- 1 Aloe Vera Face Masks at Home Recipes
- 1.1 Aloe Face Mask for Wrinkles at Home
- 1.2 Acne Recipe
- 1.3 Moisturizing Aloe Face Mask for Sensitive Dry Skin
- 1.4 Aloe Face Maskwith oil and honey
When the skin of the face begins to lose a beautiful appearance, the woman starts to complex strongly. Then we spend a lot of money on various means, which often do not bring the promised result. But you can prepare wonderful creams and masks at home. At home natural products come to our aid, and today we will consider aloe as a cosmetic component.
Masks with aloe for the face at home recipes
Very good care will give a pure juice of the plant. Rinse the washed sheet from the peel, you need an inside. Lubricate them with a clean face for 15 minutes. This simplest way appears as a moisturizing and cleansing mask.
Freshly obtained juice has the property of smoothing small wrinkles. In the reviews of the girls write that the juice is also remarkably healing wounds.
For other masks based on aloe vera prepared at home, you need to prepare the plant sheets in advance. Choose the most mature ones, usually these are the bottom sheets, rinse with warm water, wrap in cotton or thick paper and send to the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
The therapeutic effect is provided by a remedy of aloe and vegetable oil. Fresh flower juice 2 tbsp.l.mix with 1 tbsp.l.olive, almond, peach or pumpkin oil. With this mixture, smear the face and neck, after half an hour, rinse with warm water. This recipe will help to make the skin soft and moisturized.
At home, you can use not only aloe, but vegetables and fruits. Sheet the plants to make a complete tablespoon. In the gruel, put the pulp or persimmon, or melon, or apple or peach, too, in such quantities. Apply the healing composition for 25 minutes. This way will nourish the skin, and eliminate wrinkles. In the reviews write that this mixture saves after airing. The following methods are able to wipe the withering skin in order.
Face mask from aloe for face from wrinkles at home
Useful properties of the flower noticeably rejuvenate the face, leveling wrinkles. And the use of several natural components gives a double result. To prepare the product you need 2 tbsp.l.aloe juice and 1 tbsp.l.homemade cottage cheese.
Curd well curd, you can through a sieve, put 2 tsp.current honey and liquid plants. Form a homogeneous mixture and overlay her neck and face. Hold for 20 minutes.
The mixture of aloe and potatoes is still good for wrinkles. It will also eliminate the fatty reflection. To do this, stir 2 tbsp.l.plant gruel and 1 tbsp.l.raw grated potatoes. The mixture will turn out thick, so for convenient use, dilute it with yogurt so that a consistency of thick sour cream comes out. Such a rejuvenating mask lasts 25 minutes. The reviews indicate that the excreted starch slightly tightens the face.
Acne Recipe
An aloe vera face acne mask obtained at home has no prescription.
- 2 tbsp.l. Flesh of the flower flesh with egg white and 1 tsp.lemon juice. Shake until the protein completely "makes friends" with the rest of the ingredients. Spread evenly over your face and lie down until the mass dries completely. It is washed off with cool water. In this case, the beneficial properties of the flower will clear the pores, dry the skin and relieve inflammation, according to testimonials.
- The following recipe is able to have moisturizing and cleansing properties. In a half cup of water, add 3 tbsp.l.aloe juice and 2 tbsp.l.of vodka calendula. Treat them in the morning and evening. In a duel with a rash, you can use the extract of aloe vera in ampoules. It perfectly replaces the daily lotion and is suitable for hair treatment. Another testimonial is recommended to cauterize with an extract purulent pimples pointwise.
Moisturizing face mask made from aloe for sensitive dry skin
Dry skin type requires special attention, especially at home. In any mask, additional moisturizers will be added. A cream mask from glycerin will be effective.1 tsp.glycerol wait in 2 tbsp.l.warm water. From the aloe leaf squeeze the juice to get 2 tbsp.l.and mix with glycerin water. Put there 1 tsp.fresh current honey and 3 more tbsp.l.warm water. Then pour the oatmeal into the resulting liquid until a cream is formed. Cream evenly spread over the face for 20 minutes. This painstaking recipe has earned only laudatory reviews.
A good moisturizing mask and gel is eivon and pharmacy. The effect after use is manifested 2-3 times. Reviews about them are on the Internet.
Face mask from aloe with butter and honey
This face mask and anti-wrinkle can be applied to any skin every day. It will take 10 minutes to prepare it at home. She is allowed to treat and cracked skin.
From the leaf of aloe get the gel 1 tsp.not only juice. Put to it for 0.5 tsp.oil castor oil and honey, as well as a drop of tea tree oil and lavender. Mix thoroughly and layer with a cotton pad. That is, when the first layer is dried, apply the second layer and so on until the remedy is finished. When the last layer dries, hold for 15 minutes. Such an over-moisturizing mask is used for a week in a row and preferably once every 2 months. Commendable reviews about her leave women of mature age.
That's how folk cosmetology rejuvenates at home for a penny! And if you want to learn more recipes prepared at home, go here on our page, which is devoted to home face masks.