For the treatment of climacteric syndrome, there are many pharmacy products. This hormonal drugs, and homeopathic, vitamin complexes. But folk remedies with menopause sometimes can be more useful than ready-made ones. Their effectiveness is verified by many generations of women. They do not have such severe contraindications as hormones, are easy to prepare.
- 1 How to get started
- 2 Medicinal plants
- 2.1 Clover
- 2.2 Caddy bag
- 2.3 Lipa
- 2.4 Rhodiola
- 3 Gatherings
- 4 Means with honey
- 5 For external use
Where to start
Searching for ways to deal with climax folkmeans, it should be understood that there are no universal among them. Each recipe is designed to eliminate a group of symptoms or one of them.
If a woman is tormented all manifestations at once, you can combine hormonal treatment with folk methods. And although most of them are based on natural ingredients, do not zealous with dosages.
It is also important to identify the existing intolerance of the components, in this case you will have to choose a different composition.Traditional medicine for menopause in women does not give an instant effect, it should be used for a long time. But if it is obvious that the condition worsens with a particular method, they must immediately stop the therapy. Such things happen infrequently, but each organism is unique and is able to react to a century-old prescription in an unpredictable way.
Before taking on the treatment of menopause with folk remedies, one should consult an expert. Herbs are not as neutral in terms of safety, as one might think.
Medicinal plants
Estrogen, which is sorely lacking in menopause, can be taken not only from hormonal drugs. There are natural substances similar to the produced organism, which have a similar effect on the tissues.
Herbs in menopause with estrogens are good for use if they are plagued by multiple manifestations of it. They are taken in the form of drinking, bath products, scouring and douching.
This plant is widely distributed, it is known as a source of natural estrogens, which makes it possible to use it in pharmacy antimycotics. The same can be done on your own, wanting to get rid of the tides, unreasonable profuse sweat. Clover contains a lot of magnesium, selenium, vitamins, chrome, potassium and phosphorus. And calcium in a glass is infused on its basis more than in the same volume of milk. The preparation is made from 2 tbsp.clover and 200 ml of water. The future medicine is tanned on a water bath for 15 minutes. Turning off the heating, leave for 2 hours. Squeeze, add the liquid to 200 ml and drink it for a day.
Shepherd's bag
This herb is more commonly considered a weed, but it is also a source of natural hormones. The shepherd's bag is used for bleeding and tidal purposes. It is especially indicated for those who are in premenopause. But at the final stage, too, does not hurt.
Such kind of folk remedies are used with menopause cautiously and in small quantities. Steam and stand for 2 hours for 200 ml of water only 1 tablespoon.plants. Take a little - 30-40 ml four times a day.
Estrogens, contained in lime blossom, are the closest in composition to those produced by the ovaries. Therefore, recipes with this tool will suit everyone.
With climax, linden based preparations are prepared as tea leaves or for a bath to normalize sweating. The drink is shown in the morning for tonus and good mood. The bath is taken before bedtime.
Rhodiola cold
This plant is known to most women as a red brush. It has such a strong estrogen-like effect that in menopause it is often combined with ortilia with a one-sided( boric uterus) that causes a reaction similar to progestogens.
Rhodiola under the supervision of a doctor can be used and separately, if you suffer from hot flashes, insomnia, increased anxiety. Avoid it at high blood pressure, thrombosis. Prepare the water infusion for three daily doses of 1 tsp. Rhodiola and 200 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes in a container under the lid. They drink half a glass at a time. Treatment will take 1-3 months.
Herbs in menopause may not necessarily contain estrogen-like substances. There are other components, no less important in stopping irritability, insomnia. Menopause is concerned about the oppression of protective forces and rapid tiredness. Actively resist such features:
- Calendula flowers, anise seeds, leaves of a violet tricolor, licorice root. Plants will be needed in equal amounts. Mixing, measure 1 tbsp.and placed in 200 ml of boiling water. After half an hour of insisting, the preparation is ready, it remains to filter. Take it 40 ml 3 times a day before meals. Three weeks of use, then forget about it for 7 days. Then you can again prepare the collection;
- Rosehip fruits, hop cones, balm in equal parts and grass cuff that needs as much as all the other ingredients together.2 tsp.the mixture is immersed in 500 ml of boiling water in a ceramic container and steamed in a bath for 15 minutes. After an hour, the drug can be eaten and drunk 1 tbsp.4 times before meals every day. This collection of herbs in menopause helps you to quickly fall asleep at night and feel yourself a fresh day;
- 3 tbsp.leaves of blackberries, 2 tablespoons.motherwort, 1 tbsp.berries of hawthorn, cudweed and lemon balm. Chopping and stirring them, take 1 tablespoon. Assorted and placed in 200 ml of boiling water for hourly infusion. Drink is necessary for 1/3 cup three times a day. This remedy defeats the tides, improves sleep, stops headaches.
They are close to depression. Therefore, it is useful to periodically take fees:
- Shepherd's bag, Veronica officinalis, chamomile, nettle, valerian root. Each herb to take the same amount, steam 2 tablespoons.mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, soak for half an hour. The received volume is divided into 3 times. To drink it it is necessary for a day;
- Leaves of forest raspberry, clover, lemon balm, bilberry bilberry, chamomile. Mix, prepare and take the remedy the same as the previous one.
Means with honey
Honey is not only a treat, which, however, in menopause should not be carried away because of the large volume of carbohydrates in it. In combination with other substances, he can get rid of some of its acute manifestations.
Honey with climax has established itself as a remedy for improving memory, general well-being, purifying capillaries and neutralizing of vegetative-vascular signs in the following recipes:
- With black pepper.7 of its grains are grinded to a powder and stirred in 1/2 tsp.honey. This compound is taken with warm water. There is after that it is possible after 15 minutes, not earlier;
- With flower pollen. Taking this recipe, it is important to make sure that there is no intolerance to the ingredients. Polents need 25 grams of honey, 100 grams. They are mixed and eaten 1-2 tsp.2-3 times a day;
- With beet juice. Before use, this component should be refrigerated for 2 hours. Beet juice in equal parts is mixed with liquid honey. Take an assortment of 1 tbsp.2 times a day.
We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about hormone-containing and homeopathic remedies, their effect on the body of a woman during menopause, the recommended way of life.
For external use
Folk remedies for menopausal women are not only for oral use. Sometimes the greatest inconvenience brings dryness in the intimate zone. To prevent and relieve this sign can baths from:
- Lyubistok and motherwort.30 g roots of the first plant for the night soak in 1 liter of cool water. The mixture is heated, adding 50 g of motherwort. The remedy should be cooked for 30 minutes. After cooling, 200 ml of the resulting liquid is poured into a warm bath. In 20 minutes she will calm and relieve the discomfort. And if you do the procedure regularly, you can forget about sweating and nervousness, headaches;
- Chamomile. This plant softens and disinfects. His broth is used for baths and bathing. For the last procedure take 2 tablespoons.for 250 ml of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, allow to cool down to 37 degrees. Into the bath add an infusion of 5 2 liters of water, prepared in a similar way.
Folk remedies used in menopause can not become a complete replacement of hormone therapy. But to help with its easy flow or as supporting measures they are able. Among their many, every woman will find her own.