Angelik - an effective drug for menopause 2

Menopause of many women compels to seek and use various means to normalize well-being. Since negative changes are associated with a decrease in the volume of sex hormones, it is necessary to fill it. Angelik - a remedy with menopause, just able to do it.


  • 1 Composition and characteristics of the effect on the body
    • 1.1 What and how treats Angelica
  • 2 How to take Angelica
  • 3 Contraindications

Composition and characteristics of the effect on the body

Angelica is a combined preparation, that is, it contains both estradiol and drospirenone. The first component is a synthetic analogue of the substance produced by the body. It dampens most of the symptoms of menopause.

To balance its effect on the endometrium, a derivative of spironolactone is added to the formulation. This helps prevent bleeding that affects some women in premenopausal and later periods, as well as the development of hyperplasia, endometriosis. Drospirenone has antiandrogenic, antigonadotropic, anticorticosteroid effects.

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Another part of Angelica includes:

  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Titanium.

Although they are present in minimal amounts, they do not exert much influence, but still help in neutralizing the factors that cause noticeable manifestations of menopause.

From what and how treats Angelica

Angelica, as a medicine used in menopause, has a number of advantages over other similar means. There are many hormonal preparations, but only this one possesses a set of possibilities to fight with so many manifestations of the condition:

  • Stabilizes the work of the ovaries in the premenopause. As a result, not only the vasomotor symptoms decrease, but infrequent ones are made less intense and painful;
  • Estriol actively counteracts vegetative-vascular signs, eliminating hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, heart palpitations. The psychoemotional state of a woman is equalized with the remission of such symptoms as irritability, tearfulness, apathy;
  • The elasticity and function of the mucous membranes of the genital and urinary organs are restored, as a result of which discomfort, soreness in sex, incontinence disappears. All this makes estriol, he also regains libido;
  • Bone density is retained due to the property of estriol to stimulate the production of substances supporting their tissues and inhibit the production of destructive components. The threat of injuries and fractures with the use of Angelica is significantly reduced;
  • Degenerative processes in the layers of the skin are slowed down. Estriol contributes to the production of collagen, which maintains its elasticity and freshness. Without wrinkles and wrinkles at this age can not do, but they will be less pronounced with the reception of Angelica;
  • The drospirenone available in the formulation relieves swelling, activating the removal of excess fluid. This contributes to the disappearance of many negative symptoms. The morbidity in the mammary glands is gone, the excess weight is inhibited, and some manage to dump it. Stabilized blood pressure, since drospirenone, in addition to removing unnecessary fluid, cleans blood from cholesterol, not allowing it to be deposited on its walls in the form of plaques;
  • It is established that the drug with menopause angelic has the ability to prevent the appearance of endometrial and intestinal tumors. The latter occurs for unclear reasons, but the fact is revealed by long-term observations;
  • Drospirenone helps to get rid of hair loss, as well as skin problems caused by an excess of androgens.

How to take Angelique

The product is packaged for 28 days. A day take 1 tablet, and when the latter is used, you need to start the next morning a new blister. It is better to do this at the same time, so that the body is easier to adapt to the introduction of hormone-like synthetic substances.

The tablet is not shredded, along with water. If a woman forgot to take another one in one day, then use two immediately categorically is not recommended.

A single pass does not threaten anything, but systematic repetition of this easily leads to bleeding, as it destabilizes the hormonal balance.

For the best effect, it is not possible to exceed the prescribed dosage prescribed by the doctor. This, as well as the omission of tablets, will cause a violation of the balance of substances and, as a consequence, the appearance:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Bleeding from the genital tract.

We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about the need to take hormonal drugs, the effects of homeopathic medicines, the recommended way of life for a woman.


Because Angelica is a hormonal drug, and even a combined action, there are a lot of contraindications to its use. These include cases where the agent is capable of causing irreparable harm, before which its positive effect fades.

The drug is not prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  • Breast cancer, available or cured;
  • Benign hormone-dependent tumors localized anywhere;
  • Diseases of the liver and related organs, including malignant neoplasms;
  • Severe kidney ailment, including chronic insufficiency;
  • Thrombosis and thromboembolism, both arterial and venous, including pulmonary;
  • Increased amount of triglycerides in the blood.

It is possible in some cases to use Angelica, but with great care and with vigilant medical supervision for those with:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Increased amount of bilirubin;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Endocrine discomfort, especially in diabetes.
Angelica is a very effective remedy for menopause. But do not think that after reading the annotation, you can start drinking it yourself. Taking into account all contraindications, as well as side reactions, which can cause artificial replenishment of the body with hormones, it is dangerous to do so.

But if the expert, having examined the patient, was convinced that Angelica needed her, as a result of the treatment, there is no reason to doubt. The condition will be the strict implementation of the rules of admission and medical supervision.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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