The climacteric age for many turns out to be milestone in many senses. In addition to the inherent signs of this state, some literally move into another weight category. This does not contribute to psychological balance, which means that it forces you to look for ways to get rid of unnecessary things. After all, you want to feel better, younger, healthier. How to lose weight in 50 years with menopause, is it possible in principle?
Contents of
- 1 Why does the climax improve?
- 2 What to do with obesity?
- 2.1 Is it possible to prevent the deposition of excess fat?
- 2.2 Read more about nuances of nutrition with climax
- 2.3 What is there all day?
- 3 Principles of weight loss during the menopause
- 3.1 What and how to eat to reduce weight?
- 3.2 Drugs for excess fat
- 3.3 Traditional medicine
- 4 Is sport and menopause compatible?
Why does the climax improve?
The main manifestations of menopause are particularly distinct in the reproductive system. Gradually, the function of the ovaries dies out, the periods stop. And those who do not have one year and longer, can consider themselves to have entered the age of menopause.
But these processes in the body have a clear reason - a change in the hormonal balance. The synthesis of estrogens and progestins decreases and ceases, and FSH and LH increase. This is accompanied by unusual and sometimes painful manifestations. Some of them are aware of the majority of women. But someone also is surprised, that when the menopause has come, has started to recover, in fact its habits in meal have not changed.
Ovarian-produced estrogens serve not only to support menstrual function. They provide elasticity of the skin, mucous membranes, in a word, tone. Their most important function is participation in metabolic processes. The chemical reactions that occur when the cells metabolize fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, have a certain speed.
Decrease in the volume of estrogen destroys the rhythm and principles of absorption of substances. From this, with menopause, a woman gets fat, even if her diet does not add high-calorie foods.
Another reason for weight gain is the property of lipids to produce estrogens. The body tries to restore the old balance, compensating for the fading work of the ovaries, and puts the fat in reserve.
What to do with obesity?
Not everyone is trying to get rid of excess fat, doubting whether they lose weight with menopause. After all, hormonal changes are irreversible, youth can not be returned, and external appeal with age, many attach less importance. In addition, once the fat compensates for a shortage of estrogen, maybe it will stay?
Those who are sure of this are fundamentally wrong. Than to doubt, whether it is possible to grow thin at a climax, it is necessary to undertake for it any more for external appeal, and for the sake of health. After all, overweight is an added burden on the joints and bones. And they are already suffering a deficit of calcium, which makes them strong. The risk of injury is great even in lean, what to say about bbw.
Those who have already felt what is fullness with menopause, what to do should first find out from the doctor. It is not necessary to address this question to younger friends, daughters. Rigid diets and a diet suitable for young people with menopause are not suitable. They can further undermine health, but not achieve the desired result.
Can I prevent the deposition of excess fat?
Those who have remained slim in approaching the age of menopause, are interested in how not to recover during menopause. Such lucky people should keep in mind that preserving the old way of life that would be right for a young woman will not help this.
The metabolism slows down so much that out of 1,000 calories eaten, only 300 are burned, and 700 are deposited on the sides and abdomen. To not recover in menopause, it is necessary to take as a rule some features of nutrition and lifestyle:
- Reduce the number of calories consumed. If in 20 years the body is needed to maintain a weight of 1600-2000 units, in the climax you need a smaller amount;
- Energy in the body should come mainly in the form of proteins, vitamins and fiber. Nutrition with menopause is primarily a decrease in the volume of fats and carbohydrates. And among the first, preference should be given to plant, polyunsaturated;
- Reduce the amount of food for each meal. Distribute it so that the greatest amount was for breakfast, and the smallest for dinner. To simplify the task, you can create a notebook where you can enter everything you eat;
- Do not use to keep the form of unloading days with a monotonous diet or fasting;
- Caring about how not to recover with menopause, you should not forget about physical activity. It is necessary for strengthening the muscular corset, which is important for weakened by the inevitable loss of calcium bones, and a spur of metabolism;
- Cages need water. For a day you need to drink up to 2 liters. This amount does not include compotes, soups and other liquid foods, but you can supplement the clean water with tea and natural coffee. Herbal decoctions will also be useful;
- Important point, how to eat with menopause to not get better. You can start the meal with a glass of cold water. It will take place in the stomach, which will allow a painless reduction in the portion, will require the body to waste energy for warming. Liquid, pre-eating before eating, is a "magic kick" to metabolism, improving digestion.
Read more about the nuances of nutrition with the climax
The need to maintain weight or reduce it does not mean giving up gastronomic pleasures. Just eating with menopause is a source of energy, not gluttony. Of course, you have to reduce the amount of sugars in any form, even if there is no need to lose weight.
Refuse or reduce the presence on the table to a minimum:
- Alcohol;
- Butter, fat;
- Ice cream;
- Butter baking;
- Sweet carbonated drinks;
- Jams;
- Fatty yogurt;
- Chocolate.
In addition to gaining weight, these delicacies are a threat of violation of carbohydrate metabolism, that is, the emergence of diabetes. Then the diet will have to be even more strict.
What products do men with menopause need to feel normal and not be afraid of extra pounds? Help in this:
- Low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese. They give a feeling of satiety and provide the bones with calcium;
- Meat, fish, turkey, chicken. These are sources of collagen building material for cells, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids;Beans, beans. Vegetable protein is needed for regenerative processes in the body. In addition, it's low-calorie and hearty food;
- Vegetables( especially green), seeds, nuts and fruits. Vitamins are needed at any age, with climacteric especially important E and B. They support the vessels and the whole body in a tone, participate in the processes occurring in it. Fiber is needed for the smooth functioning of the digestive organs;Baked bread, pasta from durum wheat. Their presence is necessary, although in small quantities. These are slow carbohydrates that support the endocrine system.
It is necessary to avoid snacks, they will only spoil the appetite, loading the stomach too much. It would be nice to forget about mayonnaise, spicy seasonings. The sauce is very caloric, contains many unnecessary fats and sugar. And seasonings kindle appetite, strengthen tides.
What is there all day?
In order not to eat superfluous, the menu at a climacterium can be made in advance, having calculated volume of kilocalories. In the morning, you can eat foods with the highest energy value. For dinner it is better to drop low-calorie.
Breakfasts can consist of:
- Corn flakes with milk or yogurt, a piece of meat;
- Two toasts with low-fat cheese, eggs and a couple of apples, oranges;
- Spaghetti with chicken, salad with sunflower oil;
- Toast with jam, 100 ml of soy beverage with chopped banana, boiled string beans.
For lunch, you can prepare one of the options:
- Spinach salad with cheese, bun, a piece of baked fish;
- Vegetable stew, sandwich with tomato, turkey or chicken, spaghetti;
- Vegetable soup with a slice of bread, oatmeal on the water or buckwheat with stewed beef, a handful of nuts;
- Protein omelet, green salad with yogurt, toast with cheese;
- Brown rice with broccoli and stewed fish;Mashed potatoes with beef or chicken, vegetable soup.
Dinner can consist of:
- Pieces of chicken and green apple;
- Curd and fruit;
- Kefir and buns with bran;Eggs soft-boiled and salad from vegetables.
Proper nutrition in menopause, if there is no need to reduce weight, but you need to keep it stable, do not rule out the occasional use of apple marshmallow, raisins, marmalade.
Principles of weight loss during the menopause
Most of the ladies by the age of 50 already have time to gain weight and volume. And now their state of health poses the problem of how to lose weight during menopause. All previously mentioned rules do not lose relevance. But they are added to others:
- You can not try to lose weight at once. This is impossible without a sharp restriction in the diet, which is in principle unhelpful. Nutrition for menopause after 50 should be balanced, that is, contain an obligatory number of useful components. Otherwise, the vegetative-vascular and emotional manifestations of this condition will worsen, osteoporosis will arise. And the weight will return and, probably, still increase;
- Additional agents for reconstituting the form in the form of tablets on a plant basis are allowed. But let them choose a doctor. Otherwise, if it is hormonal drugs, the weight may increase, bleeding will be added to it.
What and how to eat to reduce weight?
Weight loss is required for very many women who have come to age of age. To drop superfluous means to get rid of some symptoms of menopause. A positive reflection in the mirror will help to forget about negative emotions.
Nutrition for menopause to lose weight, can contain products already listed here. But the preference should be given easier in the sense of caloric content to vegetables and fruits:
- Cabbage;
- Tomatoes;
- Green apples;
- Cucumbers;
- Carrots;
- Beet;
- Pumpkin;
- Spinach.
Of carbohydrate products, potato and macaroni are better than oatmeal, brown rice, and other cereals. As side dishes are also good legumes. Bread, even with bran, diet is better to eat in the morning or at lunch. Low-fat dairy products can be consumed at least three times a day. To not be completely dejected without a sweet, for breakfast you can eat a banana, mango, pear, a spoonful of honey. Chicken meat, turkey, rabbit, veal will deliver proteins to the body.
Diet in menopause for weight loss assumes a daily separation of products as follows:
- 60% of the diet vegetables and fruits;
- 25% proteins;
- 15% slow carbohydrates.
Instead of vegetable oil, it makes sense to choose olive, it has more vitamin E. In some cases, it is well replaced with lemon juice. And building a daily diet, do not forget to count calories. For weight loss you need no more than 1500 per day, and someone and less.
Drugs for excess fat
Diet pills for menopause can be used only with the permission of a doctor. The hormonal imbalance inherent in the transitional period increases the risk of many diseases and forces some to take medication to eliminate the most severe symptoms. The liver and the body as a whole receive a high load.
Do not take hormones for weight loss, which is prescribed as a replacement therapy, if there are no other reasons for it. To increase the level of estrogen, thus helping to get rid of excess, you can use homeopathic remedies:
- Remens;
- Qi-Klim;
- Climadinone;
- Femicaps;
- Estroel;
- Feminal.
Searching how to lose weight without harm to health in 50 years with menopause, it is worth paying attention to the drugs:
- Reduxin, which lowers the need for food;
- Xenical, which prevents the absorption of fat.
You can take them only after examination and permission of the doctor. Not everyone shows these funds.
Traditional medicine
The problem of excess weight in menopause arose not yesterday. Therefore, recipes have been found that contribute to its reduction in a fairly short time. Women who used them in addition to diet and without fanaticism, share secrets how to lose weight with menopause fast:
- Vegetable juices. Carrot, cucumber, celery, parsley spurs metabolism, improves the work of the intestines, removing toxins from the body, eliminating the deposits on the walls;Pineapple juice or grapefruit juice. Both fruits contain bromelain - a substance that breaks and removes fats;
- Tea with ginger. The plant is ground and brewed together with oolong or puer, drunk without sugar or honey;
- Lemon water. If a citrus slice is crushed in a liquid and drunk it in the morning, the metabolism is accelerated, regular cleansing of the intestine, which will have a beneficial effect on weight.
Do not get too drunk with juices and tea. In this case, lies the danger of washing away not only harmful substances that contribute to the increase in fatty layer, but also many useful components, the weakening of bone tissue. Juices to avoid loss of calcium can be drunk in half with water.
We recommend reading the article about postmenopausal women. You will learn about its manifestations, the nature of the discharge during this period, the need to take medications to alleviate the symptoms.
Is sport and menopause compatible?
Finding out how to lose weight with menopause, you need to understand that one diet will be small. Because of the slowing of metabolism, excess fat will be delayed even if the diet is right, if not to spur on its physical activity. You do not need to set records, it's enough:
- Walk a lot;
- Dancing;
- Ride a bicycle;
- Do aqua aerobics, swim;
- To go on Pilates.
Any of these exercises to choose from will force the body to expend energy, which will ensure weight loss. From time to time massage will be useful. Physiotherapy and moderate exercise will strengthen the muscles, which will support the bones that have become more fragile.
Solving the problem of how to lose weight quickly in 50 years with menopause, you need to remember that this is not a goal, but a condition for health. Therefore, in zeal for weight reduction there should be nothing excessive that would hurt him.
To avoid mistakes, be sure to consult on diets, medications and physical exertion with specialists. And do not doubt the success of losing weight. Climax is not the final path, but one of the stages. Persistent and intelligent women acquire a second youth in it.