How to make a waist thin diet and exercise

  • 1 How to make thinner waist
    • 1.1 How to make waist thin at home - food ration
    • 1.2 How to make a thin waist and flat stomach at home, exercises

How to get a thin waist - a question of women, exciting, relevant. Every lady dreams to look perfect. And any man is pleased to see a lady with the parameters of a barbie doll - a symbol of beauty and attractiveness. Factors affecting the size of the waist:

• amount of fat deposits on the sides;
• volume of muscles of back, abdomen;
• the amount of the hormone estrogen;
• the natural proportions that nature has awarded.

How to make thinner waist

The complex of measures to achieve the ideal waist is simple: regular exercise and corrected nutrition. Details of what steps to take to the belt area was narrow, and the hips are broad described below. But first - a few general tips that help reduce the waist.

1. Drink cool water to speed up the metabolism and increase the rate of fat burning.
2. A full breakfast is mandatory. The metabolic processes are started, the body wakes up and begins to burn fat in the morning.

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3. Only the swing of the press will not help, because the body is losing weight not only atm where we want.

How to make a waist thin at home - food ration

You need to start by counting calories - a beautiful figure loves it. It is important to reduce the excess volume of the entire body and specifically the circumference of the waist. Foods that should be included in the diet:

• olive oil, avocado is a supplier of monounsaturated fatty acids, standing guard for harmony( do not allow to accumulate fats, including in problem areas);
• pine nuts, the oil of which stimulates the release of hormones that suppress appetite;
• raspberry, grapefruit, pineapple have fat burning properties;
• Fish oil reduces fat levels, stimulates lipid oxidation;
• oatmeal contains fiber, complex carbohydrates, lowers cholesterol, saves from obesity. It is she who increases testosterone levels, forces the body to burn fats and build muscle mass.

How to make a thin waist and a flat stomach at home, exercises

Self-clean the sides, tighten the stomach, straighten the posture, and as a result, get an aspen waist a woman can at home, and for free. The following are the lessons that will help you get a chic result in just a month at home.

1. Hoop.
Many criticize him, but in vain. Hula-hoop can be twisted easily and for a long time, which means that it is time to work on the problem zone. With the help of an easy hoop, which is difficult to hold on the body, formation of slender proportions is achieved due to intensive shaking of the hips. Classes with weighted, equipped with massage inserts of the hoop affect the body in a complex manner. Improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, the skin becomes supple.

2. The skipping rope.
During jumps on her muscles are in constant tension, the metabolism is accelerated. The result of regular exercises is total weight loss, the waist circumference becomes smaller. An example of a three-minute intensive workout with a rope: 45 seconds to jump at a fast pace, rest 15 seconds;45 seconds of moderate jumps, 15 seconds rest;45 seconds of slow jumps, 15 seconds of rest. This is one round, do a few.

3. Exercise with good reviews, effectiveness in strengthening the oblique muscles of the abdomen and forming a beautiful feminine waist line. Lie on your back, hands spread out with your hands down, legs bend at the knees and lift. Turn legs alternately in the sides, touching the knees of the floor. Perform 20 times in both directions.

4. Plank.
Exercise strengthens deep muscles, creates a press. The body is very tense, resting on the socks and palms, stretched horizontally into the string. Try to keep the position to one minute, the time gradually increase. Make 3 - 4 approaches. In the network there are photos with the image of the correct location of the body in the position "bar".

5. The pump.
The best exercise, quickly narrowing the waist, restoring a flat stomach after giving birth. Affects the transverse abdominal muscle, which holds the internal organs, playing the role of a natural corset. Slightly lean forward, rest your palms on your knees. Inhale, sharply exhale from the lungs all the way to a drop of air, hold your breath. Draw the stomach up to the spine, as deep as possible. Hold for 15 seconds, increasing the delay time with each workout. Look at the spring release of the program "Everything is good," the video describes in detail the technique of doing this simple effective exercise.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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