Pain in the abdomen and back in menopause

Menopause can be a test of strength. The changes that occur in it are natural, but some of them are capable of passing into the pathological plane. Awareness of this leads to the brink of a nervous breakdown, some women already do not understand themselves whether they are healthy or not.

One of the disturbing signs may be that the climax hurts the lower abdomen and back. Is there a health threat here? After all, all are accustomed to perceive pain as a signal of the body for help.

Contents of

  • 1 Why does it hurt?
  • 2 Menopause and abdominal pain
    • 2.1 When the cause is
  • 3 disease Sensations in the back

Why does it hurt?

Climax puts everything upside down. Three or four decades, the body is used to working, subject to the influence of sex hormones. At one point, their number begins to fluctuate, then decreases to almost zero. This causes a lot of negative feelings, one of which is the pain of different localization.

With the decline, disappearance of estrogens and progestins in it, the volumes of other hormones that previously gave a good mood decrease.

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In a different way there is a metabolism( usually slows down), the immunity is not at the altitude, which gives rise to a higher probability of getting sick. Mental and nervous balance is lost.

For these reasons, pain in menopause can be troubling in many areas of the body: the chest, back, joints, head. Climax also has other severe manifestations: hot flashes, thinning of mucous membranes, degradation of reproductive organs. All this in most cases does not pass unnoticed for well-being.

Menopause and abdominal pain

The main indicators that control the course of menopause, reproductive organs. Everyone knows that they are located in a small pelvis. That is, what happens to them, responds sensations in the area of ​​the pubic region and waist. Naturally, with a change in well-being, women are worried about whether the abdomen can hurt with menopause.

Discomfort in this area is often caused by psychosomatic causes. With menopause often excruciating changeable mood, despondency. Some regret the past youth, unhappy with the appearance, the surrounding. Having become entangled in themselves, they reach a depressive state, which is capable of disguising themselves under various ailments. If psychological instability is guilty of pain, digestive upsetting can also occur.

Fear of getting sick is also common in women in menopause. Constantly listening to themselves, giving vent to bad thoughts, they are capable of provoking discomfort in the abdomen.

When the cause is the disease

Why the stomach hurts with menopause, sometimes you have to find out a few specialists. The syndrome can be a sign of trouble in the reproductive or digestive systems. Some ailments in this period of time are activated. Probably their first appearance.

Even , gynecological ailments that depend on sex hormones, often reminiscent of themselves or are found out. If the climax hurts the lower abdomen, and worries the back, maybe it's:

  • Fibromyoma of the uterus. A benign tumor appears with an increased volume of estrogens. To suspect this reason it is possible at those at whom the menopause has come later than 50 years. The pains are aching or paroxysmal, bleeding is noticed. This tumor rarely degenerates into a malignant one, but it itself is capable of delivering many unpleasant moments;
  • Endometriosis. This estrogen-dependent disease in menopause can wake up with new strength due to hormonal failure, excess weight. Pain in the abdomen with menopause is not its only sign. A woman may notice spotting, sometimes abundant. Disturb headaches, constantly bad mood, insomnia. However, the selection does not always appear. But the pain has a different localization and depends on where the endometrial cells are fixed - on the appendages, intestines, urinary organs;
  • Chronic salpingitis. A hidden inflammatory process can be activated in menopause. The affected oviduct causes pain more in the lateral part, but gives to the lower abdomen and sacrum. Allocations may not bother, but temperature jumps;
  • Synechia in the uterus. The organ with climax decreases in size, atrophies, which can occur with the fusion of tissues in its cavity. First there are spikes that can form asymptomatically. But the pains in the lower abdomen with menopause make you suspect that there may be liquid in the uterus. The process develops before inflammation, and sensations intensify to hard-to-bear;
  • Malignant tumors. Noticeable pain occurs in them at a late stage. And at the very beginning, even when the tumor is localized on the ovary, sipping in the lower abdomen and sacrum can occur from time to time.

We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about the need to take hormonal medicines, the action of homeopathic medicines, the recommended lifestyle in menopause.

Sensations in the back

Back pain in menopause in most cases is not attributed to psychosomatics. One of the characteristic signs of this condition is the loss of calcium. This worsens the condition of blood vessels and the work of the heart, the brain. Guilty of reducing the substance is all the same disappearance of estrogens.

Calcium loss means weakening of bone tissue. Naturally, this suffers from this and the spine. After all, he has a huge load, especially on the lumbar spine. It will be even higher if there is excess weight, which often happens at the age of menopause. There are a lot of nerve endings in the region of the spine, so the sensations in its lower part can be quite strong, it can grow with inclines, lifting the gravity.

Back pain in menopause sometimes signals not only degenerative processes in bone tissue or gynecological ailments. Diseases of the intestines, kidneys, too, allow you to know about yourself sensations in the area.

When the lower abdomen is hurting with a climax and the back is aching, it is important to avoid extremes. Do not invent fatal diseases, but you can not ignore the syndrome. To reveal the present occasion it is possible at regular inspection, and to get rid of a dyscomfort to some there is enough therapy of a menopause.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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