The causes of bruises on the body in women, men and children without bruises

A bruise( hematoma) is a limited accumulation of blood in the tissues that occurs when blood vessels are damaged due to open injuries. In most cases, subcutaneous hematomas are recorded. They have a blue color, which after a while acquires a yellow, greenish and pink hue. Typically, such hemorrhages occur under the skin as a result of mechanical damage, but sometimes their origin is difficult to determine. If bruises on the body of a woman, a man or a child appear without a reason, you need to immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of a serious illness.

  • Why
  • appear
  • treatment Hemorrhagic vasculitis
  • Varicose
  • Reduced blood clotting

Why do

appear The most common causes of bruising on the body in women and men are:

  • Hormonal failure. The female body is more prone to bruising without visible causes due to the unstable hormonal balance. Hematomas can appear with estrogen deficiency. Mostly this occurs during the menopause or because of hormonal intake.

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  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Disease is characterized by the appearance of bruises all over the body. The organism, perceiving blood vessels as a foreign body, produces antibodies that contribute to the destruction of blood vessels, which makes their walls brittle. As a result, they burst, blood spreads, gets into the subcutaneous tissue, and hematomas appear on the body. Vasculitis can be observed in diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular and respiratory system, as well as the brain of the head.
  • Varicose veins. This bruise is bruised on the legs.
  • The lack of vitamins. With deficiency of vitamins P, C and K, the walls of the vessels are thinning, they become brittle and brittle. As a result, hematomas can appear even with a slight bruise.
  • Dysfunction of the liver. This internal organ plays a detoxifying role and participates in the maintenance of homeostasis, so the disruption of its functioning leads to blood thinning and the appearance of bruising. With hepatitis of various origins, hepatic insufficiency and cirrhosis, bruises appear not only on the legs, but also on the upper limbs, trunk and face. In addition, the skin with such pathologies acquires a yellow tint.
  • Long-term use of medicines. Sometimes, the cause of hematomas is the use of analgesics, antidepressants, preparations containing iron, anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic agents, as well as medicines intended for blood thinning( Cavinton, Aspirin and their analogs).This is due to the fact that the composition of drugs have substances that reduce blood coagulability. As a result, small bruises are formed. Also this process can appear because of cancer diseases.
  • Age changes in skin. In the elderly, aging of connective tissues occurs and the elasticity of the walls of the vessels decreases. As a consequence, the capillaries that have lost their elasticity are very easily damaged, and many bruises can appear even from a small touch to the body.
  • Iron deficiency anemia. This is a disease in which the level of hemoglobin is lowered, as a result of which tissues receive insufficient amounts of oxygen.

Bruising on the body without a reason in the child is a sign that parents need to urgently consult a doctor who will find out the cause and prescribe the right treatment.

Most often, hematomas in children appear as a result of:

  • Excessive physical activity.
  • The lack of vitamins.
  • The malnutrition.
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    Treatment of

    To determine the best method for eliminating bruising, it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence. To do this, you need to contact a doctor( hematologist or therapist) who will prescribe a coagulogram and a clinical blood test.

    The simplest treatment is prescribed when it comes to the lack of vitamins. In this case, it is recommended to revise the food and add eggs, citrus, sea cabbage and fresh herbs to it. Vitamin complexes with an increased content of rutin, ascorbic acid and bioflavonoids will also be useful.

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    Hemorrhagic vasculitis

    Treatment in this case is assigned depending on the stage of the disease. With a mild form, it is sufficient to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the disease has progressed, the doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs. At a neglected stage, they may not be effective. Then cytotoxic drugs are prescribed instead of them, the main function of which is to eliminate immune cells that perceive blood vessels as an alien body.

    The most effective method of treating vasculitis is plasmapheresis. The essence of the procedure is the purification of blood, which contains various harmful substances. In addition, a special diet is prescribed, according to which the diet should exclude products that promote the emergence of allergies. Bed rest is also shown.

    Read also how to clean bruises, hematomas, cones folk remedies at home
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    When diagnosing varicose veins, we urgently need to seekhelp to the phlebologist, otherwise later it may be necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

    To treat the disease apply ointments, venotonic, gels. If you start using these medications in a timely manner, bruises will quickly disappear.

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    Reduced coagulation of blood

    In case of reduced blood clotting, complex treatment is prescribed. Usually prescribe Kontrikal and coagulants. Sometimes it is very effective to take aminocaproic acid. Transfusion of blood plasma helps to improve the patient's condition.

    • Mar 04, 2018
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