- 1 Homemade mustard mask( folk recipes)
- 1.1 Hair mask with mustard with added oils( castor, olive, sea-buckthorn, linseed oil)
- 1.2 Recipe for growth and hair density - mask with mustard and sugarReviews)
- 1.3 Ideas with kefir for fast results
- 1.4 Masochki with egg and gelatin for fat hair
- 2 The most effective recipes of 2016 from the best beauticians of the country
The folk and vegetable cosmeceutics has long nominated mustard for a premium in kaEgorov, "the most effective means for hair growth" and "cure for hair loss."Due to its drying and burning properties, mustard increases the flow of blood to the head, regulates the sebaceous glands of the scalp and absorbs excess fat. Some active fans of mustard masks even argue that with regular use for a month, exclusively natural means, were able to build up to four centimeters of hair.
However, the hair growth mask with mustard( for hair growth), applied too often entails drying the skin on the head, the appearance of dandruff, brittle. Mustard masks are contraindicated in women with allergies and hypersensitive skin, as well as pregnant women. And generally use mustard in its pure form is not recommended, it is much more convenient and more useful to combine it with vegetable, almond, olive or burdock oil, kefir, mayonnaise, essential oils, beer yeast, egg yolk.
If the mask is prepared correctly, and there are no contraindications for its use, then after application, there will be a slight burning sensation on the head. If it is very hot, and the sensations become painful, the mask should be washed off immediately.
Rules for the useful use of mustard masks:
1) Use mustard carefully, for the first( trial) times, even halves the prescription masking time specified in the recipe.
2) Do not overdo the mask on the head for the sake of quick effect, otherwise the result may be opposite to the expected one.
3) Before applying the mustard mixture on the head, it is worth checking it for allergenicity - drop a little mixture on the inner wrist skin and look at the reaction.
4) Do not wash ringlets before application, and it is even better to grease the whole length with some vegetable oil.
5) In order not to burn hands, it is possible to apply a mustard mixture with a thick syringe( of course, without a needle) through the partitions.
6) The best indicator of a correctly applied mask is a feeling of moderate heat on the head.
7) It should be washed off with warm water, and then washed with a shampoo.
8) Mustard masks are equally good for all hair types: for black hair, for gray hair, and even for painted, including colored henna.
Homemade mustard mask( folk recipes)
For normal hair, a mustard mask can be used once a week, for dry hair - the effect will be achieved at a frequency of application 1 time in ten days, and for oily hair - it is best to apply mustardmasks 1 time in five days.
From hair loss will help a mixture of mustard with aloe, yolks 2 eggs, vodka and cream. The ratio of the components is as follows: all take 1 tablespoon, only vodka needs 2 tablespoons. It is enough to hold 15-20 minutes.
For the growth of hair and their strengthening of a better means, than mustard-acetic-sour-cream-egg masochka is not found. We take all the ingredients on a tablespoon, mix, apply minutes for 12, wash off and enjoy the chic hair.
And to the category of the simplest masks for hair and mustard is mustard-vodka. The recipe is elementary: a tablespoon of mustard, one hundred milliliters of water and a little more vodka. Hold for about five minutes, and the effect can last for weeks: the hair will stop falling out, and the fat content will decrease.
Hair mask with mustard with the addition of oils( castor, olive, sea-buckthorn, linseed oil)
In the ranking of folk still, the mixture of mustard with different vegetable oils is in the lead. You can use burdock, and castor, and olive, and flaxseed, and almond, and sea buckthorn, peach. The proportion is ideal for all mixtures: one to two. That is, a tablespoon of mustard is mixed in two tablespoons of oil. To maximize the effect, you can add a little sugar, not more than a teaspoon.
Mustard-oil masks can be slightly diluted with hot water. But it will be better if you replace the usual water - mineral water, and also the temperature should be about 45-50 degrees. Apply best with a brush, using a handle from the comb to separate the fuses. And the recommended frequency of application is no more than three times a month.
Recipe for growth and hair density - mask with mustard and sugar( reviews)
Good combination for the mask: mustard, vegetable oil, yolk 1 egg, sugar, hot water. Proportion of all ingredients 2 tablespoons. Only sugar should take 1 spoonful. This mixture not only restores the hair, but also contributes to their density.
In the case of mustard masks, sugar is an excellent catalyst, it activates the reaction, accordingly, the burning sensation is increased. It is quite logical to assume that the more sugar, the more it burns, and the higher the result. But experienced hairdressers advise - do not zealous, it is better to go to the desired effect step by step, with small steps. And in general, at first it is necessary to do masks without sugar, and already somewhere in a month, when the scalp adapts to such influence, it is possible to mix a mask and "messenger".
And if you carefully study social networks and video instructions of beauty tips websites, it is the recipes of mustard mixtures in vegetable oil, with various additional components, the most popular ones. And most of the reviews are reduced to the fact that "if the hair grows a little, then their condition will noticeably improve."
Ideas with kefir for fast results
The optimal list of ingredients for mustard masks: egg yolk, sour cream, kefir, sugar, honey, gelatin, vegetable oils. The proportions can vary, and here it is important to choose exactly the consistency that will be most comfortable for you. It is better to experiment gently, gently try, in the end, to develop an individual combination of components for "spa procedures."
For example, more sensitive natures who also want to increase hair growth, dairy products should be added to mustard masks. Kefir and sour cream can reduce burning and soften for the scalp the unpleasant sensations of dry mustard. The ratio of mustard and dairy can be one to two, or the share of kefir-sour cream can be increased. Mustard-kefiric masks, as the most useful for hair, can be done once or twice a week.
Masochki with egg and gelatin for greasy hair
The mask is not inferior to advertising means, it is a shampoo from mustard, eggs and gelatin. A teaspoon of gelatin should be diluted in fifty milliliters of warm water, leave for about twenty minutes for swelling. Blend the mixture, add a spoonful of mustard and yolk. The mask should be kept for half an hour, then rinse off with warm water with a rinse balm. They say, for oily hair - the number one tool.
The most effective recipes of 2016 from the best beauticians of the country
Shine and hair growth, restoration of split ends, prevention of hair loss and alopecia - well-known beauticians also recognize the medicinal properties of mustard. In its grains there are many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic and unsaturated fatty acids, sugar and starch, minerals( calcium, copper, zinc) and vitamins A, D, E, as well as essential oils. Of course, we are talking about mustard powder, and not finished canned products with a voluminous list of preservatives and additives.
The truth, and the combinations recommended by cosmetologists for mustard masks are more refined:
1) we add cream and butter.
2) for gloss - honey, kefir, rosemary oil can be mixed with mustard;This mixture is applied over the entire length of the hair and lasts about an hour under a warm towel.
3) also prepare a mask with mustard and apple cider vinegar.
4) you can use a more complex recipe - mustard plus aloe juice, onion and garlic, and honey.
5) you can make a mask of mustard, thick honey of dry yeast, sugar and milk.
6) combine mustard, honey, yogurt and lemon juice.
7) and for gourmets a mustard mask with blue clay or cognac is suitable.
Whatever recipe you choose, the main thing is that the mustard mask is able to cleanse, disinfect and disinfect the skin of the head, strengthen the roots, heal the hair and promote their growth.