Epilation at home sludge recipes

  • 1 Epilation at home - the best recipes
    • 1.1 How to anesthetize the skin at home
    • 1.2 Features of epilation of the intimate area
    • 1.3 Wax depilation at home
    • 1.4 Sugar depilation or shugaring( prescription and video)
    • 1.5 How to properly do shugaringat home video
    • 1.6 Hair removal with depilator

Fighting unwanted hairs causes some women to rush to extremes that often harm their health. So the best is laser hair removal and elos, which is carried out with the help of a special apparatus. But this procedure is not safe. It is better to choose the ways that houses are made of natural ingredients.

Epilation at home - the best recipes

One of the most common procedures is hair removal with warm honey. She prepares pasta with honey, sugar and lemon juice. It is necessary to mix 1 glass of honey, sugar and 2 tbsp.l.juice. It can be replaced with dilute citric acid. All the ingredients are put in a saucepan and cook in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. Stir and not allow the formation of lumps. Cool until the honey is warm, and apply a thickness of not more than 1.5 cm.

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After greased with paste paste the area with strips of natural fabric, squeeze well and sharply pull. Prepare the honey mixture for several procedures, and before serving, melt in a microwave. The honey procedure is in great demand among women whose skin is prone to irritation.

You can also make caramel paste yourself. For preparation, mix 1 cup.cane sugar and juice from two lemons. Cook until the mass is brown and sticky, but not sticking to the hands. This epilation is effective for both legs and underarms. Caramel paste is used both hot and cold. Here, only for the hot stripes will be needed, and cold caramel is used by applying to the body with your hands. To wash it off is easy with a warm water.
Remove the hairs and gelatin by diluting it according to the instructions. But wait until it stiffens for a long time, so it's better to buy the finished mixture and warm it up a little to the desired consistency.

How to anesthetize the skin at home

Still, no hair removal is painless, no matter how we are assured by advertising. Each master has his own secrets of skin anesthesia, but to reduce pain at home will help improvised funds.

First of all, please warm the skin with a hot shower and wipe dry the areas of treatment. Reduce pain by using medication. Lidocaine is well suited in ampoules or spray. Do a massage with pats and tingle.

Effective freezing anesthesia. Wet the towel and place in the freezer, wrap the necessary places with a cold towel before the procedure. Also use special cosmetics such as Carmolis and Emla.

Features of epilation intimate zone

Deep bikini requires special attention. If the epilation will be performed by any device, then the skin needs to be steamed, and if the wax - to cool. So shave the hair is necessary on the growth line. If a depilator is used, it is against growth. The method with the help of sugar is applied against growth, and is withdrawn by growth. Wax is distributed according to growth, but it is removed - against. In intimate places, it is undesirable to do hair removal 3 days before and after menstruation.

After the procedure, always use a natural antiseptic. Apply olive oil, calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort to the skin. Reviews of women say that for the bikini line, Brazilian and enzymatic hair removal is great.

Epilation with wax at home

This method is perhaps the most popular. It is used in salons and at home. A very good video tutorial of wax depilation at home is presented in the program "Everything will be good."To make this procedure you need to buy a special wax. It is sold in jars and cartridges.

The safest procedure is warm wax. Melt wax wax to the desired temperature and apply a thin layer on the skin, then covered with strips for epilation. After a few seconds, pull the strip parallel to the skin. The area of ​​application of wax is extensive. It is used to remove the hair of the upper lip and bikini. For the face it is better to apply cold wax, and for legs - hot. Remove debris easily by rubbing the usual oil. Depilation with wax at home will be less painful if you overlay the areas with ice.

Sugar depilation or shugaring( recipe and video)

You can prepare a paste for shugaring not at once. Shugaring is also suitable for a man to remove a mustache. It will need 1 kg of sugar, 7 tbsp.l.lemon juice and 8 tbsp.l.water. With a lemon you can go a little too far, it does not hurt. Put everything in a saucepan and simmer 30 minutes under a lid stirring. After pour into a plastic container for cooling. Epilation can be done in 3 hours, during this time the sugar will cool down. Slice the mass with your hands and apply against the growth of hair, tear off sharply. It does not need special strips. If you weld the mixture with a reserve, then it can only be stored for 3 months. Before the new procedure, the paste melts in the bath.

How to prepare a pasta for shugaring is a lot of recipes. You can look at similar lessons for free in YouTube.

How to properly do shugaring at home video

The master class on shugaring was conducted by more than one cosmetologist, but how to do it at home is more difficult to understand.

Hair removal with

epilator If you can not fight hair with the above methods, then use a depilator. Forever from the hair, he does not relieve, but 2-3 weeks to enjoy smooth skin is still possible. Usually, all epilators work against the growth of hairs, they come with kits with nozzles for each zone. The manufacturer in the instruction leaves a photo with their destinations and it is very important not to confuse, since one nozzle is intended for long hair, and the other is for short ones. In any case, steam the skin and hair follicle. After the procedure, use a cream to slow down hair growth.

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