It's hard to imagine that once a man did without seasonings, spices and sauces. How insipid the dishes were! In search of something more delicious than the cooks of all times, people mixed the ingredients and as a result got ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces, pleasing humanity with their original tastes.
The aforementioned mayonnaise has become an integral part of the table. They are seasoned with salads, marinated with meat, it is added to the first and second dishes and even bakes pies: salted and sweet. And do not notice that the calories with which the sauce is rich, are stored by extra pounds in the body.
It's impossible to refuse such tasty mayonnaise, but you can replace it with an alternative option, less caloric:
- Many salads will not get worse if instead of mayonnaise they are filled with sour cream of low fat content. The indicator of 15% of the product is much lower than the mayonnaise standard 67%, and the taste of the salad will not affect the replacement.
- In the classic "Olivier" and "Herring under the fur coat" afraid to put something instead of mayonnaise? Then prepare his simplified version. In low-fat sour cream( no more than 20%) add a little mustard powder( or finished mustard), to taste salt and pepper( ground black).Thoroughly grind the mass with a spoon or mix in a blender - that's a worthy replacement sauce.
- For the preparation of meat dishes, a curd alternative is suitable. Cottage cheese mass take "nursery"( only not sweet) or low in fat( there is even 1 or 0%: just for you).Rastirate it with a couple of spoons of kefir, season with spices of your choice. You can replace them with dill and parsley. For "raisins" in the sauce, put the chopped garlic. Finished, you can lubricate the meat and bake with a mixture.
- Do not trust the composition of the store product? You can prepare your own mayonnaise, adjusting its fat content at your discretion. Quail the egg with a teaspoon of salt. Add the same amount of sugar, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a little bit of mustard. Beat, adding gradually half a cup of vegetable oil, ideally - olive( it is considered the most useful).Trice or blend blender.
- In the pies, instead of mayonnaise, put ryazhenka. Its fat content is much lower, and the taste of the dish is just as good, especially when it comes to biscuits in mayonnaise.
- In marinades mayonnaise is replaced with a kefir component. Shish kebab, marinated in kefir, very tasty, and even with a crispy crust.
- If you filled vegetable salads with mayonnaise, in the future instead of it add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. A slightly less high-calorie dish will come out, due to the fact that it will take less oil for refueling than mayonnaise.