Appointment of drugs from hot flushes with menopause

Menopause in most women passes without a sudden change in state of health. But one of the indispensable signs - tides - occurs in all more or less. Appearing suddenly, he is able to break plans, spoil the mood, turn a newly energetic woman into a tired and sick. It's good that there are drugs with a climax from the tides that will help to reduce their intensity or even stop altogether.

Contents of

  • 1 About non-medicinal ways to cope with the symptom
  • 2 Treatment with herbs and hot flashes: will there be an effect?
  • 3 Tanning Drugs
    • 3.1 Hiphones
    • 3.2 Homeopathic remedies
    • 3.3 Hypotensive agents
    • 3.4 Sedatives
    • 3.5 Antidepressants

About non-medicinal ways to cope with the symptom

The appearance of hot flashes, like other signs of menopause, is caused by a drop in the volume of sexualhormones. Together with other changes taking place in the body, thermoregulation works differently. Hypothalamus with a greater activity tends to equalize body temperature even when it retains normal values.

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But hormonal imbalance, although it is the main cause of hot flashes, should not be considered the only culprit. There are other reasons for their occurrence, many of which can be controlled. This also needs to be taken into account in the search for how to reduce tides in menopause. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the way of life. To reduce the impact of hormonal imbalance and reduce vasomotor manifestations, you need:

  • Give priority to nutrition of light foods, as well as containing estrogens. Oily, sweet, spicy food prevents the heart from working, and the blood vessels can freely flow. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil contain substances that stabilize the functioning of all organs, like sprouted cereals, soy. The number and strength of the tides will be greatly reduced, due to the unloading of the organism, clean vessels, the restoration of certain chemical reactions;
  • Carefully choose clothes. Nothing too close, not letting in air. To provoke the tide may be his lack, lack of freedom of movement, heat and physical discomfort. How to relieve hot flashes during menopause in this part? To wear loose, comfortable clothes, it is better to have several layers, that is, not one thick sweater, but for example a top, blouse and cardigan. It is desirable that things are not synthetic;
  • Maintain a physically active life, avoiding overloads. Sport should be non-traumatic, the load is moderate and uniform. Swimming, walking, pilates, yoga will support the tonus of blood vessels and heart, strengthen nerves and immunity, enrich tissues with oxygen, which together will reduce the risk of hot flashes;
  • Drink plenty of water. When the treatment of hot flushes in menopause is required, the advice of doctors necessarily contain this condition, although many women are surprised, provokes a protest. But as the attacks of heat are associated with increased sweating, the body loses fluid. And it is necessary to replenish it, because dehydration further destabilizes heat exchange, therefore it provokes hot flashes;
  • Love the fresh air and coolness. Strive to ensure that he was so, you need everywhere, where there is a woman. The stuffiness provokes spasms of blood vessels, nervous tension. And these are all conditions for an attack. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the rooms, especially your own bedroom, use humidifiers, air conditioners. It is necessary to forget about the steam room in the bath, sitting by the fireplace. Looking for ways to get rid of hot flashes during menopause, you can use cold. If you freeze water in a plastic container and leave it for the night under the pillow, it is easy to neutralize such a provoking factor as heat;
  • Pay enough attention to personal hygiene. Tides are accompanied by intense sweating, therefore, discomfort and odor. It irritates, itches the skin. To remove unpleasant circumstances, except for a daily shower 2 times a day, you need to have moisturizing and dry napkins, use antiperspirant;
  • Adjust to positive. Stress has a bad effect on well-being, even can become a direct cause of the tide. Negative emotions cause cardiac and vascular spasms, even more knock down the hormonal background. A positive attitude can overcome even the physiological causes of tides. Treatment of herbs and hot flashes: will there be an effect?

    Tidal remedies for menopausal women can be made by yourself. There are medicinal plants that will help level the composition of hormones and cope with the very manifestations of this symptom. Such means are known:

    • Tea with sage. The herb can be added to the tea leaves or used as a single ingredient. Sage has properties to soothe nerves, causing a mild soporific effect. Drink it thrice a day for 2 weeks;
    • Tea with oregano. This plant normalizes the work of the heart and the central nervous system, relieves pain and spleen, lowers arterial pressure, which is a frequent companion of tides. Take the remedy with oregano in the same way as tea with sage;
    • Collection of chamomile, peppermint and valerian root. Taking each of the plants equally, prepare tea from 2 tablespoons.collection and 500 ml of boiling water. It is soothing, eliminating unnecessary sweating, a sense of panic, which will help you fall asleep quickly.

    The remedy for hot flushes with menopause can be used directly at the beginning of an attack. Speech in this case is not about taking it inside, but by external influence. There are two such ways to quickly stop the attack and reduce the intensity if the woman is at home:

    • Attach to the feet warmly. You can lower your feet into a container of hot water, so that blood from your head drifts down. Another option is to attach a heating pad to your feet. It is easy to replace it with a plastic "one and a half" with hot water;
    • To do respiratory gymnastics. It will help restore the heart rate, remove anxiety, prevent panic attack. You need to breathe deeply, not with your chest, as usual, but with your stomach. Having collected air, it is necessary to detain him and count to 6. Repeat several steps. Due to the increased supply of oxygen into the blood, the work of the nervous system, as well as the hypothalamus, normalizes.


    Sometimes seizures have such a big impact on the well-being that medicinal herbs, proper breathing and lifestyle can not be avoided. Although they all do not lose their importance in preventing and getting rid of ailment in any case. But also the question arises: what medicines to take with climax from the tides?

    There are many ways to get rid of them, they have different directions. A specialist should prescribe the medicine, having previously determined which factor has the greatest influence on the appearance of a fever attack. Self-selection is fraught with the emergence of other symptoms of menopause or complications.

    The preparations for menopause relieving hot flashes can be:

    • Hormonal;
    • With plant estrogens;
    • Homeopathic;
    • Hypotensive;
    • Sedative;
    • Fighting with depression.

    Tidal hormones

    It is worth combating the tides with hormonal drugs if their symptoms are very strong and supplemented by other menopausal manifestations. These drugs affect immediately a complex of symptoms, but can cause a lot of unwanted reactions, as well as the risk of cancer.

    The latter can become an obstacle to the intake of hormones if already diagnosed, like some other diseases. Therefore, hormones are drunk only according to the doctor's prescription with a certain dosage. Known drugs of this type:

    • Estrogen-containing. These include Premarin, Dermestril, Proginova, Estrofem;
    • Combined. These are Femoston, Cleigoest, Livial, Klimodien, which contain estrogens and various derivatives of progesterone and androgens;
    • With melatonin. Some tides are provoked by the inability to fully rest at night due to a deficiency of this sleep hormone. If the analysis reveals it, Melaxen, Circadian, Epithalamin, containing melatonin are prescribed.

    What to take when menopause from the tides of these funds, the specialist will decide. With apparent similarity, they are all different, so that self-selection is excluded.

    Replenishing the body with hormones, these drugs restore the former features of metabolism, other biological reactions.

    They have a positive effect on the nervous, cardiovascular systems, regulate heat exchange, eliminate irritating and interfering with the living dryness of mucous membranes. Therefore, the tides cease completely.

    Homeopathic remedies

    If it is impossible or unwilling to take hormones, it is advisable to use products consisting of natural ingredients. Often homeopathy with climacterium from the tides is more acceptable, as it provides a more sparing effect, has no side effects. The effectiveness of these drugs is no longer in doubt, and contraindications to use are much less than hormones. By the way, homeopathic preparations can be combined with them.

    Repeat treatment is also allowed. Their only disadvantage: a slower effect and the need for prolonged use. Help reduce the number and strength of tides, gradually eliminating them, drugs:

    • Remens;
    • Climatoplan;
    • Climact-Hel.

    They contain bee and snake venoms, extracts of estrogen-containing plants, so they stimulate the body to independently combat the causes of hot flashes, while neutralizing the symptoms of the latter.

    Weakest, but still effective, phytoestrogens are contained in the media:

    • Qi-Klim;
    • Climadinone;
    • Feminal;
    • Femicaps.

    They are based on soya extract, red clover, cymifugi, vitamins.

    Hypotensive drugs

    High blood pressure - frequent accompaniment of menopause. The absence of hormones leads to weakening of the vascular walls, disturbances of the heart rhythm. Tissues receive less oxygen, so dyspnea and headache may occur. In addition, the menopause provokes acute emotional manifestations, causing the vessels alternately to shrink-unclench.

    Blood is more intense on them, to relieve the capillaries of the load will help hypotensive drugs:

    • Enap;
    • Lysinopril;
    • Enalapril;
    • Nifedipine;
    • Captopril.

    Accept them for the purpose of the therapist, often on an ongoing basis. These are not the strongest of pressure-lowering funds. But if the cause of his jumps is only in menopause, their intake will be enough to neutralize the attacks of heat.

    The following preparations can be supplemented with the following means:

    • Papaverin;
    • No-Shpa;
    • Spasgan.

    They eliminate the spasms of blood vessels and muscles, which sometimes are the causes of high blood pressure and headaches.


    Violation of the nervous system caused by the decline of sex hormones provokes an inadequate response to events and even their absence. The woman is upset because of the little things, has a bad mood for no reason, is aggressive. Similarly, there are groundless fears. First of all, the woman gets tired of her own emotions. All this causes a resonance in the heart, spasms and, as a result, a tide.

    If the listed circumstances are poorly expressed, but still interfere, sedatives will help:

    • Valerian;
    • Motherwort.

    They align the emotional background, give an opportunity to relax at night and be more balanced during the day. Sleep is important for the nervous system and general well-being, which play an important role in the attacks of heat.

    We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn in detail about the peculiarities of hormonal and homeopathic remedies, the recommended way of life for women during menopause.


    If depression is diagnosed, tablets should be potent in this plan for menopausal hot flushes. Both diseases are provocateurs of vasomotor manifestations. In this case, antidepressants are needed to control them:

    • Paroxetine;
    • Coaxyl;
    • Velaxin;
    • Velafax;
    • Cipramyl;
    • Lerivon;
    • Epevelone.

    All of them differently contribute to the development of serotonin - a substance that cope with depression, nervousness. The tides that arise for this reason recede.

    The specialist can also prescribe Aminalon, Pyracetam and Nootropil. These are stimulators of cerebral circulation of psychogenic influence. They eliminate headaches, depression, somnological disorders, but they also have many contraindications, side effects.

    Taking antidepressants and psychotropic stimulants without the appointment of a specialist can not be, they are addictive at the wrong dosage chosen. And the response when taken without the need for them can be unpredictable.

    Refuse these powerful tools, too, should follow a certain pattern, so that here without a doctor can not do. And the reception itself should be controlled, there may be various side effects, in which the dose or medicine changes.

    The listed preparations used for menopause from hot flushes can be used in a complex. Sometimes for their appointment you need to visit several specialists.

    Some women are depressed by the need to take so many medications at once, they try to avoid this in every possible way. And in fact the majority of preparations are appointed or nominated temporarily and in very small dosage. If a woman follows the prescription of a doctor, she will soon feel better, and a significant part of the money will be canceled. And do not forget about the necessary optimistic attitude.

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