Lose 10 kilograms per month at home

  • 1 How to lose 10 kg per month
    • 1.1 Diet for extreme thinness( menu for a month)
    • 1.2 Lose 10 kg per month - at home exercises

How to lose 10 kg per month in a month? This question torments more often the fair sex on the eve of spring or summer. It is very important to make the process smooth and do not harm your health. The first results will motivate you to continue to maintain a diet and exercise.(High-tech is available).

How to lose 10 kg per month

In order to lose up to 10 kg per month and not cause damage it is worth sticking to the tips:

1. Refusal of flour products. In the online diet program it is recommended not to eat bread and its derivatives for a while.

2. Refusal of sugar and its derivatives. Even if you are a sweet tooth, you should limit yourself to foods that contain high amounts of sugar.

3. Refusal of fried and salted. These components can hold water in the body in addition to harmful effects on it.

4. Rules of light supper and hearty breakfast. Those who like to overeat at night gain weight much faster than those who refuse supper at all or replace it with protein food.

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5. Do not drink after eating. The rule familiar to us in childhood really has a place to be. Wash down a particular meal, we deliberately stretch the stomach. As a result, in the future we need much more to eat calories than usual.(Tanja Rybakova so for a week has thrown off to 3 kg).

How to lose 10 kg per month - the real advice of Dr. Ducane.

This very strict diet will help you to remove from the body not only extra pounds, but also toxins, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. It is designed by a professional doctor and contains in its menu all the necessary elements for a balanced diet. You will not go back to the old weight, and most importantly she will abstain all( even the 16-year-old girl).

Diet for extreme thinning( menu for a month)

For those people who urgently need to lose a few pounds, the diet of extreme weight loss is developed. You can stick to it in accuracy or replace every day with similar products( pay attention to Protasov's recipes).

1 week.
1. As a breakfast, you can eat at a choice: low-fat yogurt, a handful of fruit or nuts. After 2 hours, if you feel hunger, you can have an apple snack. For lunch, you can prepare vegetable soup without frying and fat, low-fat varieties of fish or meat, salad. Dinner - a glass of yogurt.

2 week.
Breakfast - curd low-fat dairy products, a handful of raisins. Lunch - salad, fish or steamed meat, vegetables. Dinner - vegetable salad.

3 week.
Breakfast - whole wheat bread, a handful of dried fruits. Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, 1 tablespoon of any cereals without oil. Dinner - cottage cheese and a glass of low-fat kefir.

4 week.
Breakfast - vegetable green salad with coke. Lunch - boiled chicken fillet and salad. Dinner - 2 baked apples.

It is worth considering the fact that for one meal it is not necessary to eat more than 300 grams.

It is also necessary to take into account a number of contraindications that are present in this diet.

Among them:
• Pregnancy and breastfeeding
• Acute period of chronic disease
• Individuals over 55 years old
• Children under 16
• Normal psycho-emotional uplift.

To lose 10 kg per month - at home exercises

In order for you to get a quick result, you need to work on reducing weight in the complex. To do this, it is necessary to develop not only a food system, but also intensive training, in which the emphasis should be placed on the cardio load.

The choice of training and exercises should ideally be handled by the trainer, painting the program specially for you, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the presence of chronic diseases. Approximate training plan:

It starts with a 15-minute workout. Every day, increase the time to 45-60 minutes. As a warm-up, you can jump on the rope for 3-5 minutes.

Running. How much should I run? In order to get rid of excess weight it is recommended to start with running for 15 minutes. If you are a beginner, you can start with a quick walk on a treadmill or a regular park. Over time, it is necessary to increase the load and increase the tempo.30 minutes a day( morning or evening) is enough.

Legs and buttocks. The most tested and best exercises are attacks and sit-ups. But it's worth starting with simple sit-ups, which are the most energy-consuming and effective for the lower body.

Press and belly .Suitable exercises such as twisting, frying, boat. To do this, you need to lie on your back and lift your torso, straining the press. It is very important to control the muscles of the neck, it is better to focus your eyes on the ceiling. If you do everything right, you will feel a pleasant burning sensation in the abdomen.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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