Scrub from the coffee grounds at home

  • 1 How to make home body scrub
    • 1.1 Home-made coffee scrub - step-by-step recipe
    • 1.2 Facial skin scrub - recipe and application
    • 1.3 How to prepare a cellulite scrub at home
    • 1.4 Coffee scrub from stretch marks
    • 1.5 Coffee soap scrub with your hands: photo
    • 1.6 Coffee and honey
    • 1.7 How to make a scrub for a bath of ground coffee
  • 2 Coffee scrub: photos before and after application
    • 2.1 Reviews aboutuse of coffee for the face and body
  • 3 Coffee scrub for hair

If you need a wonderful home remedy for skin care - you can safely choose a scrub from coffee. It will make your body gentle and smooth for only 1-2 uses per week, and the effect will appear after the first application! The most important in the preparation of this type of peeling is to use ground unroasted coffee beans. Many girls, when preparing it, use just a dense thicket. But it's not right!!!It does not contain nutrients at all.

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Another important rule in the preparation of peeling with your own hands: in no case can not use coarse coffee, only small, which effectively and painlessly cleans pores from grease and dirt. Caffeine, contained in such a scrub, fights with swelling and fading skin.

How to make a body scrub coffee scrub at home

The peeling recipe at home is very simple, but first you need to decide what type of skin you have and learn about the rules for using the scrub to avoid burning and irritation to ensure maximum care.

  • The product is applied only to clean steamed skin .
  • If it is damaged , discard its use.
  • Well work out elbows, feet and knees .
  • Do not use it more often than two to three times a week .
  • Carefully check to see if you have an allergy for coffee peeling. If there is redness when testing on the arm, then it is worth using another recipe.
  • As well as after any cosmetic procedure, apply cream to the treated areas with a thick layer.

Scrub from the coffee grounds at home - step by step recipe

There are a huge number of instructions, but the fastest and easiest of them: mix the coffee grounds with water to creamy and rub in circular motions, paying special attention to problem areas.
Also, you can mix the coffee with shower gel , getting two in one - and scrub, and shower gel.

Facial skin scrub - recipe and application

Facial scrub at home can be cooked in less than 10 minutes! The main thing is to grind the coffee well, because the thin and delicate skin on the face requires special attention.

If you have dry skin , then mix the coffee and nourishing cream 1: 2, add a pinch of cinnamon and any essential oil.

Whitening : take coffee and mix with lemon juice and cream.

For greasy , the same recipe as above, just replace the cream with kefir or natural yogurt.

Toning mask - peeling for the face is made from any clay, which can be bought in a pharmacy, diluted in water and a small amount of thick. Keep mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Important! !!Do not apply scrub to the area around the eyes and the radical zone of the hair.

How to prepare a cellulite scrub at home

The best anti-cellulite peeling for the body from the coffee grounds at home is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of ground coffee and of sea salt mix with vegetable and any essential oil .Treat the areas prone to cellulite, and wrap the treatment site with a food film to enhance the effect.
Slimming remedy - hot coffee scrub .Mix coffee beans , hot pepper and with olive oil and leave to infuse for about 7 days. At the end of time, apply to problem areas. Wash off with warm water.

Important! !!Pre-try the mass for an allergic reaction to the hand! !!

Coffee scrub from stretch marks

It is done very easily: mixes coffee and water to the consistency of sour cream and is infused for twenty minutes. Massage movements on dry skin to get the best result. This is a great way to to combat stretching .

Soap coffee soap with your own hands: photo

This safe and ecological clean product is very easy to do, most importantly, observe all proportions and follow the recipe.


  • Two children's soaps
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin
  • 30 g ground coffee
  • Essential oil

Cut soap into small cubes. So that it dissolves more quickly - warm it up in a water bath.

When it becomes liquid, you can remove it from the heat and add all the other ingredients and mix.

Pour liquid substance into soap molds and wait for it to harden. If it is bad to get out of the form, you can help him a bit - put it for a few minutes in the freezer or refrigerator. As you can see, this soap is very easy to prepare itself. And most importantly - everything is natural and made at home.

From coffee and honey

Meda take more than twice the of coffee grounds .Apply on the body and massage movements to go to the desired site. Duration of rubbing: about 10 minutes. This natural recipe you will like and will benefit.

How to make a scrub for a bath of ground coffee

You need to start using such a scrub after the second approach to the steam room. It should be applied with massage movements, especially carefully on the hips, elbows, buttocks and stomach. Coffee grounds carefully peel dead cells that have not yet time to steam, giving a golden hue to your body.

The most popular and effective recipe of coffee scrub with your own hands for bath:

1. Mix coffee grounds with sour cream in relation to one to two. For a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of essential oil .Sour cream in here can be replaced with yogurt or cream.

2.In shower gel add thick and enjoy an excellent exfoliating action. Such a simple composition, and what an effect!

Coffee scrub: photos before and after application of

The photos after and before application of peeling from coffee differ significantly from each other. Only there is one rule that must be observed: to do such procedures constantly, so that the effect is noticeable. After one or two times you are unlikely to notice improvement, so we recommend you a comprehensive application.

Reviews of the use of coffee for the face and body

There are a lot of body scrubs from firms such as "Black Pearl", "Organic Shop" and others. But the most good feedback received the tool Riche coffee bean scrub .It includes roasted ground grains, which is natural coffee. It also contains nutritious unrefined oils.

The price of such a scrub is about 1,500 rubles. To him, you can also buy a massage brush, shampoo and body oil.

Coffee scrub for hair

This procedure will help strengthen the blood circulation of the scalp. This directly affects the growth of hair. Apply the mask for 30-40 minutes, then thoroughly wash the head. For this recipe, mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds, one spoonful of honey, one yolk and one teaspoon of lemon juice.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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