All gynecological ailments are somehow tied to regular changes that occur in the reproductive system. The aggravation and development of ailments increases with menstruation.
Therefore, in the therapy of some of them, a medicamentous suppression of ovarian function, that is, an artificial menopause, is used. This method is used in women approaching menopause, and in those who are just waiting for motherhood.
- 1 The essence of the therapeutic menopause
- 1.1 Signs of artificial menopause
- 2 What medicines make possible menopause before the term?
- 3 The state of the body after treatment
- 3.1 Menstruation after leaving menopause
The essence of the therapeutic menopause
The majority of gynecological diseases are hormonal in nature. These substances at each stage of the development of the body are present in a certain amount. Any failure can cause the onset of an ailment, then sex hormones contribute to its development. Dependence can also be reversed, when active components change the balance under the influence of the disease.
Female hormones are produced by several organs, but the ovaries play a predominant role in this. They also ensure the normal cyclic development of the reproductive system, that is, the germination of the germ cell and the renewal of the inner lining of the uterus.
Artificial menopause consists in a sharp temporary suspension of the ovaries. This need is called:
- Endometriosis;
- Fibroma;
- Myoma.
Diseases occur with the direct action of estrogens, which instead of the normal development of the genital organs contribute to the multiplication of cells of the uterine mucosa or benign neoplasm. Decreasing the level of hormones with drugs deprives the overgrown tissue of feeding, but also affects the menstrual function.
For severe illnesses, premature menopause is arranged by removing the ovaries or exposing them to x-rays. In the second case, the work of the organs can be restored.
Signs of artificial menopause
The main manifestation of this method of treatment is already said, this is the absence of menstruation. But women who are receiving this therapy are worried about the deterioration of their well-being and attending anxious thoughts about this, because everyone thinks that it should become easier.
But the fact is that the drugs used for this purpose, minimize the volume of sex hormones. Therefore the climacteric of artificial symptoms has comparable to those that the woman tolerates and with the natural development of the organism in 45-55 years:
- Tides and headaches that reach migraines. From time to time the upper part of the body, including the face, as if scalding with boiling water, the skin turns red, profuse sweat appears;
- Sharp emotional changes. A woman then wants to tear and throw without a visible cause, then sob for no reason. From this one step to depression;
- Dryness of mucous membranes and skin. The artificially induced deficiency of estrogens, which make the outer skin of the body elastic and where it is necessary to moist, leads to peeling and itching;
- Decreased sex drive. Artificial medicinal climax this side of life makes uninteresting, "conjugal duty" in the negative sense of words, and the process itself is painful because of a lack of natural vaginal lubrication.
What medications do menopause allow before the term?
If a woman who has had a painful illness comes up with the idea of this method of treatment, there is an interest in how to trigger a menopause. Naturally, this is done for the purpose of a specialist.
Medications that reduce the concentration of sex hormones are sold freely, but they need to be used under the strictest control, otherwise it is easy to get irreversible complications.
Gynecologists prescribe the following drugs for artificial menopause:
- Buserelin;
- Diferelin;
- Zoladex;
- Lucrin.
They exist for injection every 27-30 days or as a spray that is injected onto the nasal mucosa. The effect of drugs is based on inhibition of pituitary production of FSH and LH.Their sufficient number ensures the development of the ovaries, and the deficit slows it down. In the body, there is an acute shortage of estradiol, which leads to the mentioned symptoms and the absence of menstruation. Treatment with these drugs lasts from 2 months to 6 months.
Some women are not shown antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormones, but gestagens( Norcolut, Dyufaston, Byzanne), antigonadotropins( Danazol, Danol, Danogen, Danodiol) or combined oral contraceptives taken without interruptions for the oppression of menstrual function.
The maximum that a doctor can resolve, is a phytoestrogens intake, calcium preparations, vitamins. And it is better to stop negative manifestations in a healthy way of life, proper nutrition, acceptable physical activity.
The state of the body after treatment
Many, not yet started therapy with hormonal drugs, worry about what will be for them to exit the artificial menopause. The main thing that takes women struggling with infertility, whether menstrual function will be restored.
Ovaries will certainly work, but it may take up to 3-4 months for rehabilitation depending on individual characteristics. And in other women, the first menstruation comes in 6-8 weeks after the last injection of the drug.
Ovulation after artificial menopause is normal after 2-3.5 months from the end of treatment. Some already in the second cycle find themselves pregnant. The resting reproductive system begins to work harder, so many people manage to do it for the first time after leaving the medicinal menopause.
Artificial menopause has consequences for those who wish to use the method to get rid of diseases. He does not give one hundred percent cure, but it considerably narrows the endometriosis foci, reduces neoplasms. Excess weight or irreversible decline in libido, which they like to frighten each other girls on Internet forums, does not cause a drug menopause.
We recommend reading the article about the symptoms of menopause in women. You will learn about the beginning of extinction of the reproductive system of the body, the main manifestations of menopause and the need for treatment with medications.
Menstruation after the release of menopause
Usually, the diseases that require introduction into the state of medicinal menopause are disturbed by heavy menstruation with painful manifestations. There are also bleeding between them, which take a lot of energy.
The monthly after the artificial menopause in comparison with what was before, acquire a more orderly character. The volume of excretions is normalized, as well as the duration of the critical period.
Artificial, hormone-induced menopause in many causes fear and rejection. Women are afraid to grow old or not to bear the burdens of this period. Pleasant in it a little, but to go through the symptoms under the supervision of a doctor is available to everyone. But such treatment some helps to avoid surgery, but for others it becomes the only chance of motherhood.