The causes of the appearance on the nails of the hands of white spots and strips, and how to get rid of them

The condition of our nails, hair and skin signals possible abnormalities in the functioning of our body. Time-honored changes will help to identify some diseases in a timely manner. Leukonichia - a white stripes or spots on the nails, which appear due to changes in the nail plate. Almost everyone saw on their nails white spots of various shapes under the nail plate, and their occurrence should be treated very carefully.

  • Causes of
  • External factors
  • Internal factors
  • Classification
  • By degree
  • prevalence in form of spots
  • Classification of reasons for the appearance of spots
  • Trauma
  • Fungus
  • Depression
  • protracted gipovitaminoz
  • Seasonal vitamin deficiencies
  • Malnutrition
  • CRF
  • Diseases of the CAS
  • Diseases of the digestive tract
  • Medical treatment
  • Loceril
  • Batrafen
  • Treatment with folk methods
  • Bath with chamomile
  • Sea salt
  • Garlic juice
  • Garlic juice
  • Homemade vitamin lacquer
  • Fish oil
  • instagram viewer
  • Wax
  • Mask with petroleum jelly
  • Oil-lemon varnish
  • Tray with potassium permanganate
  • Salt bowl
  • Prevention

Reasons for the appearance of

The reasons for the appearance of white spots include a number of time-related external and internal factors.

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External factors

External appearance factors on nails of white spots:

  • nail trauma( nail, bruise, bump);
  • incorrectly executed manicure;
  • nail polish of poor quality;
  • nail extensions and gluing;
  • the use of acetone instead of a nail polish remover;
  • reaction to some household chemicals;

  • the habit of gnawing nails.
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Internal factors

The internal factors for the appearance of spots include:

  • lack of the required quantity of microelements;
  • is an overabundance of some trace elements in the body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disbalance in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • fungal infection;
  • anorexia;
  • cirrhosis;
  • kidney failure;
  • anemia.
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Classification of

Leukonichia is distinguished:

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By the prevalence of

  • The limited are small spots on one or two nails.
  • Total - white spots on the entire nail plate on all the nails of the hands.
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By spot shape

Spot - in this variant there are one or more white dots on one or more nails

Striped - in this form of spots on the nails thin lines looking up or down are seen.

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Classification of the cause by the appearance of the spots

The appearance of the stains is as follows:

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Due to mechanical impact on the nail, chaotically located spots or streaks occur that are limited by the impact site.

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If the fungal infection is damaged on the yellowed and deformed nail, white spots of various sizes appear. If you do not make the necessary procedures for treating a fungal infection in time, then it can spread to all the nails.

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With prolonged depression, there may be a large stain in the center of the nail, which disappears after the nail plate grows.

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Prolonged hypovitaminosis

Characterized by the appearance of multiple small spots around the nail, as well as there is drowsiness, weakness, absent-mindedness.

Read also about the reasons for the appearance and methods of combating the footsteps on the feet
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Seasonal hypovitaminosis

Single small spots appear on all nails due to a lack of vitamins in the body.

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Incorrect power supply

If the power supply is incorrect, horizontal pair strips appear on one or two nails.

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CPN is a chronic renal failure. On all the fingers there is a large spot at the base of the nail, the top of the nail is of a healthy color.

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Diseases of the SSS

In case of cardiovascular system disorders, spots of different size appear on the cyanotic nail plate or longitudinal pink strips.

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Digestive diseases

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a large stain on the entire surface of the nail, manifested as a single( on one nail), and on all fingers. Most often occur on the nails of the legs, and on the hands may not appear.

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Medical treatment

There are drugs for treating white spots on the nails, depending on the disease.

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Product form - a vial of darkened glass with a viscous liquid;The package also includes cotton swabs for cleaning the nail, spatulas for applying the drug, disposable nail files for stripping.

The active substance is amorolfine.

This varnish is an antifungal agent, quickly absorbed into the nail, one application is enough for a week. This product does not penetrate into the blood and thus does not harm the body.

Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age and intolerance of the drug components. Available without a prescription.
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Form release - nail polish in a clear bottle with a brush cap.

The active ingredient is cyclopyrox.

Antifungal nail polish, which actively fights various types of fungal infections and prevents their subsequent appearance. The course of treatment is 3-6 months. Removed from the nail with a liquid to remove varnish.

Contraindicated in children under 10 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies to the components of the drug. The most effective drug for combating the fungus on the nails.
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Treatment by folk methods

There are several recipes for getting rid of stains on nails, if the cause of their occurrence has already been eliminated.

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Bath with chamomile

Take the flowers of chamomile and oak bark on a tablespoon, pour them with a liter of boiling water, insist for an hour, then strain. Take a bath for 15 minutes a day.

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Sea salt

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Seawater or iodized salt is dissolved in hot water, with a calculation of 1 spoonful per 1 liter of water. Take the bath for 15 minutes.

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Garlic Juice

With a few cloves of garlic squeeze out the juice, steam out the nails in hot water and rub the juice obtained into them. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

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Homemade Vitamin Lacquer

To prepare a home nail polish, take 5 drops of iodine and vitamin A, 60 milliliters of olive oil. Ingredients to mix and apply a brush on the nails once a day in the evening.

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Fish oil

Twice a day rub the fat into the nail until absorbed.

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Beer wax bead to heat in hands and rub into nail. Perform the procedure every day.

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Mask with Vaseline

Mix 1 gram of Vaseline and 5 grams of glycerin, apply to the nails, for 10-15 minutes, after wiping off the remnants.

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Oily-lemon varnish

Mix in equal amounts lemon juice, olive and linseed oil, apply before bed with a brush.

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Tray with potassium permanganate

In hot water, dilute a little potassium permanganate, take a bath every day from 2 weeks to a month for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the nails with tea tree oil.

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Bath with salt

Dissolve in 2 glasses of hot water 2 tablespoons of table salt, take the bath for 15-20 minutes every other day.

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To avoid the appearance of spots on the nails, you should perform several simple preventive actions:

  • do the right manicure, baths for strengthening;
  • fully eat( balance your diet, give up half-finished products and fast food);
  • to visit a doctor on time and regularly undergo a medical examination to avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases;
  • to avoid stressful situations;
  • perform all hygiene procedures to avoid the occurrence of fungal infections;
  • to lead a healthy lifestyle - before you start taking medication you should put things in order in your diet and regime of the day. Eight-hour sleep, healthy eating, walking on air and sports will greatly improve the condition of the whole organism;
  • eliminate external causes of stains - try to contact less with different chemistry( you need to use gloves), make a manicure and use moisturizing hand cream;
  • timely detection of pathology - by giving general tests - they will help determine which doctor should be consulted for subsequent treatment if other methods do not help.
  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 43
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