Duration of menopause

Many women with displeasure meet critical days, even realizing their inevitability. Even greater problems for some are found when the reproductive period is over. And although this is an indispensable stage in the development of the body, many people hope with hope, when it will be completed, they want to know how long the climax condition lasts.


  • 1 The stages of menopause
    • 1.1 Features and timing of premenopause
    • 1.2 Menopause
    • 1.3 Postmenopause
  • 2 How the length of menopause is determined
  • 3 How to shorten the climax

The stages of menopause

Menopause is not a single moment in which everything changes dramatically. The features inherent in it appear gradually, albeit with obvious manifestations. In some, they have such a nature and intensity that they force women to ask the experts the question: how long does the menopause last for women?

When this problem occurs, you need to understand that it includes several levels:

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  • Premenopause;
  • Menopause;
  • Postmenopause.

Features and timing of premenopause

The volume of sex hormones in women at a certain point ceases to be permanent. About 45 years, he begins to fluctuate, taking it too low, then quite high values. The ovaries at this stage deplete the follicles, they gradually increase the amount of connective tissue. This is a sign that the monthly will soon cease. But while they come, although the cycle increases in time. And the number of excretions can also increase or decrease. The instability of the hormonal background provokes all these changes. They are the first stage of menopause.

When speaking about how long the menopausal period lasts, the countdown must begin with it. This phase can last from 3 to 10 years. It is in it often the most noticeable and unpleasant manifestations begin:

  • Attacks of heat. Blood suddenly flows to the upper body, coloring the skin red, causing a brief rise in temperature;
  • Increased activity of sweat glands. After the tide, the woman discovers that she was allegedly dipped into the water;Headaches, vestibular disorders. They too can be the result of the tide or its predecessors. And some people are constantly present;
  • Increased nervous excitability. The mood often changes without cause, and it is rarely good. Frequent feelings of inexplicable anxiety, despondency, irritability;
  • At the same stage, violations of the menstrual cycle are recorded. Critical days come every 3 months or even less.


Menopause is the next level of menopause, which is revealed after the fact. This very concept means a complete absence of monthly ones for a year and a half. That is, when they find out how many years the menopause lasts, it's about this time.

12 months seemingly pass quickly. But for those who have a difficult climacteric, it does not seem so. They, in addition to clearly manifested and intensifying tides, increased sweating, dizziness and pain, have to get acquainted with:

  • Atrophy of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs. It becomes drier, causing discomfort. Traumatizing the mucous is easy not only with sexual intercourse, but also with thorough washing, wiping;
  • Decreased or absent libido. The absence of sex pleases more than he himself;
  • Urological problems. Begins to disturb cystitis, urinary incontinence during active movement;
  • Clearly weakening of the skin, showing wrinkles, skin peeling. Hair starts to fall out more strongly, and to be updated more slowly, fingernails or nails weaken, razlajivajutsja, fracture.
At this stage, the concentration of sex hormones is clearly reduced. Their fluctuations are also possible, but all the manifestations are dictated precisely by the small values ​​of estrogens and progesterone, to which the body still has to get used. A woman gets tired faster with less stress than before, it is more difficult for her to concentrate.


At the end of a year and a half, starting from the last menstruation, postmenopause begins. How long the menopause lasts, those who have the following symptoms ask:

  • Obvious malfunctions in the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • Bone fragility( osteoporosis);
  • Noticeable metabolic abnormality, manifested by weight gain. However, some people have unhealthy thinness.

This stage is carried out with the minimum volume of sex hormones completely discontinued ovaries. It lasts until the end of life, the return of the reproductive organs to the previous level is impossible.

What determines the length of menopause

The duration of menopause, or rather, of its different stages, as well as the time in which the extinction of ovarian functions begins, depends mainly on heredity. All the features of this period, inherent in the mother and grandmother, are transmitted to the daughter and granddaughter.

Sometimes a woman herself stretches the most painful part of the climax with abundant food, bad habits, lack of any kind of orderliness in the way of life.

How long a severe climacteric condition lasts, can be determined by how healthy it came to this point. To increase the unstable period of premenopause, as well as to increase its symptoms, can:

  • Gynecological diseases that occurred in the reproductive age( endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts), hormone-dependent neoplasms in the mammary gland;
  • Endocrine discomforts( diabetes mellitus, malaises associated with the thyroid gland);
  • Arterial hypertension.

We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about the effects of hormonal drugs on the body of a woman during menopause, the use of homeopathic remedies, the recommended way of life.

How to reduce the menopause

The condition of menopause is inevitable, sooner or later it will be experienced by everyone. It is possible to postpone it in time, if you take care of your health by physical and sexual activity, proper nutrition, reasonable attitude to problems.

How long a complicated climax condition lasts is determined by external influence. This includes different aspects of human life, but the main thing is the struggle for one's own health. Stabilize the hormonal background, which means that you can improve your well-being by using the medications you create.

Then the extent of premenopause, which for many turns out to be the most problematic period, will not last for a decade. And if it turns out to be long enough, to transfer it with modern hormonal means, homeopathy, phytopreparations will be easier. A mandatory condition for this is the selection and appointment of a specialist, his constant monitoring.

The very duration of menopause in women does not play the first role. Much more important is the state of health in this period, the reduction of health threats, which for objective reasons appear in it. But it depends to a great extent on the woman.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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