- 1 Mask for kefir hair at home recipes
- 1.1 Mask with kefir for hair from hair loss and growth with cocoa and egg
- 1.2 Mask for hair based on kefir and honey for clarification
- 1.3 How can I make a hair mask forkefir with burdock and castor oil
- 1.4 Recipe with mustard
- 1.5 Moisturizing mask with kefir for dry and damaged hair
- 2 Reviews
Mask from yogurt is a natural, affordable method of quality hair care. A useful product, saturated with protein, calcium, vitamins, yeast, intensively nourishes dry curls, strengthens the structure of weakened and prone to loss, stimulates the growth of new ones. How to make a mask at home, how much to keep, how often to use, will prompt the advice presented in this article, reviews, photos and videos.
Features of application:
The mask made at home has no restrictions to use. Its preparation is easy and does not take much time. It is enough to choose the appropriate recipe, and also to observe certain rules.
1. Mixtures based on fermented milk products have a strong cleaning effect, so they can wash the coloring pigment from the curls. Applying them to painted or toned strands, you should consider this feature.
2. At home, make cosmetic products, you can from sour-milk products of any fat content: curdled milk, sour milk or sour cream.
3. For dry hair, it is better to choose sour-milk products with high fat content, and for fatty ones it is better to choose low-fat or low-fat products.
4. You can add a banana, honey, aloe juice, almond oil, rosemary, lemon, castor, olive or burdock, other components to the formula of the self-prepared cosmetic.
5. When preparing cosmetics at home, individual intolerance to individual ingredients should be taken into account: honey, eggs, aromatic oils.
6. Prepared mixture to put on strands before washing your head for 20-40 minutes, to put on a warming cap, then to wash off with shampoo, to put balm, the conditioner.
7. When rinsing, use special rinses of industrial production, herbal decoctions or acidified water with vinegar.
8. The frequency of conducting - once a week or course - 10 procedures every other day.
Mask for kefir hair at home recipes
The type of hair or its condition are the main indicators helping to choose this or that home cosmetic prescription. Each woman can choose her own mixture, based on individual needs.
Mask with yogurt for hair from falling out and for growth with cocoa and egg
A reliable remedy against falling out and for effective growth of curls is a recipe: ½ cup kefir, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon.spoon cocoa mix, apply to the roots for 40 minutes.
In addition to strong stimulating, this mixture has a soothing, healful effect. With regular application of this mixture, scalp will become healthy, dandruff and itching will disappear.
The yeast mask has proven to be an effective proven tool for the volume and growth of hair.
Her recipe: dissolve in a glass of sour-milk drink 1 tbsp.spoon of yeast, allow the mixture to infuse for about 5 minutes. For cooking, suitable as dry powder, and pressed yeast. The reviews show that the yeast mask, in addition to enhancing hair growth, also gives them volume, nourishes, eliminating dryness.
Mask for hair based on kefir and honey for clarification
Thanks to the property of destroying the pigment, cosmetic mixtures based on this sour-milk drink are traditionally used for clarifying curls. Depending on the individual characteristics of the hair, the use of a home remedy can lighten them by ½-2 tones.
Consists clarifying mixture of 150 ml of kefir, 3 tbsp.spoons of honey, juice ½ lemon. The resulting product is applied to the locks under the cover for 8 hours.
Another recipe for a clarifier: a glass of sour milk beverage, diluted with 2 tbsp.l.filtered water. The resulting mixture should be kept on the head for at least 6 hours.
How to make a hair mask for yogurt with burdock and castor oil
To restore the structure, strengthen the growth, strengthen, give shine, softness to damaged locks as a result of chemical curling or paint, at home use the following recipe: ½ l kefir,yolk, combine with honey, burdock and castor oil, taken in 1 tbsp.l. The useful composition applied on the head can be left for the whole night.
Effective strengthening and treatment of damaged hair structure also provides a nutritious mixture of rye flour and yogurt or kefir with black bread: soak dry bread in a sour milk product, add a little ethereal or vegetable oil, apply on strands for 30 minutes.
Recipe with mustard
Hair mask at home with kefir will help to cope with fat, untidy head if this sour milk product - ½ cup mix with dry mustard - ½ tbsp.spoons, apply along the entire length, except for the tips. Mustard mask has a drying effect, as a result - curls and skin will stay clean for longer, and therefore look more well-groomed.
Moisturizing mask with kefir for dry and damaged hair
The most affordable option that provides effective care for dry damaged locks is a moisturizing mask from henna: a glass of kefir warm, pour 2 tbsp.spoons of henna, insist the mixture. Owners of light curls can do it with colorless henna.
Mask with yogurt is a super effective means for growth, increasing the density of hair - this is confirmed by the opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary women.
Sophia: "... Using homemade kefir mask with gelatin for 2 months, without expensive salon procedures, I got rid of split ends, and before that I even thought I had to get my hair cut. .."
Vlada: "... I have very fastthe head was fat, it naturally looked not so beautiful. Whatsoever did, nothing really helped, until you were told to try to dilute the dry powder of blue clay with kefir and smear it with your head. After the first time, the situation became much better. I continue from time to time to make this useful composition. .. "
Pauline: ". .. I tried this mixture as a wash with an unsuccessful attempt at toning. I had to keep it on my hair for half a day, but it really helped, the paint went off, but the scalp and the strands themselves were not affected. .. »
Vera:«. .. Mask made of yogurt and cinnamon helped me to return a thick mane. During pregnancy, hair began to fall out strongly, on the advice of her friend tried this method. After 3 months strands not only ceased to fall out, but grew new. .. »
As a simple, useful and affordable way, dairy products at home can strengthen and restore curls, stimulating their growth, eliminating dandruff, returning shine and softness.