The best face masks from dried kelp. Properties and benefits of dried kelp. Face masks for kelp for problem, for dry skin, for rejuvenation, for the skin around the eyes

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Recipes for cooking masks from kelp.


  • Useful properties of kelp
    • Composition of kelp
  • ( adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []). Push({ });
  • In what form are facial laminaria used in cosmetology?
  • Laminaria for dry skin, application, use
    • Healing mixtures for dry epidermis
  • Laminaria for problematic skin. Benefits of
    • Masks for problematic skin with sea cabbage
  • Laminaria against wrinkles around the eyes. Benefits of
    • Eye Mask
  • Laminaria for facial rejuvenation. Mask recipes
    • Masks for aging skin
  • Face mask with laminaria and gelatin
  • Face mask with kelp and burdock oil
  • Masks with kelp and vitamins E, A and B ampoules
  • Face mask with kelp and clay
  • Face masks fromDried kelp: tips and reviews
  • VIDEO: Masks from kelp

Seaweed is a well-known seaweed that filled the stores of the USSR in the 70s. Of course, this algae is nemereno in the sea, it grows by itself, so its price is negligible. However, "sea ginseng" can be used not only for food, it is an excellent cosmetic product that will help to improve hair and skin.

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Useful properties of kelp

The composition of the seaweed is diverse. It has many vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, the product has found application in medicinal compositions for any type of skin.

Composition of kelp

  • Vitamin B1, B2, B12
  • Iron, silicon, iodine
  • Plant proteins
  • Polysaccharides
  • Vitamins C, D, E

Thanks to the content of vitamin E, kelp improves the elasticity of the skin, making it supple and youthful. Sea ginseng is included in the composition of toning masks. Often kelp preparations are prepared to care for the skin around the eyes. It requires careful care.

Vitamins saturate the skin with health, cleanse it and eliminate inflammation. Thanks to this, sea kale is considered effective in the treatment of acne and acne.

With its help you will forget about comedones and black dots. But the mask based on sea ginseng is used not only for rejuvenation or for acne. Often, sea kale is used to fight stretch marks and cellulite.

In what form are facial laminaria used in cosmetology?

In the pharmacy, the substance can be purchased in briquettes, in the form of micropowder and dried leaves. All these products can be used in cosmetology. The difference is in the difference in their preparation.

So, the powder before use is usually simply poured with water and allow to stand for a while. Briquettes or plates are soaked in water, and after they are softened, they are placed in a blender or coffee grinder. The algae is ground to the state of gruel. This semi-finished product can be used as a part of masks.

Remember, the prepared puree needs to be stored in the cold for no more than 3 days.

Pills and thalluses are often used. Tablets before use are ground and poured with water. The plates are soaked in mineral water. Try to soak apply non-carbonated mineral water. Do not take boiling water, this will speed up the swelling of the product, but will bring to nothing all useful properties.

Laminaria for dry skin, application, use

Together with kelp, apply such products: cream, clay and fatty mixtures( mayonnaise, sour cream).These components saturate the skin with droplets of water and prevent its evaporation. Healing mixtures for dry epidermis

  • Crush 5 algae tablets and pour 20 ml of warm water. You can use mineral. Stir until smooth. After that, pour in 10 ml of olive oil and liquid bees nectar. It pre-melted in a water bath. The mixture is applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and do not rub the skin
  • Soak the thymus of the kelp for 3 hours. Soften the leaves until they are mashed. Pour 2 egg yolks out of quail eggs and aerate. Add 25 drops of glycerin. Apply on a clean face, for 15 minutes
  • Could not purchase marine ginseng powder? Use tablets. Make the powder with a rolling pin and fill it with water. Puree from algae mix with 25 ml of cream and olive oil. Evenly distribute and rest a quarter of an hour

Laminaria for problematic skin. Benefits of

Sea ginseng thanks to zinc and other trace elements perfectly heals the skin and helps to forget about inflammation and acne. Sea ginseng is often used in salons for the treatment of comedones and acne. Together with the main agent in the mask is introduced yeast, tea tree oil and even hydrogen peroxide.

Mask for problematic skin with sea cabbage

  • Prepare laminaria powder and mix the resulting puree with 2 drops of tea tree oil and 10 ml of honey. Mix everything and brush your face with a brush. Rinse with cold chamomile broth in a third of an hour.
  • . Excellent cope with inflammations of aloe with laminaria. Mix the pulp of aloe with 20 g of micronutrient laminaria. Pour a mixture of 20 ml of warm water. Leave in the pan for 20 minutes. Lubricate the face with porridge and wash it in half an hour. After using the product it is necessary to apply moisturizing cream
  • Bold epidermis and enlarged pores? Make a mask from sea ginseng with protein. Prepare puree from algae and add egg white. Squeeze into the mixture juice from a quarter of a lemon. Apply on massage lines and leave for 30 minutes

Laminaria against wrinkles around the eyes. Benefits of

Thanks to the presence in the sea ginseng of vitamins D and E it is included in the mask for the skin around the eyes. Please note, the mashed potatoes for the mask should be carefully crushed and homogeneous.

Eye mask

  • Prepare puree puree
  • Add liquid bees nectar and sesame seed oil
  • with a fine brush. Apply a mask to the eyelids
  • with a fine brush. Close your eyes and rest
  • Gently remove the product with cotton wool
  • Do not in any wayrub your eyes

Laminaria to rejuvenate the face. Recipes for masks

In sea ginseng, there are many vitamins that nourish the skin. They increase the production of elastin and collagen, rejuvenating the face and eliminating small wrinkles.

Masks for aging skin

  • Mix in a bowl 50 ml sea ginseng puree with 20 ml of lavender oil and avocado. This fat mass evenly distributed on the face. Leave for a third of the hour and rinse with cold water.
  • Take 50 g of algae porridge and mix with 20 ml of olive oil. After that, pour 2 capsules of vitamins A and E into the fat mixture. Fill the mixture on the face with a cotton disc and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Prepare puree from 2 strawberries and peach halves. Put a tablespoon of algae micropowder into the fruit mixture. Leave to swell for 1 hour. Apply on the skin and leave for a third of the hour.

Face mask with laminaria and gelatin

This mask is ideal for problematic skin. It helps to remove oily shine and clean the pores. As part of the funds only available products.

Recipe masks:

  • Pour gelatine bag into 120 ml of cold water
  • After swelling the gelatin, place the saucepan on the fire to mix the mixture into a liquid
  • Do not boil the gelatin
  • Allow the liquid to cool slightly and add 20 g of kelp powder
  • Leave for 60 minutes to swell
  • Add 30ml of citrus juice and 1 capsule of vitamin A, having previously cut the shell and pouring the liquid into the mixture
  • Stir the mask and apply it on the skin
  • Leave for 15 minutes

Face mask with kelp and burdock oil

MediumIslands on the basis of sea kale oils used for moisturizing and facial rejuvenation. Oils prevent the drying of the epidermis and keep the moisture inside.

Mask recipe:

  • Prepare mashed cabbage puree. You will need 50 grams of the ready-made pulp
  • Mix the puree with 20 ml of burdock
  • Pour 20 g of mayonnaise into the porridge( teaspoon with a slide)
  • Mix the ingredients and apply a thick layer on the face
  • Leave for a quarter of an hour
  • Rinse with cold water

Masks with laminaria andvitamins E, A and B and ampoules

Masks may include Tocopherol and Retinol Acetate. Do not be scared, it's vitamin E and A, they are not sold in capsules, but in the form of oil. These components increase the amount of elastin and collagen in the skin. You can also add a vitamin V ampoule.

Face mask with kelp and clay

This remedy is used to moisten the face. It can be applied to the eyelids, lips and neck. It is used to restore the aging and dry epidermis.

Recipe for the mask:

  • Take three containers. Add 20 grams of white clay, sodium alginate and micronutrient powder to
  • each. Pour each substance 25 ml of
  • water. Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Mix all ingredients in one container and apply on face
  • . Hold for half an hour.

Face masks from dried laminaria: tips andreviews

The main advantage of masks from kelp is their availability. In addition, sea kale when mixed with different ingredients solves many problems associated with the skin. Please note that seaweed masks have contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Couperose
  • Tumors or stitches on the face
  • It is not recommended to apply more than 1 time in 7 days

As you can see, it is not necessary to purchase expensive products for the health and youth of the skin. Everything you need for beauty can be found in the pharmacy at affordable prices.

VIDEO: Masks from the kelp

  • Mar 01, 2018
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