Child upbringing 4 5 and 6 years old psychologist's advice

  • 1 Tasks of child upbringing and education
    • 1.1 Behavior and upbringing
  • 2 How to properly educate a child in 4 years of advice
    • 2.1 Features of education
    • 2.2 Moral education of a child
    • 2.3 Proper parenting advice to parents from psychology
  • 3 Difficulties in upbringing in 4 5 and 6years

The child's psyche in such an early period is vulnerable enough. After all, he is able to perceive the emotions of others, take offense, shame, disappoint, this is exactly what he realizes at this age.

Many people think that if a kid grows up and finds himself an occupation, then he should not pay special attention to his upbringing. Parents spend a lot of time on their affairs, forgetting about him, that he always wants to be noticed, wants to know that they love him.

It is very important that adhere to the methods of psychology to conduct joint games, read books, perform classes, do chores at home, because behavior is built on the imitation of an adult, it is the joint pastime that is most important.

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A toddler should feel his responsibility to in the assigned case, it is also necessary to praise him if he has succeeded in doing something. If he tried, but could not do it, he should still praise and say "the next time you'll get it."

Tasks of the education and training of the child

The main objectives of the education and training of boys and girls in 4-5 and 6 years, depend on parents and harmony in the family, above all:

  • teach them to communicate in society;
  • give as much information and knowledge as possible;
  • to thank for the help and presents;
  • respect the elders and do not interrupt them while talking.

Psychology shows that this age reveals love to speak to others, a desire to tell poems, dance, sing, so the task of parents is to help and develop the talents of their children.

Behavior and upbringing

Proper education and behavior in the period of 4-5 years develops cognitive activity well. It is necessary to carry out assignments recommended by psychology to try to adhere to certain methods, to find time to communicate with the child as often as possible, to give him useful information, to teach everything new.

Now is the period when they are all interested, there are many questions, so dad for a boy, a girl can become a real "life teacher" .Men know a lot of things and can give an answer to a child's question.

The 's moral qualities begin to be formed: sensitivity, understanding, kindness, a sense of friendship are shown. It is necessary to support and teach the boy and girl to be positive about others.

P Auditors should know the psychology of behavior of boys and girls at this age and in their example teach them to master the rules of culture of behavior with peers, seniors, perform assigned tasks, teach how to behave in public places, how to share toys,but where to stand on one's own.

The five-year-old is characterized by mood swings, unpredictability of behavior, children become physically and psychologically hardy, can perform the assigned tasks of the parent.

Now it's easy to agree with them, parents should become their best friends. Good education is laid on love, which should be felt in all situations, even when it's done bad, it does not need parents to be afraid.

Always be on the side of your child , trust him, help solve problems, be a support for him in life. Be able to always find an alternative, to show understanding, without disturbing the individuality of the little person.

How to properly educate a child in 4 years of advice

Education should be correct, because it is for them an important age period. The personality traits are fixed and the character is formed. The child copies in his life the behavior of his parents, because adults are for him a model of imitation.

During this period is the main focus, develop cognitive processes. Psychology offers to give the kid entertaining assignments, tell a lot, it is interesting and well remembered.

Develop some rules in the family and clearly monitor their implementation, for example, the child must be able to clean up, fold toys, throw garbage into a bucket. But it is desirable not to forget to praise, award a kiss for the work done.

Features of education

Features of the upbringing of the child 4 and 5 years of are that they must adhere to the established rules in the family, which should be clearly adhered to.

If my mother banned, then the father should also be with mom. There should not be an exception today, but tomorrow not.

Parenting parents should be observant and attentive in order to timely respond to the causes of disobedience.

Relations between parents and children are built continuously, daily. The peculiarity of upbringing is a correctly defined type of temperament, so considering it you can confidently say that communication and upbringing will take place, much easier, rightly.

This rule will help to form a harmonious personality. We must always try to build trust, develop their personality, do not limit imagination, be able to listen, laugh more often with children, teach them how to communicate, be able to react properly to hysterics, allow them to make mistakes and learn from them.

The moral upbringing of a child

A child begins by his own will to follow the norms of morality, he can correctly make the right moral choice in practice.

Psychology shows that during this period, the moral values ​​of life and trusting attitude to people develop, sympathy, guilt, becomes trustful.

For all moral norms, a social way of behavior is fixed, for example: "You can not lie to an adult", "you can not take someone else's", etc. They know how to divide, what you can do, and what - you can not.

Moral development of children in 4-5 years of signs :

they form the first moral judgments and estimates;
begins to understand the meaning of the moral norm;
increases the effectiveness of moral representations;
there is a conscious morality, that is, his behavior begins to adhere to the moral norm.
Proper education tips of a psychologist

Proper parenting advice to parents from psychology

1. No need to ask questions that provoke a bad;
2. Say positive requests;
3. No need to explain to the child what he already knows;
4. You do not need to read hourly notations;
5. Do not need to manipulate the child
6. be able to find a compromise, teach you how to overcome difficulties in life;

Difficulties in upbringing in 4 5 and 6 years

Difficulties in bringing up arise when parents do not know the peculiarities of children's behavior and constantly demand from the child certain actions, achievements, do not take into account his personal opinion, do not allow himself to make decisions,constantly criticized, scolded and humiliated.

In this case, the girl or boy completely closed, cease to trust parents, do everything in defiance and show their character, learn badly at school, further problems in adulthood.

In order to avoid difficulties in education, it is necessary to start using the methods of psychology, first of all, it is necessary to learn how to politely ask, not to order and demand, to properly respond to hysterics, to develop personality.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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