Reception of phytoestrogens in menopause

Menopause does not leak unnoticed. Some have to endure such manifestations that they can periodically put into bed. Hormonal drugs are not shown to everyone, can cause side reactions.

Phytoestrogens in menopause have more opportunities for use, and do not provoke undesirable manifestations.


  • 1 What represent phytohormones
  • 2 Where to plant hormones
    • 2.1 Oregano
    • 2.2 Sage
    • 2.3 Rhodiola is cold and ortiliya menopausal
    • 2.4 Scourge cucumbers
    • 2.5 Air
    • 2.6 Rowan
    • 2.7 Estrogenosoderzhaschaya food
    • 2.8 Soybeans
    • 2.9 Homeopathy

What are the phytohormones

Healthy functioning of the body is largely determined by the sufficiency of hormones, some of which are produced by the ovaries. These are estrogens and progesterone, the amount of which begins to fluctuate over time, tending to decrease. Hence, vascular disorders, a "jumping" menstrual cycle, changes in mucous membranes and skin, and aggravated neural manifestations.

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Phytohormones with menopause can reduce unpleasant symptoms. These are components of natural origin found in plants. They are similar to substances produced by the female body, which makes it possible:

  • To ease the signs of menopause;
  • Restore metabolism;
  • Slow down the external signs of aging.

Plant hormones with climax work more gently than synthetic analogues of substances, requiring a longer application. They can be a supplement to HRT or used as an independent type of treatment. For some time there are preparations containing these substances in a concentrated form. You can get them and if there are certain products.

Phytohormones in menopause for relief of its symptoms are needed in several forms:

  • Isoflavones. They support the cardiovascular system, have antitumor properties;
  • Lignans. They act as an antioxidant on all body tissues, fight against the appearance of atypical cells;
  • Kumestany. Carrying blood to the receptors, substances rejuvenate the cells, eliminate metabolic disturbances in them.
Phytoestrogens are used with menopause most often. It is the deficiency of the analogues of these substances produced by the body that affects the state of health in menopause.

Where to get phytohormones

Until a woman completely overtook climax, herbal treatment will help not only to soften its manifestations, but also to remove most of them in time. In addition to the hormone-like action, they show calming properties, thanks to the vitamins existing in them, they restore immunity. After all, he also suffers in this period, making it more likely the appearance of a variety of diseases.

Herbs in the postmenopausal period are needed as components of restorative drinks and additives for bathing, just podmyvaniya. Possessing antibacterial and emollient effects, they reduce the unpleasant sensations of dryness of the perineum and skin, prevent the occurrence of infections.


Oregano with menopause is indispensable for those who are infested with hot flushes. Having in the composition of thymol, ethereal compounds, ascorbic, tannin components, it has calming, normalizing sleep qualities. Grass can be prepared as tea, taking 1 tsp.on 200 ml of boiling water and insisting 3-5 minutes.

There is also a method specifically designed to normalize blood circulation, that is, lowering the frequency and strength of hot flashes:

  • 2 tbsp.milled leaves;
  • 400 ml of boiling water.

Connecting them in a thermos bottle, leave for 3-4 hours. The filtered composition should be drunk 3 times a day.

Oregano has a rejuvenating effect on the ovaries. Their work becomes more stable, and the result is less ample menstrual period in premenopause.


Sage healing properties in menopause appears in several directions. He struggles with tides, regulates sweating, copes with emotional instability, removes swelling, restores blood supply, which is important - in the genitals, reducing atrophic manifestations in them.

There are three ways to prepare a compound to eliminate the symptoms of menopause:

  • Infusion of sage is done by taking 2 tablespoons.dry grass and 200 ml of boiling water, warming them for 15 minutes on a steam bath. This drug is intended for drinking during the day;
  • Herbal tea with climax from the grass can also be made with mint, motherwort, valerian. A glass of boiling water needs 1 tsp.collection or one sage. Depending on the excruciating manifestations, they drink from the morning or before bedtime;
  • The additive for a bath of sage is made from 10 tbsp per 2 liters of boiling water. Prepare, as an infusion, pour into the container. Healing water will save you from excessive sweating.

Rhodiola cold and ortilia in menopause

The use of a red brush( rhodiola) and a hog uterus( ortilia) is very common for problems with the development of the endometrium, benign tumors. The active effect that they exert is irreplaceable in menopause, if it is complicated by hyperplasia, myoma.

But without these ailments the boron uterus and the red brush with climax can eliminate hot flashes, normalize the condition of the vessels, restore the immune system, and relieve rapid urination. Used together, they can postpone postmenopause and all its inherent characteristics. Of the herbs are prepared such compounds:

  • Alcohol tincture.25 g of assorted herbs are poured in equal parts with 40-degree liquid( 0.5 l), they are kept for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp.thrice a day, slightly diluting with water. They are treated for 2-3 weeks;
  • Water tincture.60 g of the mixture is combined with 200 ml of hot liquid and steamed in a bath for 15 minutes. After filtering, drink 1 tbsp.per day.

The red brush with climax is not less useful, and one, if someone takes the boron hard. Water is also made from it, but 200 ml of water is taken 1 tsp.herbs. Drink 60 ml before breakfast and lunch.

Scourge cucumber

Cucumber tops with menopause help those who suffer bleeding. Prepare it in the summer, but for the medicinal composition it is needed in dried form.

The ground plant in a volume of 1 tbsp.soared in 0.5 liters of water for 5-7 minutes. Allow to cool for 2-3 hours, then filter and the resulting volume is divided into 3 parts. This is intended for 3 days. And you need to drink the drug on a tablespoon the whole day.

After three days of taking a week break, then all repeat, and so up to 4 times.


The root of the aira during menopause saves from vasomotor manifestations, that is, dizziness, migraines, pains, irritability, intermittent, restless sleep. There are several possibilities to compensate with its help deficiency of estrogens:

  • Grind the plant into flour and take it daily in dry form for 1 tsp.three times;
  • Make an infusion by placing 2 tablespoons of raw material in 200 ml of water for 7-8 hours. Then everyone is warmed up on a steam bath for half an hour, chilled, cleaned the used grass and drank 100 ml a day 30 minutes before meals.


Rowan red with menopause saves due to the available magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, iron, manganese and other microelements. It protects blood vessels from cholesterol, returns to normal metabolism and blood supply, due to which it struggles with tides and gives strength.

For decoction of dried berries you need to take them 2 tsp.and pour 250 ml of water. The agent is kept on gas for 10 minutes, cooled, filtered. This is enough for a day, during which the broth is drunk three times before eating.

Estrogen-containing food

Phytotherapy with menopause can be carried out when certain foods are introduced into the diet. Stimulate the development of estrogen

  • Broccoli;
  • Seeds of sunflower;
  • Nuts;
  • Spinach.

If you eat them daily, you can reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, cancerous tumors, improve vision, memory.

Flaxseed oil in menopause should also become a mandatory product. It is useful for fighting endometriosis, bleeding, strengthening immunity. This product controls the level of progestins, bringing them closer to the required rate.

Flaxseed oil moisturizes the skin and mucous membranes, and does not need to be smeared onto the body. They are seasoned with salads or drink 30 ml in the morning. With the oil of flax, sleep will recover and headaches will disappear.

We recommend reading the article about taking non-hormonal drugs with menopause. You will learn about their effects on the body and the benefits of hormonal drugs, varieties and indications for use.


The benefits of plant foods in menopause can not be overemphasized. Some foods used for eating are used to create medicines. Already well-known soy preparations with menopause:

  • Inoklim;
  • Femisoy Plus;
  • Bonisan;
  • Femivell.

In addition to hot flashes, rapid heart rate and other vasomotor symptoms, these drugs stimulate the recovery of bone tissue, which is weakening in menopause.


Homeopathic remedies with climax absorbed the best properties of natural estrogen-stimulating herbs. Despite the easier impact on the body, you can not use them yourself. The attending doctor will choose the appropriate one from a variety of means.

The most common phytoestrogens with menopause, drugs:

  • Qi-Klim;
  • Climatoplan;
  • Climadinone;
  • Remens;
  • Feminal;
  • Femicaps.

All are created on the basis of extracts of grasses of a cymifuge, a clover, a red brush with the addition of vitamins, which provides a complex effect. Phytomedication with menopause require a longer reception than hormonal drugs. But practically do not cause external manifestations.

If it is noticed that the remedy does not give an effect or causes intolerance, it is easily painless for the body to replace it with a more effective one.

Preparations with a climacteric of a plant origin are in capsules, tablets, drops. Treatment after the break can be resumed without fear of addiction.

They act immediately on the complex of symptoms of menopause and can be used after operations on the reproductive organs, including the removal of the uterus.

Phytoestrogens used in menopause, in addition to improving well-being, are maintained at a level and appearance. With them, the tone of the mucous membranes increases, which returns to normal and intimate life.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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