Laminating hair at home with gelatin

  • 1 What is hair lamination?
    • 1.1 Lamination of hair at home recipes
    • 1.2 Lamination of hair at home by gelatin step by step
    • 1.3 Lamination of hair by professional means
    • 1.4 House masks recipes
  • 2 Lamination of hair before and after photos
    • 2.1 Lamination of hair at home: video
  • 3 Hair Lamination: reviews
    • 3.1 Keratin hair straightening or laminating: what is better?

Make biomination is cheaper than in the cabin, you can only at home. The army of fans of home procedures writes reviews about the low cost of ingredients for the composition of mixtures and that the result obtained surpasses even the most expensive session of the fashionable spa .A weighty plus adds that you can go through courses on "laminating at home" at home without getting up off the couch, absolutely free of charge.

What is hair lamination?

Simple way to cure patients , damaged strands of - to make a special composition with gelatin at home. Often a woman does not fully understand the essence of the technique and what it is. To fill the knowledge gap, let's turn to

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wikipedia .Colored or colorless lamination is defined as the restoration of hair with coating them with a grooming mixture without oxidizing agents .The film encapsulates the peeling patches, giving the a healthy well-groomed kind of hairstyle that is clearly visible in the photo. Using professional means or recipes with a selected composition of biologically active substances, a useful procedure at home does not take much time .

Laminating the hair at home recipes

Choosing the prescription mask, you need to consider the general condition of the scalp , the length of the ringlets , the advantage over professional means, the possible consequences after home care. Today, the use of gelatin - an emergency method of revitalizing the curls, but not the only one. Along with it, the composition with coconut milk and olive oil possesses the same properties, user reviews are positive, but there are limitations. Owners of thin or fatty curls, should not be rehabilitated, because the long curl becomes smooth exactly for a day, then gets a greasy sheen, and the head needs to be washed.

Homemade hair gelatin step by step

Folk way , concept which - an alternative to professional tools - is laminating gelatin. The composition of the mask with the use of gelatin is useful to anyone who wants to have an smooth as a silk hairstyle, as in a photo or look well-groomed. Molecules of collagen penetrating into deep layers, build a protective barrier, keep moisture well, due to which the tip ceases to to cut , and the hairdo acquires volume. Feedback from those who did the mask at home, say that the beautiful cosmetic effect lasts 2-3 weeks. It is important to follow step-by-step recommendations exactly.

  1. Take clean glass , pour one spoon of regular table gelatin , dilute with three parts of warm water .Leave for swelling.
  2. For shampooing use shampoo and balm .Dry the strands with a towel.
  3. When the mass becomes bulk, add half a spoonful of any restoring mask , mix.
  4. Apply the mixture on strand, deviating from the roots 1.5 cm.
  5. Dress shower cap , top the cotton cloth or towel.
  6. Need a hairdryer. Hot air flow evenly directed over the entire head, to dry 15 minutes . Then leave the mixture for 45 minutes.
  7. It is compulsory to thoroughly wash with with slightly warm water.

Lamination of hair by professional means

Perm, perennial hair blowing can severely damage the structure of ringlets .No less harm is caused by stresses and bad ecology .According to customers, among professional tools, the most impressive is the set Estelle , which differs from appliqués with gelatin in many ways. Professional system Estelle , is able to revive even very neglected strands. The kit for home use includes: instructions, two-phase spray, polishing whey, shampoo, 3D gel.

Recipes of masks at home

The beauty of the head of hair depends on from regular applications with the use of masks .Each girl has her own home recipes, the composition of which is different combination of these or other vitamins, trace elements. Taking as a basis the diluted with water 1: 3 gelatin it is possible to obtain a variety of variations of formulations that will be suitable for restorative applications the most. Add a teaspoon of any ingredients.

  • For softening: is olive, linseed or almond oil.
  • For freshness: juice of lime, lemon, sour milk.
  • For strengthening: decoction of burdock, chamomile, oats.
  • For nutrition: honey, egg yolk, colorless henna.
  • For growth: apple cider vinegar, dry mustard powder.

Lamination of hair - photos before and after

The usual way to test the effectiveness of the method of using gelatin and professional means, is to take a photo before and after. Based on the feedback from people about the consequences of using home care products, it can be concluded that the stronger moist hair shines, has a uniform structure, looks polished .

Laminating hair at home: video

The long story, it's better to watch video courses , which will help you quickly learn the basics of professional procedures at home.

From the lesson below it is useful to learn the following information:

  • recipes are universal, exclusive;
  • harmful or useful to make gelatinous applications;
  • what is the most good, balanced composition for the mask.

Hair Lamination: Reviewed by

Many reviews describe the positive effect of on the use of professional tools. Gelatin coating of strands is a budget option, but has a short-lived effect of , giving way to specialized salon procedures. Find out how much it costs to do lamination after complex diagnostics. Masters of salons can offer different types of similar techniques: screening, biolamination, glazing , which, undoubtedly, will affect the initial cost of the service.

Keratin hair straightening or laminating: what is better?

Perhaps for the best result of is worth trying all the effective methods, including one method, then an excellent one. It is important to know what to do keratin rectification at home is problematic, although it is similar to lamination in one constant constant - hair healing.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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