Is ovulation possible with menopause?

Climax is one of the most important steps in women's life, in which many things change. Its main sign is the cessation of the childbearing function. But at what point can you be sure that it is completed, and whether there is ovulation in menopause? It is obvious that this can not happen quickly.


  • 1 Conditions for the release of the egg in menopause
    • 1.1 Pre-menopausal ovary
  • 2 Is it possible to calculate egg maturation in the climax period
  • 3 If the cycle is regular before menopause

Conditions for the release of the egg in menopause

In the reproductive age, the female organism is "imprisoned" for the production of sex cells that, united with the masculine, can become a new life. The organism creates all conditions for this, the most important of them is the production of hormones necessary for the development of the follicle.

By the age of 45 or a little later, most of the circumstances favoring the ovulation of the egg lose its validity. But the regressive development is progressive.

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In some women, the transition period takes 2 years( this is a minimum), others experience changes up to 10 years. In more detail, the process looks like this:

  • The number of follicles in the ovaries is progressing;
  • In the blood, the concentration of estradiol decreases;
  • Ovaries secrete less inhibin( a substance that is a sign of reproductive abilities and shows their level at the moment);
  • In the blood, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone increases.

The period in which this happens is called premenopause. All the features that exist in it lead to the fact that the body's ability to produce eggs is reduced. But, as already mentioned, before its final damping can be far away.

Ovulation in premenopause

Ovulation with menopause occurs in premenopause, while conditions for it are kept at the lowest possible level. The majority of women, having approached to the corresponding age, note at themselves:

  • That regular, elongated critical days;
  • Delays of up to several weeks or months;
  • Change in the nature of menstruation, when copious segregations alternate with scanty.

That is, menstruation has not yet come to the end.

A stock of follicles exists, although it is coming to an end, and hormones, decreasing quantitatively, have the possibility of affecting the tissues of the ovaries. The latter have not yet been filled with connective cells at all. And all together means that ovulation at this stage is possible.

Is it possible to calculate egg maturation in the climax period

At the premenopausal stage, the composition of hormones is unstable. It is able to change, but without the previous regularity, which characterizes the organism of a younger woman. Therefore, is unstable cycle, the parameters are monthly. Loses many of the previous values ​​of basal temperature, which previously could suggest together with the calendar the day of ovulation. After all, heat exchange now takes on a different character. All this makes it almost impossible to calculate even the approximate date of release of the egg.

But the most important thing is that ovulation takes place during menopause not in every cycle. And if a woman goes on a period of a month, this does not mean that part of the excretions will be the disintegrated tissues of the sexual cell. Even in youth, menstrual periods are anovulatory. The organism so gives itself a respite or reacts to stress, the transferred illness.

With the attenuation of the reproductive function, hormonal contraception can stimulate ovulation, which is often prescribed in the first stage of menopause for relief of its symptoms. If a woman uses pills that suppress the functions of the ovaries, the organs get rest. And stopping the reception of contraceptives evokes in them an activity in the secretion of hormones. This pushes the release of the follicle and the formation of the egg from it.

We recommend reading the article about the differences between pregnancy and menopause. You will learn about the difference in the composition of hormones under these conditions, the state of health of a woman, the effectiveness of using a pregnancy test.

If the cycle is regular before menopause

Some women have pre-menopausal menstruation that have the same outward appearance as usual. When the cycle is fairly regular, the probability that it will ripen the egg is higher than with oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea. This is evidenced by medical practice.

Not for all women, such a tightening of youth becomes a gift, as it forces you to take more careful care of contraception. Many of its methods due to age and diseases are prohibited, and the need for it persists for at least a year( and for some and two years) after the last monthly. Since according to statistics in 10% of women the possibility of egg ripening in this period exists, especially if they are less than 50.

But here you need to soberly assess the possibility of giving birth to a healthy child. However cynical it may seem, but with age, the quality of biological material deteriorates, and the risk of miscarriage and manifestations of pathologies in the baby increases.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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