How to get rid of black points recipes

  • 1 How to get rid of black dots quickly and effectively with folk remedies
    • 1.1 Reasons for black spots and extended pores
    • 1.2 How to get rid of black dots on the nose at home using soda
    • 1.3 Recipes using activated carbon
    • 1.4 Effective masksfrom gelatin in the fight against black dots.

The problem of black dots( gums) is familiar to many. They are masked with creams, squeezed out, leaving open pores, etc. We will show you how to get rid of black dots on your face completely and forever in various ways, we will understand the reasons for their appearance, we will tell you how often it is necessary to do the procedures and share recipes.

How to get rid of black dots quickly and efficiently with folk remedies

What is it and where do they come from? This is a trivial occlusion of the sebaceous glands( cork).In a calm state they are not dangerous, but it is worthwhile to admit, for example, sweat and inflammation begins.

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However, this is not the only danger - if germs get caught( dust, dirt, some infections are carried by insects, for example, beetles), this inflammation can reproduce very quickly and new formations begin to appear, sometimes they become red. This can result in serious contamination of the blood and then global medical treatment will be required.

Causes of black spots and enlarged pores

Usually this problem begins to appear during puberty in adolescents. The most common affected areas in the child are cheeks, forehead, chin, lips, nose, neck, back, etc. However, this does not always depend on age, it can also appear in an adult( male, female).This problem is prone to arise in the owners of oily skin.

One of the most common reasons is improper care. Some people go through this with time, but this does not always happen. If you think that this problem has appeared only in our time - you are deeply mistaken.

But, if now we are offered a lot of expensive medical preparations and expensive cosmetic procedures in the salon, our grandmothers were deprived of such a choice and were treated with what really helped and acted, that is,popular means, which we are acquainted with. By the way, our contemporaries' comments on the ways in which we will share the most positive.

How to get rid of black points on the nose at home using soda

Such a component as soda is present in every house, and therefore does not require additional costs. However, the main thing is efficiency( deep cleansing).The only contraindication is intolerance. You will need water( 100 ml) and soda( 1 tablespoon).

Make a liquid gruel and apply the mask to areas where there are problems( face, neck, chin etc.).Hold the mixture for about 20 minutes, then rinse with contrast. It is recommended to use moisturizer, because soda tends to overdry the skin. It will take a two-month course( two procedures per week).By the way, this mask removes the smell of perspiration under the arms or legs.

Recipes using activated carbon

Everybody knows about the benefits of activated carbon, but not everyone knows that this is one of the most used components in cosmetology. It is able to remove toxins, deeply cleans pores, which is especially important in combating such a problem as comedones and acne. Its only negative is the plain-looking color of the mask( black).It will be required:
• crushed coal tablets - 4 pcs.;
• water - 1 tbsp.

The method of use is similar to the previous one. We will add that a different combination is possible:

• kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurt and even whey;
• honey and / or aloe;
• rose petals or rose water;
• cosmetic clay;
• salt, etc.

Effective masks made of gelatin in the fight against black dots

Gelatin, like the previous components is universal. It can be used in its original form, diluted with a small amount of water, but can be combined with various components, including.and activated carbon. This is one of the most versatile and effective tools in the fight against skin problems. By the way, it can be used for various irritations, for example, on the chest( for men or guys) after shaving or epilation.

In conclusion, we will give some more tips in the prevention and treatment of acne:

• Do not abuse the procedures, "a lot" is not always synonymous with "good", ie, do not do them every day and do not use the mask under the eyes and around the eyes;
• it is advisable to do the procedures on the heated face( you can do steam baths in front of them or another way of steaming);
• do not remove pimples or acne by yourself, because when squeezing, holes will appear and spoil the appearance, narrow pores can be contrasted with washing;
• keep hygiene during the day( lotion, cream, special scrub mandatory washing off of cosmetics), your skin needs regular and regular care and the result will not be long in coming;
• Use a cream after the epilator to avoid irritation and inflammation;

If you follow these simple guidelines, you will always look amazing regardless of age.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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