- 1 Hair mask with honey for strengthening and growth
- 1.1 Mask with honey and egg for hair
- 1.2 Nourishing mask with cinnamon and honey
- 1.3 With olive oil for density
- 1.4 Best grandmother's recipes
- 1.5 Restoring for damaged curls
- 1.6 Moisturizing for split ends 1.7 Recipes with honey for clarification( reviews)
Every fair sex woman dreams of beautiful and thick hair, which will be the subject of her pride. However, in addition to nature, careful care is required to make them look great. A wonderful substance that will become an indispensable assistant is natural honey. It is capable of:
- moisturize;
- to give shine and volume;
- lighten up;
- to accelerate growth.
Hair mask with honey for strengthening and growth
Amazing product that nature has given us - honey. It is able not only to strengthen curls, to give shine, to improve the hair follicle, but also to provide a beautiful and healthy appearance.
Before preparing home masks, using this product, it is necessary to remember that honey can be dissolved only in water of room temperature or warm kefir and in no case by boiling water. So he will lose his healing properties and will not have the expected effect.
Its effect is noticeable already after the first application, and its moisturizing force is better than expensive cosmetic products capable of restoring the skin. Perfect head of hearings is provided.
Apply honey-based masks better to clean washed curls, you can even on still wet.
Mask with honey and egg for hair
A miracle recipe that can work wonders. No product from eivon or oriflame can match the efficiency with it. If you prepare a mixture based on honey, it will take about 2 tbsp.the spoon.
The first step is to melt it on a steam bath, and then add the egg yolk and olive oil( a few drops).Then mix everything until smooth blush, apply to hair and leave for 20 minutes( time can be increased to 1 hour), having wrapped the head with a towel.
This mask, like any other is better to rub. Then rinse with warm water. The mixture with yolk in this case allows to maximally moisten the hair and provide an increase in density. Also, this composition is great for fatty hair, and if you increase the effect of red pepper, you can maximize the growth of hair. Pepper is an excellent stimulant.
Nourishing mask with cinnamon and honey
Useful composition of the mixture, which, in addition to honey, will include cinnamon, egg yolk of one egg and a little burdock oil will make the hair more well-groomed and softer. Cinnamon, causing a burning sensation, like mustard, can accelerate hair growth due to skin irritation and increased blood circulation. Hair will shine, and the skin will cease to be shelled. For cooking use melted honey( about 2 tablespoons), 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and one egg( more precisely one yolk).The mask is rubbed into the scalp and left for 1.5-2 hours.
With olive oil for thickening
It will help to improve hair growth, and the skin will become more well-groomed, a combination of honey and olive oil. Castor or burdock may be used instead. In addition to strengthening this composition gives dry skin softness and velvety, and curls will become a source of pride.
Just take the basic ingredient - honey, melt on a steam bath and pour into the oil. The proportions of the products take 1: 1.After applying the mixture, light head massage is performed and the components are left to act for 40-50 minutes. After thoroughly rinse. Cosmetology is rich in examples, when the remedy is an absolute table set of the usual elements, but the problem will be solved, and the effect will become noticeable after the first use.
Best grandmother's recipes
Our grandmothers knew exactly what was good for our skin and hair, so often the basis of the masks was made of honey. Thanks to him, the fragile curl became elastic, and the perfect smoothness was bestowed by nature. Effective composition that affects the loss of hair - to combine honey with sour cream, scarlet, mustard and egg yolk. The mask was applied to unwashed curls and left for an hour, then washed off with warm water.
The mustard powder of our mothers and grandmothers made the hair thicker, and the simple salt added to honey served as a catalyst for its strength, yeast impregnated the curls with power, and the kefir mask with gelatin was something like modern lamination. Modern ladies replace sour cream with mayonnaise to make the compound thicker, but they are simply crazy about gelatin. What an incredible effect can produce simple gelatin, of which no one thought. Rinse hair with normal beer, better unlighted.
Repairing for damaged curls
To restore lost beauty of head of hair will help an onion mask. This stimulating onion mixture, which can often be used at home and without fear of consequences. For this, a bulb and a clove of garlic are mixed in a blender, add the melted product of beekeeping, carefully brought to uniformity and rubbed into the scalp. Hold for about an hour and rinse thoroughly. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, when the hair smells like onions, you can use a lemon or apple cider vinegar, which is added to the water when rinsing. Olive color and smooth effect will provide this tool. It is also great to rinse your head with chamomile or scarlet. In the market there is also a similar Korean firming and clarifying mask, supplemented with almond oil, protein and aloe juice.
( Here you will find even more effective and very cheap hair masks).
Moisturizing for split ends
Mask with brandy is a great way and a whole bunch of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the hair. The basis is the egg yolk, which is added to 1 tablespoon of medic and cognac. This procedure allows you to get food bulbs, and cognac moistens the split ends, making the hair well-groomed. Effective care and strengthening are also ensured.
Our goal is beautiful hair, and it is achievable if the application of such a mask is regular, and you can take those products that are in every home. Strengthen the effect can be sea buckthorn or coconut oil, banana, cocoa, coffee, vodka, and as a balm apply the root of jojoba or plain milk. The viscous structure is important for the mask.
Recipes with honey for clarification( reviews)
Strangely enough, but the product of the work of bees is an excellent clarifier, which, without chemicals, will have a 1-2 ton of lightening effect. There are several simple ways, among which the most popular are two, the reviews also confirm their effectiveness.
The first method is able not only to help change the shade, but can also stimulate hair growth, and will ensure their strengthening. For this purpose, hair is shampooed beforehand, adding a quarter of a teaspoon of soda to it. Then apply honey, carefully wrap the head with a linen towel, film and leave for the night.