How to delay menopause

Remain young soul and body want longer. And aging is associated with the arrival of menopause. Together with her, not only are chances to become a mother, the state of health worsens, the skin becomes less elastic, the interest to the intimate side of life disappears. Realizing the inevitability of what is happening, women are still looking for ways to delay the onset of menopause.


  • 1 Is it possible to extend youth
  • 2 What can be done most to distance menopause
    • 2.1 Herbs against menopause
    • 2.2 Medications for delaying menopause
    • 2.3 Homeopathy

Is it possible to extend youth

At 45-55 years, that is by the time of appearancethe first signs of damping the work of the ovaries, many women still with might and main make a career, some raise young children. They need health and strength, it is necessary to think quickly and be attentive, presentable to look.

Menopause, more precisely its severe course, in many ways prevents this.

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Decreased ovarian activity leads to a decrease in the volume of sex hormones, slowing of metabolic processes, weakening of immunity. This is a natural development of events. And if so, is it possible to delay the menopause?

The time of its onset is determined by genetic characteristics. But this is not a sentence to the fact that if the mother's month stopped at 45, her daughter expects exactly the same thing. The speed of remission of ovarian function is also affected by:

  • Lifestyle;
  • Reception of stimulant drugs, vitamins;
  • Natural hormonal balance.

Interfere with the process more appropriately at the premenopausal stage, when the menstrual cycle is noticeable. It will mean that the ovaries are about to develop their resources.

All measures to prevent the onset of menopause should be agreed with the physician. They are preceded by a thorough examination. But, of course, you can start to lead a correct way of life yourself and long before the first manifestations of menopause.

What can be done most for the removal of menopause

Caring about how to push back the onset of menopause, you need to remember that the condition itself depends on the volume of sex hormones. That is, it is necessary to eliminate everything that prevents them from working out, and to take for the rule what contributes to it:

  • Love for fatty, sweet brings extra pounds, growth of estrogen-producing tissue, pressure on the vessels. Exchange disorders that occur with excessive weight lead to hormonal tension. The body is forced to make more efforts to maintain a balance of substances, which depletes not only the ovaries, but also other glands. And this is the way to menopause and its complications. Vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products will get rid of this, stimulating the maintenance of the natural hormonal background. Vegetable food( broccoli, soy, spinach, nuts) contributes to the production of estrogens, which are the condition and result of the operation of the ovaries;
  • Do not be lazy. Sport stimulates the production of many biological substances necessary for the body, which are peculiar to youth. This is a natural discharge of the ovaries, that is one of the indispensable ways, how to delay and make the onset of menopause easier;
  • To monitor women's health. Do not just go to the doctor regularly and avoid illnesses, but in time to give birth, it is better to have more than one child, try to breast-feed. All this - maintaining the natural hormonal background. A pregnancy and breastfeeding - a natural opportunity to rest the ovaries;
  • Avoid stress. Psychological tension is accompanied by the production of substances that kill sex hormones and immunity. If the body is often exposed to such an effect, violations in this area are inevitable. And the reproductive system will tend to "retire" earlier.

Herbs Against Menopause

In addition to maintaining the natural amount of sex hormones at a high level, there are ways to gently impact the body from the outside for the same purpose. Known, tested by great-grandmother simple methods, how to delay the onset of climax with folk remedies.

There are plants that stimulate the strengthening of immunity and the production of estrogens by the body. They normalize the skin and mucous membranes. You can choose one of them on the recommendation of a specialist, using the following courses:

  • Licorice root. An infusion of it is made with the addition of the same amount of aralia.2 tablespoonsmix 400 ml of boiling water, keep closed for 5-8 hours. To drink it is necessary one and a half weeks on 1 glass per day;
  • Medunitsa. An estrogen-stimulating plant can simply be added to food as a seasoning or to prepare a remedy similar to the infusion of licorice root;
  • Sage. The herb soothes, normalizes sleep, is a stimulant of estrogen activity. It is brewed in the form of tea, added to oolong, infusion is made;
  • Horsetail and root of calamus.2 tbsp mixture of equal parts of plants brewed 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist an hour. Take half a glass for 30 minutes before meals;
  • Clover. A well-known long-standing natural estrogen is brewed like tea and drank 3 glasses a day. For one-time use take 1 tbsp dry plant;
  • Collection of licorice( 10 g), hops( 20 g), sage( 20 g), black currant leaves( 40 g), nettle( 40 g), root of ayr( 20 g), yarrow( 20 g), linden flowers(30 g).Those who are concerned about how to postpone menopause will feel their strength.2 tablespoonsThe mixture is placed in 400 ml of hot water and heated on a steam bath for half an hour. You need to drink half a glass a day 4 times.

Medications for postponing menopause

Removing the time of arrival of menopause has a chance and with the help of hormonal drugs. At us many feel horror before them, considering as guilty of growth of tumors, being afraid of accustoming.

But world experience suggests that the long life expectancy and the beautiful appearance of European women are provided by the timely application of hormones.

Drugs that delay menopause are divided into several groups:

  • Before the signs of its onset begin, use of oral contraceptives containing estrogens and gestagens is indicated. These are Yarina, Diana 35, Janine, Logest, Novinet, Mersilon, Femoden, Rigevidon, Silestus, Marvelon;
  • In pre-menopause, preparations can be prescribed for the relief of its symptoms, which also contain a combination of estrogens and progestins: Proginova, Estrofem, Klimara plaster, Ovestin, Divigel. In them the volume of hormones in comparison with COC is smaller. In a particular case, combining estrogen-containing and progestogenic agents may be the best. The first include Klimen, Klimonorm, Femoston, Cyclo-Proginova, Divina, Trisekvens. Simultaneously with them the reception of progestogens Dyufaston, Utrozhestan, Norkolut is shown.

We recommend to read an article about ways to treat early menopause in women. You will learn about the causes of premature menopause, the need to combat it, prescribed medications.


In the absence of an opportunity to take hormonal preparations, phytoestrogens are allowed. How to delay the onset of menopause with their help, in detail will tell the doctor. But their effectiveness is based on the ability to stimulate the natural production of estrogens.

You can choose from the following:

  • Climadinone;
  • Remens;
  • Femiwell;
  • Qi-Klim;
  • Climaxan.

Concerned about how to delay the onset of menopause, do not forget that bad habits can reduce all efforts to no. Smoking and alcohol interfere with the production of hormones and the assimilation of vitamins, neutralize immunity. Therefore, they should be forgotten in the first place.

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