Bags under the eyes how to clean quickly

  • 1 Bags under the eyes how to clean at home
    • 1.1 How to get rid of bags without surgery folk remedies
    • 1.2 Home cosmetology - new technologies
  • 2 How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly at home
    • 2.1 With makeup hide all the shortcomings

Bags undereyes( how to remove bags under the eyes) are a very common problem among women, and among young girls and teenagers. This phenomenon brings a lot of inconvenience, creates a lot of complexes. If even an amateur with photos on the photo can clean black, paint circles and wrinkles online with the help of a photo editor, then in life with such a defect there is only to hope for cosmetics or to solve the problem, rather than masking it.

The reasons for the bags, as well as the blue under the eyes, are quite diverse, ranging from chronic abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, bile ducts, cardiovascular system, ending with improper eye care, allergy to cosmetics( accompanied by tear secretions, eyes are "red").

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Swelling can be from lack of sleep, excessive drinking, poor nutrition( large, watery, pale bags).If the puffiness in a child or a teenager, you need to undergo a checkup in the clinic, because what they come from and where they come from will be helped only by tests with the subsequent consultation of the doctor. Children lead a more active lifestyle, have no bad habits, so the reason they have bags and puffiness, most likely, either hereditary, or associated with health problems.

You should also pay attention to the health of those who observe this phenomenon constantly, regardless of time of day, nutrition and emotional state. Such bags in adults can also be congenital, herniated or age, when the muscles of the eye weaken over the course of the years, the fat layer stretches the skin, the veins come out and stand out. They are completely and permanently removed from them only surgically.
If swelling is mostly in the morning, after drinking or after tears - then they are usually temporary and here it is worth turning to the folk ways of removing them.

Bags under the eyes how to clean at home

Despite the complexity of the problem of swelling, which is difficult to hide with the help of cosmetics, it is possible to eliminate it without surgery.
Now several express recipes on how to help yourself in the morning, if bags have appeared.

In the house of each of us there is a mass of rods-zashalochok, about which we do not know and do not use.
You can remove even the largest swelling under the eyes with the help of ordinary ice. This way is better to use if you urgently need to remove bags, for example, after crying, after drinking, if not enough sleep. Those for whom the problem of edema is close, it is desirable to always have ice in the freezer, the best herbal - chamomile, mint, parsley, sage, it will not only swell, but also give a fresh appearance.

You can have two cans of beer in the refrigerator, apply them instead of ice to your eyes. The main thing here is the cooling of the inflamed eyelids and the outflow of excess fluid from them.

Masks are pretty effective if there is a little more time. They will easily restore their former beauty. You can use ordinary potatoes. Potatoes boiled in a jacket cool, cut in half and attach to the eyes.
Quick and affordable will be the removal of swelling tea bags. Wrap the brewed bags to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. If possible, you can make a contrast - apply alternately cold and hot packets for 20-30 seconds.

How to get rid of bags without surgery folk remedies

First of all, it is necessary to understand the cause of puffiness. So the process of eliminating and getting rid of the problem will be faster and more efficient.
If there are persistent sacks and bruises - the cause is chronic diseases, and you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

In case of lack of sleep, remember that sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, sleep preferably on a flat pillow, the head should be slightly higher in relation to the whole body and plus everything you need to sleep on your back or, in extreme cases, onbut not on the stomach, otherwise there will be a bad outflow from the eyelids of the fluid that will lead to swelling and in the morning you will have terrible bags, like after a hangover.

Excessive consumption of alcohol, too salty, smoked, a large amount of water drunk at night, also promotes the retention of fluid in the body and leads to a sad spectacle.

From home remedies, cucumber, potatoes, parsley, sage grass, tea bags proved themselves.
Potatoes can be used boiled or grated and rolled into gauze raw.
Cucumbers are recommended to cut into slices and cool in the freezer, then attach to the eyes.
Contrast compresses made of sage perfectly compete with swelling, while caring for the cilia. Help to improve the condition of the skin, even if you have old senile, heavy eyelids.

A good effect is given by pharmacy means - mashed candles or ointments from hemorrhoids containing shark fat, they can be an excellent alternative to salon procedures.

It is worth paying attention to massage and gymnastics, which strengthen the muscles of the eye, increase blood flow. Not only improvement of skin condition, elimination of edema and wrinkles, but also improvement of vision is a positive.

Massage is preferably done in the evening. On the cleansed skin around the eyes, apply oil or cream and massage the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer corner, and on the lower from the outer to the inner corner, grasping the skin area and on the cheekbones, with a slight pat, driving the cream into the skin. It is desirable that the active ingredient, such as collagen, caffeine, algae extract, parsley or horsetail, be included in the massage aid. They strengthen and dissolve excess subcutaneous fat.

No less effective is gymnastics for the eyes. It can be done anywhere, anytime. It is very easy to remember and does not require much effort. Close your eyes and open them wide( 10 times).Quick blinking for a minute, circular movements with pupils, and also left-right, up-down. These exercises will strengthen the upper eyelid muscle and lift it.
On the Internet you can find a video of how to do gymnastics and massage, it is well told about it in one of the issues "Everything is good".

Home cosmetology - new technologies

In the struggle for beauty you can turn to surgical procedures or hardware procedures in the salon. It is worth it much more expensive home remedies, but the effect comes faster and lasts longer. Quite popular is the method of biorevitalization - injections( injections) with hyaluronic acid.

Plastic Surgery, which allows you to get rid of bags and hernias, is not standing still. It is called blepharoplasty and is done on the area of ​​both the lower and upper eyelids. Currently, in Moscow and other cities offer transconjunctival and laser blepharoplasty. The first is done by the incision method from the inside of the eyelid, but it can result in the formation of wrinkles, therefore it is applied together with pilling. The second - with the use of a surgical laser, but such a wound heals longer.

Injection of a botteque and a disportation is also applied, which allows to remove excess wrinkles and slightly to correct the appearance.
Mesotherapy is no less popular procedure, which consists in introducing a cocktail under the skin, the useful substances of which free from puffiness under the eyes.
Fillers for correction of puffiness are increasingly being used. But this procedure also has its own contraindications, since fillers are a foreign body alien to the body.

How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly at home

To remove blue and black circles under the eyes, it is also necessary to determine the cause of their appearance.
Masks that help with dark circles, you can name the following:
- curd, mashed with a teaspoon of tea brewing;
- chopped parsley with butter;
- 2 tsp.mashed potatoes + 2 tsp.milk;
- cucumber, crushed with greens;
- massage with vitamin E in oil.

Dark circles to clean easily and quickly - advice to a woman from an experienced cosmetologist
In modern medicine, such a visual problem as bruises under the eyes is very easily solved.
The following services are offered: microcurrent therapy, massage, lipofilling, laser therapy imezoterapiya.

Each type of procedure has its contraindications. All patients are individual. Cosmetic procedures give their effect faster than folk remedies. They are selected taking into account the type of skin and its needs, because the skin around the eyes is extremely thin and requires a special approach. Numerous positive reviews indicate the relevance of these procedures.

Eliminate the diaphragms of the house will help you with the correct diet, healthy sleep, natural masks that match the type of skin cream, daily massage - facebuilding.

Bruises can be the result of alcohol abuse, smoking, internal diseases, allergic reactions.
Given the above recommendations, it is possible to easily eliminate such a shortcoming.

Folk remedies cope with the problem no worse than new expensive drugs, given that the cause of swelling, bruises are not in a state of health. Then, with cosmetic procedures at home, you can achieve the desired result without much expense, without telling your man and without hesitation, how much it costs. The main rule is regular and high quality.

With the help of makeup, hide all the shortcomings of

Bruises under the eyes, red eyes, swelling can be hidden under makeup. For example, if you cried all week, did not get enough sleep, and the day has already begun, but you have double problems - bags + bruises, then cosmetics, in addition to express methods for eliminating defects, come to the aid. Guys are not so lucky as us, girls, because cosmetics - only our horse.
You can hide bags, bruises with a concealer( a kind of editor), powder and foundation. Plus, a properly selected shade of shadows will give a bright look, and you will look more fresh.

Hide bruises and dark circles

Hide bags and swelling

  • Mar 08, 2018
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