Climax is a difficult period for many women, in which they feel old and sick. Hormonal preparations are capable of correcting the situation. But you can not take them all. And those who do not have contraindications, try to avoid use. What is to be done, is it possible to endure numerous severe manifestations of the extinction of the reproductive function? Saving can be a means of ice cream formula at menopause reinforced formula.
Contents of
- 1 A little about Ladys Formula
- 1.1 How does the vitamin complex work with menopause?
- 2 How does the formula help ice cream in the fight against aging?
- 3 How to take the remedy?
A little about Ladys Formula
Vitamin complexes of ice cream formula exist for different ages. With menopause they are especially necessary. During this period the body is deprived of such an important component that ensures uninterrupted functioning, like hormones.
The main one, estrogen, was previously responsible for the metabolism, the realization of reproductive capabilities. With a decrease in its concentration, many tissues are inadequate for the components necessary for the normal state. Because of this, a woman has a number of symptoms that complicate existence, and some lead to illness.
With the ice cream formula the climax passes almost imperceptibly. The complex contains vitamins, micro- and macro elements, which promote the acceleration of metabolic processes, the leveling of the hormonal balance. And although it is impossible to return reproductive opportunities, it is really possible to relieve manifestations of severe menopause.
How does the vitamin complex work with menopause?
In the ice ladies the formula is assembled not just necessary, but mutually complementary composition of components. None of them interfere with the assimilation of the other. The effect of the remedy helps to correct exactly those violations that occur with menopause. Therefore, the ice cream formula for menopause:
- Reduces the number of tides, due to the effect on the vessels. Their walls are made more elastic, normal blood circulation is restored, the sweat glands work;
- Neutralizes nervous manifestations, tearfulness, irritability. This is facilitated by the effect of vitamins on the central nervous system, as well as the effect of natural soothing components;
- Normalizes sleep. For good health, it is necessary, and menopause often takes away this opportunity. Absence of nocturnal increased sweating, neuroses lead to an increase in the phase of prolonged sleep;
- Increases muscle tone. Vitamins and other natural supplements support the production by the body of the collagen necessary for its elasticity, stimulate it to this. Regeneration also occurs in connective tissue and skin;
- Eliminates chronic fatigue, provoked by menopause nervousness, insomnia, vegetative-vascular disorders;
- Struggles with symptoms of PMS in the first stage of menopause, when menstruation comes rarely, but because of the perturbation-induced hormones, the features bring many unpleasant moments. All this thanks to the composition of vitamins and minerals;
- Increases libido, which has a beneficial effect on general health;
- Makes the body as a whole and especially the reproductive system resistant to infections.
The product has an effect on the body around the clock, thanks to which the woman:
- Feels a rush of energy;
- Sees that it has become more attractive, having found improvement of the skin, nail plate, hair, reduction of loss of the latter;
- Notices slowing down of aging processes;
- Does not feel discomfort in the genitals, including during sexual intercourse;
- Stop feeling headaches and muscle pain.
How does the formula help ice cream in the fight against aging?
The formula ladys formula for menopause is an enhanced formula the formula has almost unique. All its components are selected taking into account mutual influence on each other.
The advantage of the tool is that most of them are similar to natural components, others are natural. All of them have an influence on the hormonal balance, but do not show any negative properties in relation to the pituitary and reproductive organs. The complex contains:
- Vitamins B1, B2, B6.Without them, the work of the nervous system is impossible. The same substances participate in the division of all cells, which promotes rejuvenation;
- Pantothenic acid( vitamin B5).It encourages lipid metabolism, due to which the mass fraction of fat in the body decreases. This is necessary to reduce the burden on blood vessels, bone, reduces the risk of cancer;
- Vitamin E. Stimulates the functions of the sex glands, prevents heart disease, reduces discomfort in the chest and vagina;
- Selenium. Prevents cell damage by free radicals, that is, it removes the likelihood of tumors and infarction;
- Manganese. It removes toxins, promotes the elasticity of connective tissue, prevents inflammation;
- Magnesium oxide. It dilates the vessels, soothes, thereby relieving convulsive and painful manifestations in the muscles and head. Regulates the work of nerves, relieving tension and excessive emotionality;
- Folic acid. Normalizes the blood supply of tissues, restoring the work of the heart, preventing the tides. With it disappear insomnia and nervousness, the risk of tumors;
- Extract of maitake. Restores normal pressure, relieves blood vessels from cholesterol, reduces the volume of glucose in the blood;
- Peruvian bug extract. Stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular, hormonal and nervous systems;
- Cymifuga. Without increasing the volume of estrogens, it exerts similar effects on the hormone-responsive parts of the body, thereby improving the metabolism, reducing the chances of osteoporosis and other disorders;
- Clover extract. Improves immunity by acting on the receptors of estrogen in the reproductive organs, does not allow the degeneration of cells;
- Vitex sacred. Normalizes the pituitary gland, which eliminates many climacteric manifestations.
The preparation of ice cream formula of menopause day night has in the composition and additional components aimed at the comfort and recovery of sleep:
- Valerian, possessing soothing and relaxing properties;
- Hops, which reduces tension in muscles, nerve fibers. With him it is easier to fall asleep without side effects after awakening;
- Passionate, which reduces anxiety, stabilizes emotions and helps to fall asleep.
Green tea, which is part of the daily tablets in this series, tones up, improves perception and memory. A ginseng increases the immune forces, regulates the work of the adrenal glands.
We recommend reading the article about the need for a diet with menopause. You will learn about the causes of the appearance of excess weight during the menopause, the ways to combat it and the basics of proper nutrition.
How to take the remedy?
The vitamin complex will have a complete effect with regular intake. Ladys formula with menopause from a series of strengthened formula drink once a day. Full impact will be possible after a month of admission.
There is no sense in drinking the complex for less than this period, although its effect is obvious almost immediately. But in order for it to act on completion, a whole course is necessary. For more than 3 months, the drug should not be taken, it will be superfluous.
Upon its completion, with the permission of the doctor, you can drink a complex designed for daytime and night use. It requires a double intake per day. The last of them should be no later than an hour before bedtime. Whatever type of remedy, take the dragees after eating. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the stomach.
You can not take a vitamin-mineral complex for those who have intolerance to one of the components. With caution, it should be used when there is severe hypertension or severe atherosclerosis. But even in the absence of allergies, other bans can be prescribed only by a doctor. He also sets the course duration.
The removed uterus or ovaries are not an obstacle to the use of the remedy, as are hormone-dependent tumors.
Vitamin complex ice cream formula when menopause from a series of strengthened formula significantly reduces the manifestation of menopause. Some people just need it to normalize their health at this stage. You can start taking the medication at the premenopausal stage, which for some is even more challenging than the actual menopause.