- 1 How to calculate body mass index
- 1.1 Calculate body mass index for women
- 1.2 How to calculate body mass index for adolescents and children
- 1.3 How to count correctly for men
Body mass index or body mass index( BMI)- a value indicating the ratio of the weight of a person and his height for determining deviations from the norm. There are many sites for weight loss, on which the online calculator, will help to determine the imt for free, it is enough to choose the weight and height of a person in the form.
There are several other ways of calculating normal body weight, for example, according to Brok( the growth of a body in centimeters 100 centimeters) or according to Dyukan( based on age, field, weight, height and level of daily activity), their forms and methods are different, but they all boil downto control their weight and timely detection of abnormalities.
How to calculate body mass index
How do you know your BMI index? To begin with, you need to properly weigh and measure growth. As a rule, immediately after waking up and visiting the toilet room, our weight and height is maximally close to the real one.
The formula of Adolf Ketle, a statistician and mathematician from Belgium of the XIX century is simple: in order to calculate BMI, you need to find the quotient of the person's weight( measured in kilograms) and the square of his height( measured in meters).Example: a girl with a weight of 55 kg and a height of 165 cm has an index of Ketle 55 / 1.65 * 1.65 = 20.2.
Following the recommendations of the WHO, the following interpretation from the medical point of view of the BMI indicators is introduced and used depending on the value:
less than 18 - insufficient( deficit) body weight,
18,1 - 25 - normal body weight,
25,1 - 30 - excessivebody weight,
30.1 and more - different degrees of obesity.
Calculation of body mass index( BMI) is needed:
• If insufficient or overweight is defined, this can be the beginning of health problems.
• The indicator of overweight will cause the regime to change. Begin to eat properly,( increase the volume of proteins and foods that have a low glycemic index instead of complex carbohydrates and fats), choose exercise for weight loss.
• If BMI determines obesity, consult a doctor, because a small reduction in fat mass and, as a consequence, a body mass index will improve health.
However, it can not be called universal - for people sporting a physique( for example, an athlete with a large mass of muscles) should not be guided by him.
Some nutritionists to more accurately determine the weight that would be ideal for the patient, take into account the type of physique of the person on the wrist( measuring the circumference in centimeters of the thinnest place on the wrist, the girth of which indicates the size of the bone).
Calculate body mass index for women
The normal weight for girls and women according to the above formula is BMI between 19-24.With age, the approximate weight norm, as well as the index, grows slightly. Deficiency of weight( imt less than 18) in women sometimes leads to absence of monthly bleedings and, as consequence, impossibility to become pregnant. If the BMI of women is above 25, you should pay attention to lifestyle and habits.
Weight during pregnancy is an important issue that worries expectant mothers. Calculate the BMI index of a pregnant woman is also possible using a calculator. Weight gain during pregnancy, the so-called normal increase, on average is 10-15 kg provided that there are no swelling and other signs of pregnancy pathology. Weight gain is individual and depends primarily on the weight of a woman before pregnancy. For this control, you can rely on the body mass index.
How to calculate the body mass index for adolescents and children
Due to different body proportions and, as a consequence, a different ratio of growth and weight, normal BMI in children is much lower than in adults - 15-18.5 depending on age.
For babies, preschool children and adolescents, there is no one universal formula, so the term "centile table" is used to determine the norm.
Measuring the growth and weight of children of different ages, including up to a year, scientists build centile tables, according to which pediatricians determine the normal development of children. For mothers of newborns and babies, the question is always relevant - Does my child develop normally? Do I do everything as it should? To calm yourself, it is easy to determine the rate of growth and weight of your child or the increase in your weight during pregnancy in the picture table or using the Calculator BMI.
How to count correctly for men
When calculating the weight of men, it is better to focus on BMI 25-27, after all, according to a study by Israeli scientists, the life expectancy of men with this BMI is maximal.
I expect BMI for the army. For example, to provide a six-month grace period, it is necessary to achieve a BMI below 18.5 or 19.0( depending on the age of the recruit).