • minerals( calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, etc.);
  • vitamins A and B;
  • oils( essential).

The use of a miracle substance - useful properties according to experts

It has anti-inflammatory( removes various irritations), wound healing( with its help hide and / or completely remove wounds, scars, stretch marks), antibacterial( helps remove dandruff, other fungal diseases) and restorativeaction( affects the regenerative functions, restore the structure).Thanks to these therapeutic effects, it is widely applicable in trichology, where he was given the name "magic / gold remedy".

It is used:

  • for growth and density ( strengthening effect, helps to quickly grow chic head of hear if badly grow);
  • root strengthening ( will fall less );
  • for the control of fungal diseases ( dandruff, etc. );
  • from falling out of ;
  • for improving / restoring the structure of ringlets / split and damaged tips and scalp;
  • recovery of metabolic processes , improvement of of blood circulation and awakening of of sleeping bulbs;
  • to facilitate the combing process of ;
  • reduced fat content .

This product( liquid, paste, etc.) is excellent for for fat hair, it is recommended that owners of dry supplement the formulation with fatty( moisturizing) components, as the substance dries the skin.

How to use the mumiyeh( proportions and methods of application)

Today, the most common ways of using the mummy according to user feedback are three main methods:

  • external application ( mask, shampoo, balm, paste, spray, lotion, tincture, etc. )- 2-3 grams per procedure, used with the addition of auxiliary ingredients;
  • internal use of ( decoctions, infusions, etc. ) - you can take pills( there are many options in the pharmacy), in this case you need to follow the instructions;
  • in cosmetics ( shampoos, balms, creams, etc. ) - the manufacturer's composition, when used at home, add to the shampoo / balm 10-15 g per 250 ml of the product.

Recommendation for blondes ( dyed or natural ) - when using natural substance( shampoo or mask ), light curls slightly darken, so you should consider this fact when staining. However, it helps to hide age manifestations in the form of gray hair.


With the correct application of and dosage of ( information from reviews of practitioners), Illyrian resin has virtually no contraindications. Exception - allergy, personal intolerance to .In small quantities, the mummy is even prescribed to children or during pregnancy. We recommend that you first consult a doctor( in this version of trichologist) for advice.

From loss, for strengthening and growth of hair "mummy"

We recommend to read with home recipes use, based on reviews of practitioners and recommendations of specialists.

Mummy for hair - tablets

On the packaging of tablets it is listed as "golden mummy" .In tableted form it is used inside or locally , crushing it into powder. At course reception ( internal) mark improvement of the general condition of the organism , which immediately manifests itself on the condition of the hair. A positive result is manifested in a short time. To accelerate the process, you can simultaneously use two types of use - external ( for example, shampoo) and internal exposure. However, according to practitioners, it is recommended that before taking , consult a doctor ( prescribe a course and dosage).

Magic shampoo

With self-supplement ( prescription at home) it is recommended to use natural product in a dosage of 10-15 g per 250 ml of care products( shampoo, balm).You can use every time you wash your head , however, according to experts, it is not recommended to be too zealous - no more than 1-2 procedures per week is enough. The same recommendations apply to the purchase facility.

Mask with mummy at home

Depending on the desired effect, the composition / recipe of the mask can be modified:

  • from deposition and growth of - add 30 ml of castor oil , teaspoon of vinegar ( preferably use wine), raw yolk , 1 g of mummy;
  • for recovery - aloe , egg yolk , honey , garlic ( all components are 1 tablespoon);
  • for - cranberries ( 100 g), water ( boiling water 100 ml) - first to insist cranberries for half an hour, add a gram of gold to the received infusion;
  • for split ends - kefir ( 100 ml), oil ( it is possible to use burdock, castor, etc. 30 ml) and 1 g of the gold .

For the therapeutic effect of can add aspirin , for the enhanced effect of lamination - dilute and add gelatin , for dry hair - glycerin .Mask( any home prescription) to apply uniform smears, to smear / rub from roots to tips and leave for 1-2 hours, it is possible for the night. For , the healing effect is recommended for the "double stroke", i.e.and masks and tablets inside the .Or to prepare in house conditions a spray - neshmyvashku .

Mumio for hair - tablets, in capsules

Products in tablets and capsules ( plates) are offered by such producers( Altaic and Azazil production): Evalar, Skimed, Meitan, Farm Product and Altai Farm. It has the name "Gold product mummy".Aesthetics - update the body regeneration functions ( treatment), and beautiful hair is known to be the face of a healthy body.

Mumiye for hair in shampoo - reviews, photo before and after

We offer to make sure efficiency of gold money on the photos presented and read reviews of satisfied users .Presented variants of photo( before and after) when falling out, as it helps for growth( shampoo, masks, tablets), from dandruff, etc.

Mumiye for hair - reviews( write a few fictional testimonials)

Review by Natalia Kraskova:

"This tool is completelyjustifies its name "golden"( used tablets).Appearance became healthier, which completely reflects the internal state. Hair became thick, lush and silky. The fallout ceased, the growth increased, fatness was gone. I recommend! "

Review of Igor Trushkin:

" The problems with alopecia began. Doctors advised pills mummy. A great tool! The therapeutic effect was seen in a week! "

Catherine Lomonosova:

" Mumiy is really a golden remedy! Strands became silky, smooth and elastic( recommended to spray the solution into curls and leave it overnight).Noticeable growth and splendor. It helped in a short time( a week later the result was already visible). »

Photos before and after

Introducing the photo is the result of the therapeutic effect of the gold remedy.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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