- 1 Hair masks for shine and silkiness at home
- 1.1 Recipes for softness and volume with egg
- 1.2 Mask with gelatin for growth and density
- 1.3 Best ideas for strengthening colored hair with vitamins
- 1.4 Grandmother's recipes
Nobodyargue that for today the beauty of a woman in well-groomed long hair. But some girls complain about the lack of time to take care of themselves. In order to get the maximum result and minimum investment it is recommended to use special hair masks. The hair mask for shine of hair will give to your locks dazzling light in a short time interval.
Hair masks for shine and silkiness at home
The most effective and popular hair shine mask is a mix of honey and butter. You can choose any type of oil for your taste. Hair care experts recommend using olive or burdock. But it is worth considering that it should be without additives. Then the result will please you more.
So, you will need 5 tablespoons oil, egg yolk, 3 tablespoons of any honey
- better liquid and a couple drops of lemon juice. Important nuance - it is worth stirring all the components of the mask only in ceramic dishes. Apply it should be starting from the roots, gently massaging. Wear preferably 2 hours under a plastic wrap.No less popular and effective mask for a shiny curl is a mixture of different oils. If you have not yet used coconut oil, we recommend that you melt on a water bath 3 tablespoons of this product, add olive or grape seed oil. Recommended time of the socks is about an hour. It should be applied to dirty hair before washing. For best effect, you can warm up all kinds of oils in a water bath. Rinse several times with your usual shampoo.
Gelatin mask. Many of the fair sex sing odes of this mixture. The silk mask from Estelle and the balsam of the Greek figs from Natura Siberica will not equal the recipes from gelatin. In people it is called home lamination. And in truth, hair becomes bulky, dense and shiny. Comments and videos can be found on the forums. A fast-acting mix will nourish your hair. To do this, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of gelatin, based on your length, add a teaspoon of cognac. Leave the mixture for half an hour. Rinse the curls with plenty of water several times.
Recipes for softness and volume with egg
In order to produce proper care, to nourish the hair and make them softer the egg is used. It can badly wash off hair. For a quick effect, it is necessary to mix the yolks to a plentiful foam and apply to the hair. A very simple but effective method. This mixture is allowed to stand for about an hour. Rinse off with cool water.
If you want to get not only voluminous hair, but strong at the roots it is worth stirring egg foam with oat flakes, previously soaked for the night. This mixture should be kept for about an hour on dirty curls.
( By the way, on our site you will find many interesting recipes from the best experts in their field.)
Mask with gelatin for growth and density
Hair mask for shine hair at home with gelatin has many variations. The best of them is to mix the egg and 3 tablespoons gelatin. It is possible with burdock oil. If you want to ensure rapid growth of curls you can use burdock oil with red pepper. Giving force, she literally revive your delicate hair. A thick pink Thai mask with lemon does not give such a quick effect as a mixture of gelatin.
Best ideas for strengthening colored hair with vitamins
Painted hair is rather capricious. To get the charm of long and strong curls you should consider a group of vitamins B. Mix in equal proportions vitamin B12, B5, B6 apply for an hour or two, wrapped in a polyethylene cap. This effective tool will help to strengthen the roots and nourish the split ends. After this procedure, your hair will look dazzling. Smoothness, natural shine will give a mixture of these vitamins with coconut oil.
Grandmother's recipes
Our grandmothers have long used the power of nature to strengthen and restore hair. One of the most popular methods that have survived to this day is to rinse the curls with a decoction of nettle. This will strengthen your hair, make them lush and healthy. A natural product was always appreciated higher than a visit to the salon.
For the next grandmother's recipe you will need yogurt or yogurt. Mask with yogurt will suit a dyed and dull curl. It is worth applying a dairy product an hour before washing your hair. The use of kefir helps to nourish the hair and restore the scalp.
A woman is obliged to monitor the condition of her hair and home masks that will not be compared to anything will help her!