- 1 Mask recipes at home for hair growth
- 1.1 Mask with mustard for fast hair growth( recipe)
- 1.2 Pepper for strengthening roots( reviews)
- 1.3 The most effective and nutritious with burdock oil
- 2 Simple vitamin masks
- 2.1 Onion(popular recipes from our grandmothers)
- 2.2 From black bread
- 3 The best advice from leading experts in 2016
Every woman wants to have healthy and beautiful head of hear. For this, it is not necessary to use an expensive drug. You can prepare folk recipes on natural ingredients to stimulate growth and to improve the density. You will notice good changes in a month.
Masks recipes at home for hair growth
One of the proven masks - with ground pepper and honey. For cooking, 1 tbsp.l.red pepper and 4 tablespoons of liquid honey. Lubricate the scalp, wrap with cellophane and hold for 40 minutes. Only the head should be clean. After rinse. For excellent results, you should do the procedure 2 times a week.
Miracle accelerating mask with yogurt and cinnamon is suitable for both colored hair and for newly-grown hair. Pour half a cup of yogurt, add the yolk and 2 tsp.cinnamon. All thoroughly mix and spread on damp hair for 30 minutes. After rinse, shampoo is not necessary. But it should be remembered that the kefir mask is not suitable for fatty curls.
Simple and nutritious masochki can be made with essential oils and vitamins. It will take a teaspoon of vitamin B1, B6 and B12.Mix them with castor, with burdock and with coconut oil each 1 tbsp.spoon. Put 2 egg yolks, shake and let it brew for 15 minutes. This product is better to apply at night, as the skin absorbs oil for a long time. In the morning, wash it off, and you will immediately notice how the volume increased. This national recipe can be used even by children.
Mask with mustard for rapid hair growth( recipe)
Long since the mustard mask was considered the most simple and low-cost.
Mustard mask for hair growth at home prescription: mix 2 tablespoonsBoiling water with mustard powder in equal proportions and with sugar 2 tsp. Stuff one egg yolk and 2 tbsp.l.oil. Experts advise to use sea buckthorn.
Apply the mixture to the skin and warm it with polyethylene. Try to hold on for an hour. But if it burns very much, then 20 minutes is enough. The first time this is difficult to do. After rinsing the head with shampoo, the powder is washed out for a long time. If there are any scratches or wounds on your head - absolutely any agent with mustard is strictly forbidden.
Pepper for strengthening roots( reviews)
Reviews say that the products with peppers are the best and effective, but not sparing. It is easy to make it yourself, filling a pod of pepper with vodka or cognac( 100ml).To get a good result it's enough two months. During this time, the hair will grow at least 10 cm. Pepper, penetrating the skin, acts as an activator of intensive blood flow. And blood, reaching the follicle, strengthens their work. Thus, not only hair strengthening occurs, but also activation of growth. Most of the girls noted that the loss decreased by 80-90%, and the density increased at times. Look at the photo of the hairstyles after applying the pepper. Remember, the more you dissolve the pepper with water, the more it will be.
The most effective and nutritious with burdock oil
You can prepare such products yourself. For the early recovery will need 2 yolks, 2 tbsp.spoons of burdock oil and 3 tbsp.l.calendula. Mix and generously cover all the hair for 40 minutes. Cover the hair with a towel. After the time has elapsed, rinse with water. This recipe is also suitable for men. You can also replace eggs with one goose egg.
As well as an excellent and quick result gives a mask of burdock and lemon juice. Mix the same amount of oil, lemon juice and honey. However, it is better to take advantage of the honeycomb from the bottom of the bank, where propolis was also gathered. Mass should be warmed, cool, whisk the yolk and apply for an hour. The removal is done with water and vinegar to remove the smell of lemon. This reducing mixture is applied for a minimum of 2 weeks.
Simple vitamin masks
Masks for hair for hair growth at home recipes do not require a lot of money. Prepare a remedy with 0.5 teaspoons of vitamin A, E, PP and with the same dose of nicotinic acid, 2 tbsp.l.linseed oil, 1 tsp.tincture of Eleutherococcus and yolk. With the resulting gruel, lubricate the skin and all the hair for an hour. This recipe is suitable for both accelerating growth and for deep revitalization.
You can improve the structure of your hair with a gelatin and vitamin remedy. It will take an egg, 1 tbsp.l.burdock, 6 gr.gelatin and 3 drops of vitamin A and E. Mix all ingredients, warm up. Lubricate the hair for 40 minutes. Do not forget that the gelatin mixture is not washed off easily, so when shampooing, mix the shampoo with olive oil or any other oil. Such care will help to cope with split ends and will give volume to weak curls.
For a strong recovery, grass masks should be used. Take a tablespoon of lime, nettle, chamomile and chopped rye bread. Pour the herbs 200 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour and strain. Put the bread, 2 drops of vitamins A, B1, E, B12 and insist 15 more minutes. Then put on the hair and after 60 minutes, wash it off. Root strength is guaranteed from the first application. And herbs are able to give shine.
Onion( popular recipes from our grandmothers)
Grandmother's recipes with onions are used for 200 years. They are charged about 60, you can see how to prepare them in YouTube.
Several bulbs need to be rubbed and squeezed out the juice. It requires 1 large spoon. In the same amount, add castor oil and burdock. Prepare a tincture of red capsicum: mix dessert spoon of mashed pepper with vodka( 1 tablespoon) and insist 30 minutes. After mixing the ingredients, adding the yolk and 5 drops of vitamin A. Apply the mass first to the skin, and then to the full length. Keep half an hour warm. Do not forget that the onion juice dries the skin, so for dry skin this option will not work. For dense and luxurious head of hair, 30 procedures are necessary, performing every other day. You will be delighted with the volume.
You can simply mix in an equal amount onion juice and aloe flesh, rub into the skin and keep the hour. This mask will stimulate hair growth, and strengthen the roots. Just before rubbing, do a head massage, as the Indian practice shows. This tool can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, so do it safely and divide into small portions.
The following recipe is in good demand:
• dry yeast( 1 hour)
• warm water( 2 liters)
• castor, burdock( 1 tsp)
• onion juice( 2 tbsp)
Mix the yeast and leave it for 15 minutes. After all, mix and apply for 2 hours. The yeast mixture has bactericidal properties, so it has almost no contraindications. What other recipes exist, based on onions, any beauty forum will tell you.
From black bread
Hair mask for hair growth a recipe consists of two components. For cooking you need bread crumb and beer. Bread soak with beer so that it was completely covered. Let the bread swell, and put on the roots for at least 30 minutes. The bread and beer mixture is washed off well, but for a long time. Among the new ways, rye bread with cream or mayonnaise became popular. The principle of preparation is the same as with beer, only it is necessary to knead bread well and not to allow a very liquid consistency. Such masks are applied under polyethylene.
To enhance the effect in the mass add a tablespoon of buckwheat honey. It will help to restore hair bulbs. The reviews show that such procedures need at least 30, but the beauty and strength of hair will not wait.
Top tips from leading experts in 2016
This year the trend is a mustard mask, oil, with gelatin, pepper and nicotinic acid in ampoules. The latter option should be used in its pure form. Count 1 ampoule per application. Apply the liquid first from the temples to the back of the head, and then through the parting. Flushing oa does not require.
( All relevant options are told by Olga Seymour, see her video.)
Also, experts recommend using recipes with ginger. The most banal is to mix the sea-buckthorn oil( 2 tbsp) and a teaspoon of ground ginger. Rub into the roots for half an hour.
Clay products will never become obsolete. Clay mask can be both night and day.
Whatever your hair was always beautiful, use herbal cosmetics. This includes the shampoos of Agafia's grandmother and one hundred beauty recipes. Make light hairstyles, not permeable hair. And no matter what comes to medicine, never let hair fall to its own accord.