To cope with the symptoms of menopause, there are many drugs based on various substances. Usually, these are synthetic or natural hormones, so most of them act similarly to each other. Ovariamine in menopause has a special place in the series, since its composition does not resemble any other remedy.
Components of Ovariamine
The basis of the preparation is proteins and nucleotides of animal origin. This ovariamine is different from most used in menopause dietary supplements, which include analogues of female sex hormones of plant origin, vitamins and minerals. Means with phytoestrogens are useful in this transitional period in that they fill the blood and other tissues of the body with missing components.
But ovariamine works in menopause so that the sex glands themselves begin to reproduce hormones. The level of estrogens and gestagens almost returns to the former, and the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone, on the contrary, decreases.
It is also important that in the role of auxiliary components the preparation contains:
- Thiamine. The substance stimulates blood formation, which removes fatigue, improves brain nutrition;
- Riboflavin. Converts amino acids, participates in the reproduction of other essential substances, resulting in increased immunity, accelerates metabolism;
- Tocopherol. Rejuvenates the reproductive system in general, provides regeneration of mucous membranes, does not allow pathological oxidation in tissues;
- Retinol. This antioxidant is involved in the construction of bone tissue, teeth, promotes regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, improves vision;
- Niacin. It is necessary for normal metabolism, maintains the nervous system and brain in a stable state;
- Iron. Prevents stress, gives strength by providing oxidation-reduction processes;
- Potassium. Due to this component, ovariamine acts with the climax so that the tides disappear. It stabilizes the work of the heart;
- Zinc. It is necessary for the production of hormones, not only genital, but also insulin. Zinc lowers cholesterol, which saves from hot flashes and obesity;
- Calcium. It is irreplaceable for strength of bones and teeth, health of the spine and joints;
- Phosphorus. Responsible for the acid-base balance, assimilation of the bones of calcium;
- Magnesium. Provides uninterrupted operation of the heart, the functioning of the endocrine system, gives energy.
How Ovariamine works
The effect that the preparation has on the reproductive system, provides neutralization of climacteric symptoms:
- Tides are less common and their intensity is significantly reduced. Those who experienced this symptom in mild form, note that the attacks of heat ceased to alarm at all. The same women talk about excessive sweating. She returns to normal, which makes it possible to sleep soundly at night, not to change clothes many times in the day;
- Headaches and dizziness go away. Arterial pressure acquires a stable character, holds within the norm, as the heart returns to its normal rhythm, and the vessels remain resilient. The viscosity of the blood is at an average level, in it the volume of cholesterol decreases;
- Emotional background acquires permanence, the woman is no longer tormented by an unreasonable anxiety, depression. This is due to the possibility of producing endorphins and serotonin, which are produced with the participation of estrogens;
- In premenopause, menstruation acquires regularity, but passes with less pain. This is provided by the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug, which helps well with adnexitis and other gynecological ailments. In the later period of menopause this quality of ovariamine allows to maintain the elasticity of the mucous membrane in the intimate area, as well as to maintain the normal tone of the walls of the bladder. The latter is important for incontinence, which, with taking the drug, is less of a concern. Ovariamine reduces the chances for the appearance of cystitis, candidiasis, vaginitis;
- The density of bone tissue is maintained. Ovariamine is able to stimulate the division of its cells in a climacterium in such a way that the process of their regeneration prevails over the inevitable destruction. As a result, osteoblasts in bones are still greater than osteoclasts. This provides the tissues with sufficient strength, resulting in pain in the back, spine, joints;
- The metabolism is normalized. This gives the effect of reducing the volume of adipose tissue, reducing swelling.
We recommend to read an article about the intake of dietary supplements in menopause. You will learn about their effects with menopause in women, recommended drugs to reduce the symptoms of menopause.
How to take the drug
The course of treatment with ovariamine will be from 10 to 15 days. The dosage should be determined by the doctor, since it is acceptable to take up to 9 tablets per day. In addition, they are at 150 and 355 mg, so that his consultation is needed even more so. The total daily amount of pills, if there are more than 1, is divided into several portions. Tablets are swallowed whole, washed down with water, shortly before meals.
In the pre-menopause, ovariamine is taken from the 1-5 days of the cycle to give it regularity. But it will be necessary to pay attention to contraception, since in this period ovulation is still possible. In the case of pregnancy, the use of the product is prohibited.
In post-menopause, medication can be taken any day of the cycle. At each stage of menopause it is important to monitor the reaction of the body, since individual intolerance is possible.
Ovariamine with a climacter has almost no contraindications, except for allergies. But you can not use it yourself, because there is a risk to knock down the hormonal background even more, thereby increasing the manifestations of menopause. Consider it a universal tool in the treatment of climacteric syndrome is also not worth it. To some it is shown in combination with hormonal treatment, for others it may not be suitable at all.