A modern woman is not a housewife with greasy hair and a dirty robe. Today, a woman must be healthy, successful, beautiful, well-groomed. But how to be young and beautiful, while remaining a good mother, wife and professional in their business? Here, home magic recipes for beauty and health come to our aid.
Let's start with the simplest recipe, which will help to raise immunity, reduce the risk of cancer, give energy for the whole day, normalize digestion, eliminate parasites, and improve the metabolism of the general condition of the body.
Honey water ( 30% honey solution, identical in composition with blood plasma) works wonders.
It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of honey in a glass of raw water, mix well and drink on an empty stomach for half an hour before eating. It's very simple and fast. The whole secret is systematism. Do not forget to do this every day, as the result will be visible only after a long time using a miracle solution. And why exactly honey water, and not just a spoonful of honey? The fact is that the mouth does not have all those enzymes that absorb all the useful components, but there are a lot of honey in them.
It is very important for a woman to have clean and flawless skin. But how to achieve it, if you have to apply makeup every day, and during the day there is no time for a cosmetologist. Remember that your beauty salon is at home. All the best products for the skin you will find in the refrigerator. All edible that comes under the arm smear on a clean face( strawberry, cucumber, banana, sour cream, kefir, honey, apple, lemon, orange, olive oil) and your skin will absorb all that it lacks.
Sour cream and kefir will bleach, moisturize and soothe the skin after a hard day's work.
Strawberries and all citrus fruits - narrow the pores, improve the complexion, prevent the spread of blackheads and acne, brighten pigment spots.
Extra virgin olive oil is perfect for dry, weather-beaten skin. It nourishes and softens the skin, moisturizes and helps to retain moisture for a long time, accelerates the regeneration of cells and does not clog pores. You can use different oils, specially bought at a pharmacy or at a regular grocery store. Any oil is useful, even the usual sunflower.
I also want to touch on a topic like scrub .Before applying makeup, it is best to use a little scrub to better clean and remove the keratinized skin. And what could be better than a scrub cooked at home from natural and fresh products.
Remember that the scrub is all finely crushed. They can become corn grits, grated oatmeal, large salt, insoluble coffee. They can be mixed with honey or simply applied to moist skin massaging movements. The effect will amaze you.
If we talk about hair, then they also require care and nutrients that can be obtained by making masks from such oils: burdock, olive, almond, castor, coconut, linseed, jojoba oil, sea-buckthorn, peach.
Apply on the roots and the entire length of the hair oil, wrap in a towel and leave for 2-3 hours. Rinse with warm water( it is warm, hot, burn bulbs) and dry without using a hair dryer. Hair will shine and shine with health.
And now the most interesting! I will teach you to prepare natural nourishing moisturizing face creams at home. After such creams your skin will shine, after all there 100% natural ingredients without addition of dyes, preservatives and chemical harmful additives, than sin even expensive creams of known marks.
Cream for peeling skin
Mix 1 tablespoon badger oil, 2 tbsp.spoons of St. John's wort oil, 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 3 drops of vitamin A, 3 drops of vitamin E. Melt, gently stirring, in a water bath until the ingredients are completely mixed. Cool and apply in small amounts to the skin of the face and neck.
Moisturizing Cream
Melt 10 ml of beeswax in a water bath, stirring constantly. Add 15 ml of lanolin and mix. Next in turn, add essential oils: 12 ml of avocado oil, 2.5 ml of wheat germ oil, bitter orange flower oil. Remove from the water bath, add 60 ml of rose water and 2, 5 ml of glycerin - mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to face and neck.
If you do not have time to prepare the cream, just buy vitamins A, E in capsules and mix with the purchased cream. You can also just puncture one capsule and mix with a small amount of cream at the time of application.