Will the conspiracy help with menopause?

Menopause is an inevitable stage in women's life. Not everyone in this period is well and feel at peace. For many centuries it was believed that conspiracy from menopause help restore a sense of health, neutralize severe symptoms. You can treat this method of treatment in any way. But the fact that it exists and is used in our time, when enough drugs for menopause syndrome, indicates sufficient effectiveness.

Why women are confident that the conspiracy will help

One of the signs of menopause is an unstable psychological state. A woman loses her confidence in her own external attractiveness, the need for her loved ones. Some people are often visited by thoughts of illness, death, or bouts of causeless irritation. All this pulls for yourself a poor state of health.

No one knows a woman, does not understand her physical sensations better than herself.

Conspiracies are a kind of psychotherapy, a way of meditation. It is also important that they use them, not just pronouncing words in space, but for preparing decoctions of medicinal plants.
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What conspiracies have reached our days

It is important to correctly tune in, believe in spoken words and their healing power. Conspiracy in menopause is recited by heart, in a whisper. It is better that no witnesses are present at the same time, you need to concentrate, put into words the desire to get rid of the ailment. There are such ways to talk it:

  • To compile a harvest from the root of wheatgrass, juniper fruit, hazel leaves, root of the stalker and goldenrod grass. Plants harvested in equal parts, for single use take 2 tablespoons.and 240 ml of boiling water. They are mixed, while they do it, they say the words: "On the sea-ocean, the island of Buyan lies a heavy stone. On it sits the grandfather one hundred years old. He smoothes the trash from the forest, the foam from the water, from the beginning to the edge, from north to south. Do not touch the wood with trash, the foam from the sea, you notice from the servant of God( the woman's name) all the maya, the sickness, the thinness. In order to brighten her head, she did not burn in the body, then she did not pour, she did not feel tired in her legs. All these words to be, do not forget anything, turn them into health. "The decoctioned broth keeps the night, from the morning it is filtered and drunk for the whole day. Do so every day with the utterance of words for a year and a half;
  • Pronounce the curse from the climax on the waning moon. In a transparent dish poured clean water and set so that the heavenly body in it reflected. At dawn after a conspiracy to liquid it is washed, the rest is drunk. The words say: "A month is a friend, look around, shine with the face, so that the servant of God( woman's name) will not be deaf. Did the Virgin look at you? I looked. Wombs of women tolerated? I could not stand it. Give me the same, the servant of God( woman's name) to look at you in the water, not to touch the suffering of women. Stars for help, in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen";
  • The spell is read on the bath water. It is necessary to take a white candle( light it), a handful of salt and essential oil( narcissus, violets, cloves or sandalwood).Then they collect water into the tub, the body must immerse into it whole. Dissolve in the liquid salt and a few drops of oil, you can now lie down in it. Completely relaxing for a few minutes, you need to imagine how the body leaves the colored balls( it's ailments).Then pull out the cork from the bath, remaining in it, while the liquid flows out. They conspire from manifestations of menopause: "Illness, flow from me through the water, far, far into the pool, to mermaids and kikimoram."Getting up, you need to take a shower. Repetition of the ritual on a daily basis will help you fall asleep more quickly, and during the day feel more cheerful;
  • On the first day of the new moon, a ritual with candles. In the evening on the floor, draw a chalk circle 50 cm in diameter. To the right of it, set a lit red candle. During the procedure, say: "Flame to the flame." Opposite the red and on the rest of the parties put the white candles. Lighting them, say: "Take care of the slave of God( woman's name), my ailments, women's flame, drive away. As it was said, it's done. Amen".In the center of the circle, put your own photo and a sheet with a name. Fold the palms of your chest and say: "My woman's welfare, be here before my eyes day and night, do not leave me ever. Flame, burn, pain, go away. As she said, it came true. Amen".Then take a pre-prepared dry branch of grass, bring it to a burning red candle and say: "Burn, hvoroba, I am healthy. Amen, Amen, Amen. "The burnt stalk is thrown into a cup of water, which is spilled out, the candles are extinguished by a blow.

We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about the intake and action of hormonal and homeopathic medicines, the need to lead a recommended lifestyle, adhere to a diet.

Prayer in the treatment of menopause

Prayer in menopause for some is more effective than conspiracy. She is spoken mentally or very quietly when she went to church. It is necessary to take it with you in a white handkerchief:

  • Fruit of acacia;
  • Rose petals are red;
  • Elder flowers;
  • Sunflower petals;Seeds of pumpkin and tomato.

Having defended the church service, listening to the bell ringing, say: "As God praises this ring, so I praise Him, who gives me, the slave( woman's name) healing from the female infirmity, health. Amen".On the way to the house you can not communicate with anyone, and after returning there, you need to put a handkerchief with the collection on your lower abdomen for 5 minutes. Then its contents are discarded.

Conspiracy, read from menopause, can not be considered an absolute solution to problems. But it will help to tune in for the best, and it is very valuable for women's health.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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