How to prepare butter for winter

Forest mushrooms are an excellent nutritional product with high nutritional value. Among them are allocated mushrooms with a sticky oily film on the cap - butter. This is one of the most satisfying forest mushrooms, which, in taste and useful properties, are almost as good as white fungi. If you properly prepare butter for winter, you can enjoy their unique taste all year round.


  1. Winter oil preparation methods for the winter
  2. Frozen oiled mushrooms
  3. Dried oleaginas
  4. Salted oil mushrooms
  5. Pickled buttermilk

You should prepare the oil immediately as soon as you have collected it. The faster the better. If it is not possible to cook immediately, they can be spread on a flat surface with a thin layer and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12-15 hours.

Ways to prepare oil for winter

You can prepare buttermilk with:

  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • salting;
  • marinating.

Frozen oyster mushrooms

A very convenient way to prepare buttermilk is freezing. It does not take a lot of time and maximizes the taste and aroma of mushrooms. For this method, fresh, freshly harvested mushrooms will do.

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Oily oil can be frozen raw, with preliminary cooking or fried.

  • To freeze raw buttermilk, you need to clean them, clean them of debris, cut off the base of the legs, remove the mucous membrane on the hats( it gives bitterness) and rinse under running water. There is one small secret: you need to lay out the mushrooms on a flat surface with a thin layer for a while, then the film will dry up and it will be easier to remove. Small mushrooms freeze whole, and cut large into 2-4 parts or simply separate the hats from the legs. To avoid darkening the mushrooms, pour them acidified( 5 g. Citric acid in 3 liters of water) with hot water and let stand for 10 minutes. After that, the mushrooms must be washed, let them dry, spread out in containers or freezes and sent to storage in the freezer.
  • The second way to freeze oily is freezing with pre-cooking. Prepared mushrooms are boiled in water with the addition of salt, bay leaf and spices at will. Then allow them to drain and a little dry. Send to the freezer in special containers.
  • To save time on frying mushrooms in winter, you can freeze them in advance fried. Pure oily cut into pieces of the desired size. Fry until cooked in a frying pan with pre-heated vegetable oil, adding salt and pepper to taste. Drain excess oil and pack mushrooms to freeze. It is enough to defrost such a preparation and add it to stews, potatoes, meat and other dishes. It's very fast and convenient.

Dried buttermilk

Dried oily mushrooms are very popular among housewives. This is a fairly fast method, which does not require special preparation of mushrooms. The only drawback is that before using them you will need to soak in cool water for 30-40 minutes.

In order to obtain an excellent result when drying oil, you need to know the two main secrets:
. You do not need to wash the oil before drying to avoid absorption of excessive moisture.
The mushrooms need to be cut large, taking into account that they decrease by about 3 times when dried.

You can dry the oil in a natural way, as well as in the oven. If the outside is warm and dry weather, it is quite possible to dry the buttermilk there. To do this:

  1. Go through the mushrooms, clean them of debris and dust, cut off rotten and darkened areas, cut off the ground from the legs.
  2. If the oil is very large, separate the hats from the legs and cut them large.
  3. String mushrooms on the thread, piercing the center of the fungus( or a piece of mushroom) with a needle. Remember: between the mushrooms should be a short distance, so that it was possible to dry out evenly.
  4. Hang the threads with mushrooms on the street or on the balcony, and in 3-4 days they will be ready. If it is not possible to hang mushrooms, spread them on paper and dry on a flat surface.

To prepare the dried oil in the oven, prepare them in the same way as in the previous method. Then:

  1. Spread the mushrooms at a distance from each other and place them in the oven, heated to 45-50 degrees, for about 4 hours. Then increase the temperature to 75 gr. When the mushrooms are almost ready, dry them at 45 ° C.
  2. During the whole drying time, mix the mushrooms several times. This will help them to dry out evenly.
  3. To check mushrooms for readiness, pick up one piece. If it is dry and easily breaks - the mushrooms are ready.

In the oven, the oil is dried faster, but the drawback of this method is that it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature and not to dry the mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms are stored in bags of natural fabric or in glass containers with a closed lid. They should not be exposed to sunlight and moisture. Drizzle the dried oily masher on a coffee grinder into a powder, you will get a mushroom seasoning that will perfectly emphasize the taste of sauces, soups and other hot dishes.

Salted buttermilk

Another delicious billet for the winter is salted buttermilk. They are perfect for salads, soups, stews, meat dishes.

Salt the mushrooms in a hot and cold way. When hot salted oil is boiled in brine, and then closed in jars. A cold way of pickling requires more time.

Salted buttermilk recipe( cold salting)

For salting cold oil you will need:

  • 2 kg.oil,
  • 4 tbsp.spoons of salt,
  • 8 cloves of garlic,
  • 10 pepper peas,
  • 8 bay leaves,
  • dill,
  • currant leaves.


  1. All the ingredients are laid in the enameled pan with layers:
    • 1st layer: mushrooms;
    • 2nd layer: currant leaves and dill;
    • 3rd layer: salt, pepper, chopped garlic and bay leaf.
  2. Continue laying out the ingredients, repeating the sequence of layers.
  3. On top put oppression.
  4. After some time, the butter will let out the juice, in which the salt will dissolve, and the spices will give their flavors to it.
  5. After a day, the mushrooms with brine can be laid out in jars and sent to the refrigerator.
  6. After 3-5 weeks, mushrooms can be eaten.

Store the salted oil in a dark, cool place( no higher than 6 gr. C).Otherwise, they can acquire a sour taste or even spoil at all. The more saline solution, the longer the oil is stored. But such mushrooms can be too salty, and they need to be soaked before consumption.

Pickled buttermilk

No less popular way to prepare buttermilk - marinating. Filling with vegetable oil and adding chopped onions, you can get an independent dish. But often pickled mushrooms are used as a component of salads, sauces, pates, pie fillings, snacks.

Recipe for pickled oil

  1. Pre-wash and sterilize the jars.
  2. Clean and wash 1 kg.fresh oil. Cook them in acidified and salted water for 15 minutes, then drain.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons water to a pot of water.sugar, 4 tsp.salt and mix well until dissolved. Then add the bay leaves and 4-5 black peppercorns.
  4. Put boiling mushrooms in the boiling marinade and let them simmer for a few minutes.
  5. Add 3 tsp to the pan.vinegar and chopped garlic( 4 cloves).
  6. Place hot mushrooms in sterilized jars, then pour boiling marinade. Before you roll up the lids with caps, pour a little sunflower oil over the mushrooms. Store this snack preferably in the refrigerator.

A variety of blanks from oilyat will help in winter decorate your table on holidays and on weekdays. But do not forget that the butter is heavy enough to digest fungi, and too often they should not be consumed.

Blanks for the winter
  • Mar 07, 2018
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