The consequences of menopause in women

Menopause is one of the stages in the development of the body. Someone manages to enter it without major upheavals, others have to adjust with medicines. To foresee, as it will be in a particular case, what will result, it is impossible. Therefore, to know the consequences of menopause in women, which can be, is worth all.

Contents of

  • 1 What causes and how distant outcomes of menopause develop
    • 1.1 Bones and spine
    • 1.2 Mucous and skin
    • 1.3 Risks for cardiovascular system
    • 1.4 How does menopause affect the brain

What causes and how long the results are manifestedclimax

The root cause of all changes in menopause is the attenuation of the function of the ovaries, the decrease and termination of the replenishment of the body by hormones. These components determine the development not only of the sexual sphere, but also the processes:

  • Exchange and assimilation of substances;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Tissue regeneration;
  • Atrophies of some organs or parts thereof.
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From here all the consequences of menopause in women.

Bones and spine

The absence of hormones leads to the fact that all the processes that result from bone tissue change. Estrogens and progestins ensure the prevalence of substances that increase its density over components that contribute to destruction. In menopause, everything happens the other way around, the latter take precedence over the first. This leads to a weakening of the bones, since their density decreases.

Osteoporosis is the first result of menopausal changes. This is not only an increased risk of injury, but also activation of degenerative processes in the joints.

If arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis have been diagnosed before, now they develop faster. But they can appear for the first time.

At first, changes in bone tissue are not obvious. If you do not take care of the problem from the beginning, do not take calcium preparations, then:

  • Soon they will start to worry about pain in the muscles, joints;
  • A change in posture will be revealed;
  • Damage to bones with careless active movement possible.

Mucous and skin

When menopause and its consequences are recalled, they rarely talk about skin and mucous membranes, calling them changes by age signs. But wrinkles and dryness are also a result of a decrease in the volume of sex hormones that cause:

  • Increased risk of inflammatory diseases of the genital area. The mucous membrane of these organs is a shield that prevents bacteria. But in menopause, it becomes thinner, weaker, more easily damaged from touching, changes the level of acidity, and it is easier for microorganisms to get inside. Hence the soreness in sexual intercourse, candidiasis, vaginosis;
  • Problems with urination. The organs involved in the process are also covered with a mucous membrane. As a result of its thinning, the effects of menopause in many women, which can be, are frequent inflammations of the bladder, fluid incontinence.

Chronic diseases in both areas increase the risk of tumors. It can also be called one of the likely consequences of menopause.

Risks for the cardiovascular system

Hormones provide normal heart function, blood quality, vessel purity and the elasticity of their walls. In menopause, everything changes because of their absence. Tidal flashes that cause heart rate failures, which increase the load on the capillaries, which often have to shrink-unclench. The lack of estrogen leads to deposits on their cholesterol walls. The result is:

  • Conductivity impairment;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Infringement of blood supply and such consequences of a climacterium, as a heart attack or a stroke. The first of them the woman risks to receive in 5-7 years after arrival of last monthly.

This contributes to this and the excess weight that arises from inevitable metabolic disturbances. In an effort to compensate for the deficiency of estrogens, the body builds up fat, which is able to produce them. Its provocative value in this and has an increased craving for sweets. This food increases the level of endorphins, which also ceases to be enough. Excessive body weight is also a strain on the heart and another step towards a heart attack.

We advise you to read an article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about the need to take hormonal or homeopathic remedies that alleviate the symptoms of menopause, as well as the recommended lifestyle for women.

How Menopause Affects the Brain

The climacteric effects provoke both the cerebral cortex and some parts of the central nervous system. For their normal functioning, too, substances are needed, the development and assimilation of which depend on sex hormones.

In menopause, nerves and the brain test for strength tides, often and dramatically changing psycho-emotional manifestations: irritability, tearfulness, aggression. In some, this results in depression and further levels of mental disorders: senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease.

The consequences of menopause in women, which in principle can be, are not at all an indispensable development program. This is just something to be feared in order to take action in time.

To reduce the likelihood of their appearance or to postpone the time, you can, if you do not tolerate the manifestation of menopause, and fight them with the help of experts designated means, lifestyle, the right diet and attitude to your condition.

  • Mar 08, 2018
  • 52
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