With climacterium, there can be a lot of sensations, dizziness is one of them. You can learn it at any age. But in menopause, it causes the most anxiety, since among the main symptoms of the condition this is usually not called. And yet dizziness with menopause worries quite often for many reasons. It can manifest itself suddenly and in different ways.
Contents of
- 1 Why the head is spinning
- 1.1 When the menopause is directly blamed
- 1.2 Diseases provoking vertigo
- 2 How this manifests
- 3 Therapy methods
Why the head is spinning
Menopause is accompanied by a change in the state of health due to serious hormonal adjustment. The body loses its makeup with estrogens and other substances that not only controlled reproductive capacity, but participated in metabolic processes, and gave elasticity to the tissues. If before the changes in the amount of hormones had a regularity, then now they occur chaotically. Accordingly, and the body obeys this rhythm.
The feeling that the world begins to rotate, can appear in premenopause. But with her many explain this by chance or do not attach importance.
Only a little later, when this is repeated and amplified, women come to mind doubt whether there can be dizziness in menopause. Suddenly this is a symptom of the disease?
When the menopause
is directly to blame Physiological causes for dizziness in menopause are somewhat:
- Tides. Suddenly, blood rushing to the upper part of the body creates a feeling of heat, makes sweat glands work more actively. The tide has a short-term effect, but creates a load on the vessels and brain. After it there is a feeling of exhaustion, and after all of such attacks some people can have up to 50 a day;
- Pressure increase. Vessels become less elastic, deposits may appear on their walls. This is all due to a decrease in the volume of estrogens, which gives rise to the amount of cholesterol and reduces collagen. That is, blood can not continue to circulate rhythmically over the body, and its viscosity index increases. This creates conditions for increasing blood pressure, worsening blood supply to the brain, the heart. The organs receive less oxygen, which is expressed in part by the fact that the head is spinning;
- Nervousness. A woman of the age of menopause is more emotional, often irritated, her feelings are changeable. This creates a strain not only on the nerves, but also on the vessels. And they, as already said, directly affect the work of the vestibular apparatus;
- Headaches. In menopause, they are often caused by vasospasms, can have the character of migraines, which also contributes to dizziness;
- Insomnia. Menopause of many deprives the possibility of a full night's rest. Long sleep, intermittent sleep are caused by the increased need to urinate, overwhelming emotions. In such conditions, there is no possibility of restoring the body. And chronic fatigue contributes to vestibular disorders.
Diseases provoking vertigo
Dizziness causes in women with menopause may have more serious than hormonal changes. Menopause often opens the way for diseases, including those affecting the vestibular apparatus:
- Peripheral cochovestibular disorder that affects the inner ear. It may manifest itself before the onset of premenopause, but the concomitant endocrine disorders cause the disease to manifest itself with frequent dizziness. Everything also happens because of the fact that the inner ear is worse supplied with oxygen during menopause;
- Vestibular neuritis. This is the excitation of the nerve, in which the head can spin from rising upwards, turning to the side. A symptom arises suddenly and stops abruptly;
- Cervical osteochondrosis. When the disease is pinched nerves, blood supply to the brain and nearby tissues is disturbed. Sharp head movement leads to pain, impossibility to navigate in space;
- Brain tumor. Even benign neoplasm has a tendency to grow, so it can squeeze tissues. This is manifested by the sequence of development of dizziness, which becomes stronger in a certain posture. Together with them, pain appears, deafness and visual impairment may develop;
- Stroke. The head begins to whirl sharply, in the eyes of two, there is weakness, the inability to clearly pronounce the words and the lack of coordination;
- Perilymphatic fistula. As a result of craniocerebral trauma or chronic otitis in the tympanic cavity, an extra hole may appear, through which liquid enters the space of the middle ear. This causes, in addition to dizziness, noise and snapping in the area, hearing loss;
- Disease of visual muscles. Dizziness occurs when the pictures flash quickly before the eyes, but quickly passes;
- Meniere's disease. The cells of the inner ear are pressured by the liquid that has appeared in its cavity. An ailment can occur as a result of injuries, infections, vascular problems. To suspect a diagnosis of seizures, in which, in addition to the symptom in question, there are vomiting, ringing in the ears, intense sweating. One of the signs is the loss of balance, in which it is impossible even to sit;
- Multiple Sclerosis. With it develops the inflammation of the brain and the shell of nerves. The beginning of the disease, in which treatment is most successful, and there are dizziness.
Some, having survived an acute attack, especially in a public place, then are afraid to leave the apartment. But in any case, to be examined and to find out the cause is necessary, especially when dizziness is often tortured or lasts a long time.
How it manifests
Vertigo specialists divide into 3 types:
- Vertigo, when it seems that things and people around start to rotate, or a woman has a feeling that she turns herself. Objects can decrease or increase in size, as well as the distance to them. With vertigo sometimes there are ripples before the eyes, shroud or darkening, especially with sudden movements. There may be weakness in the hands and feet, nausea and vomiting, as well as rejection of bright light, loud sounds;
- Imbalance. With him, a woman with difficulty coordinates her movements, can not go, and sometimes remain in a fixed position;
- An advanced state in which a sharp vertex arises, darkens in the eyes, the heart is pounding, vomiting. A rapid change in body position can cause an increase in symptoms and fainting.
Vertigo with menopause in women is often the first type, that is, vertigo. It is important to identify and other signs accompanying it: discharge from the ear, pain, hearing and sight quality, others.
They can tell the reason that your head is spinning, but only to a specialist. Even if it is contained in a natural decrease in the concentration of sex hormones, you need to correct the situation. This is not a sentence that can be tolerated patiently until the body becomes addicted to the new state.
We recommend reading the article about the causes of insomnia with menopause. You will learn about what causes sleep disturbance, how to eliminate it, how to use drug treatment and traditional medicine.
Therapy Methods
If this is the only symptom that persists in menopause, and it is determined that the diseases are nothing to do with, maybe its elimination by one's own efforts:
- No hard diets and hobbies fatty, smoked, salty. You need vegetables, juices, dairy products, slow carbohydrates, as well as complex vitamin products. It is important to drink enough fluids( up to 2 liters per day);
- Traffic. It is necessary to choose a sport, a different kind of physical activity, which does not require a sharp change in the position of the body. It can be yoga, swimming, aqua aerobics, dancing, cycling;
- Use of traditional recipes, that is, drinking water with lemon juice, black pepper and salt, decoction from a mixture of plantain, mint, oregano and dogrose( 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water), infuse parsley seeds( 10 g for 200 ml of cold water, soak for 10 hours), carrot, beet and pomegranate juice.
Alignment of the balance of substances will relieve other manifestations of menopause, that is, will not give rise to vestibular disorders. Assign any of the means:
- Divigel;
- of the Climart;
- Derremiril;
- Proginova;
- Estriol.
Or homeopathic remedies:
- Climadinone;
- Qi-Klim;
- Remens;
- Climaxan.
Some may additionally be prescribed drugs that affect the vestibular apparatus:
- Betaserk;
- Vestibo;
- Tagist;
- Vasobral.
The time has passed when vertigo was considered a sign of aristocracy. Do not put up with them, wait until the symptom leaves you alone. There are ways to defeat him, whatever he is called for.