Treatment of night tides with menopause

If a woman has entered the age of menopause, tides can overtake at any time. Especially hard they are carried over at night, when you need rest. If there is no possibility to get enough sleep, it leads to strengthening and other signs of a menopause, that is deterioration of the general state of health. And therefore for all who are concerned about the nighttime tides with menopause, treatment is compulsory.


  • 1 Why does hot flashes occur at night
  • 2 What can I do
  • 3 itself? Treatment
    • 3.1 Medicinal herbs

Why hot flashes occur at night

Tides are the body's response to an overheating signal. The information that the brain receives is in this case false, and at the same time it is natural. In menopause, the amount of sex hormones decreases. The body is in a transition state from youth to maturity. Many chemical reactions in its tissues are changing. Some of them lead to a malfunction in the hypothalamus, which, misperceiving the normal body temperature and seeking to resolve it, provokes all the symptoms of the tide:

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  • Rapid heart rate;
  • Sensation of heat in the upper part of the trunk;
  • Redness of the skin in this area;
  • Feeling of anxiety;
  • Plentiful sweating;Chills, fatigue.

Vasomotor manifestations are dependent on many factors: mood, transferred load, and others. Therefore, at night they are often more intense than during the day. After all, by this time the woman was tired, maybe nervous. Its role is played by food, eaten for the day, stuffy room.

The tide can arise not only for the awake woman, but also for the asleep. Particularly worse at night sweating, forcing to change clothes and even change bed linen. About then, to quickly fall asleep, there is no question. Overexcitation, with which an attack is associated, does not allow to do this.

As a result, a woman is irritated in the morning, she can jump pressure, feel aching muscles and headache. Often after such an "adventure" there is no appetite, working capacity is at zero. In a word, if nighttime tides are pestering with menopause, you can not put up with them.

What you can do most

To eliminate the night tides it is necessary, at least, to get rid of the conditions favorable to them. Sleep quietly without periodic attacks of heat, shortness of breath, profuse sweating those women who:

  • Do not gorge on the night. Even non-calorie food gives energy that you can not use at night. It goes to increase body temperature, that is, it helps to overheat. And this provokes a tide. Therefore, dinner is worth an hour for 2 to sleep, not later, and choose a small-calorie meal for the meal. This principle applies to the entire diet;
  • Ventilate the room. Fresh cool air for sleep is especially comfortable. And the stuffiness and heat make the vessels and heart feel a heavy load, which can cause a tide;
  • Choose natural fabrics for pajamas and bed linens. Synthetics interfere with the penetration of air to the skin, which provokes its overheating;
  • Do not engage in physical or mental work at night. This overexcites the nervous system, hence creates an excuse for the onset of the tide;
  • Try not to fit in the afternoon. Sometimes rest at this time leads to night insomnia, overexcitement, irritation, hence, tide.

Treatment of

Sometimes a correct lifestyle to eliminate nighttime tides with menopause is small, you need treatment. It is necessary to take drugs that would have leveled the hormonal background, relieve other possibilities of occurrence of seizures. There are means working in different directions.

Sometimes they need a complex, in others there will be enough one. But this will be decided by a specialist, since for most drugs an individual dosage is necessary. You will have to choose from the following:

  • These are estrogen substitutes, whose disappearance leads to severe manifestations of menopause. There are many preparations of this series: Proginova, Premarin, Ginodean-Depot, Cleiogest. To get rid of the night tides do not increase other manifestations of menopause, appoint a combination of: Divina, Klimonorm, Cyclo-Proginova. All of them restore chemical reactions in the body, that is, they remove the main cause of night tides;
  • Phytomedication and homeopathic tablets, drops, granules. They contain vegetable estrogens, which have a weaker but similar effect to hormonal agents. Homeopathic preparations have in the composition of substances that stimulate the sex glands to produce components that are lacking in the body. Remens, Klimadinon, Tsi-Klim, Climaxan can be used even with the ban on analogues of synthetic hormones or in addition to them;
  • Sedative medicines. These drugs calm down nervous manifestations, relieve anxiety. In addition, taken at night they help to quickly go to sleep, make it more robust. Motherwort, Valerian level the psychological state, normalize blood pressure, remove unnecessary nervous excitement;
  • Antidepressants. If psycho-emotional manifestations are very strong, reduce their intensity and influence will help Paroxetine, Coaxil, Velaxin. This will eliminate one of the causes of the onset of the tide at night;
  • Neuroleptics. Sonapaks, Etaperazine, Thioridazine, Thiodazine, Tyson have a complex effect on the body, are designed to reduce emotional and nervous activity, and stabilize the pressure. The drugs also have a sedative effect;
  • Hypotensive. Medications are indicated for those who have high blood pressure. With a decrease in the volume of sex hormones in the blood, the amount of cholesterol increases. Therefore, it is more difficult for vessels and the heart to cope with their work, the burden on them increases. Hence the pressure and irregularities in the rhythm that provoke hot flushes. Enalapril, Amlodipine, Enap will cope with this.

We recommend reading the article on the causes of hot flashes in menopause. You will learn in detail about what it is, what the duration of the seizures is and whether the climax is always to blame.

Medicinal herbs

Those who are troubled by nighttime tides with menopause can benefit from herbal treatment. Among all effective in menopause plants for the relief of this trait are used:

  • Tea with sage. The agent acts as a sedative and mild sedative, it has the property of reducing blood pressure and reducing headaches, sweating, that is, it has a beneficial effect in most of the symptoms of the tide;
  • Collect fennel, buckthorn, wormwood, mint, lime-colored. Each herb is taken for 5 grams, and 1 tbsp.l. The mixture is insisted in a glass of boiling water for 40 minutes. Drink before breakfast and dinner for 100 ml to normalize the work of the nervous system and sweat glands, eliminate tachycardia;
  • Collection of cones of hops, heather, caddis, motherwort. Prepare and accept the composition similar to the previous recipe. This mixture will help to remove nervous excitement, to moderate hyperhidrosis, to equalize the heart rhythm, to give a quick sleep;
  • Beet juice. If you take it for 2 tsp.a day, withstood up to 2 hours in the cold, heat attacks will soon cease.
Climax, night tides are a frequent combination. But coping with them, it is easier to get rid of other manifestations. A full rest will support immunity, help make the hormonal background more stable. And this is the way to normal health and health.

If you can not get rid of tides at night without medication, do not be afraid to take them. With a professional choice, the body from medicines will only benefit.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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