Pain in the legs below the knees can be caused by the most unpredictable causes. Such pains can not be ignored, they can indicate complex pathological diseases in the body, which are fraught with disastrous consequences( gangrene, necrosis, oncology).Diseases need to be identified and prevented in time, and also to take all preventive measures for their occurrence.
- Causes of pain
- obliterans atherosclerosis
- physical overload muscles
- Inflammation
- Injuries and damage
- micronutrients Lack
- arthritis and arthrosis
- Varicose
- Thrombosis
- Osteoporosis
- Polyneuropathy
- Osteomyelitis
- Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Pharmacotherapy
- physiotherapy
- Folkfunds
- Prevention
Causes of pain
The main and most significant causes that can occur inbinding legs syndrome pain below the knees:
to contents ^arteriosclerosis obliterans
Violation arterial patency due to ischemic muscle tissue is reduced main blood level in the arterial vessels, decreases clearance and deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall, there is pain in the calf. With obliterating atherosclerosis, pain increases after any physical exertion. It takes rest to reduce pain.
Physical overload of muscles
Overload is caused by long walking, standing, increased exercise. Such a problem can occur in people with hypodynamia, as well as inappropriate growth and weight( at fullness, the load on the legs, bones and joints increases significantly and leads to pain).A sharp aching pain below the knees may indicate the onset of pathological processes. It is worth reviewing all possible overload options and starting to engage in constant easy charging to avoid the progression of the disease.
to table of contents ^Inflammations of
As a result of hypothermia of feet, myositis, inflammation in ligaments and synovial bags may occur. In the inflammatory process, pain occurs in the back of the leg below the knee, pain does not increase, they are always in the same pain threshold, if not to take therapeutic and preventive measures.
to table of contents ^Injuries and injuries
Stretch marks, bruises, muscle and tendon ruptures, cracks and bone fractures. Such injuries provoke further pain in the calf portion of the legs. Such pains are manifested with time in periods of sharp weather changes, in old age. Pain usually occurs in the evening and increases by night.
to contents ^Deficiency of microelements
If the body lacks calcium, magnesium, potassium, then there are cramps and pain of the calf muscles, mainly at the back of the leg. Most of the shortage of these microelements in the body result in strict diets or long-term food failures, unbalanced and improper nutrition, leaching from the body with accelerated metabolism, destabilization of absorption in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. To relieve pain, it is worth stretching the muscle until the discomfort disappears completely.
Arthritis and arthrosis
These diseases are articular, but pain can also occur in the gastrocnemius of the back of the foot. Most often, such pains become a call to visit the doctor and identify the true cause of the ailment - meniscus lesions, arthritis, arthrosis, violation of joint mobility.
to table of contents ^Varicose veins
Varicose veins are very easy to recognize by the characteristic venous nets on the skin of the legs. But at the very beginning of the development of varicose veins absent.
The characteristic signs of varicose veins may be:
- heaviness in the legs;
- swelling on the legs at the end of the day;
- cramps for no reason;
- blunt pain below the knees.
This disease is accompanied by pronounced bruises or bruises on the skin.
Venous thrombosis:
- begins the disease gradually( in part, the sites hit the legs);
- raspiruyuschaya pain in the legs, in the calf portion from behind, below the knees;
- purplish red, cyanotic skin;
- significant edema of the lower leg;
- when walking pain intensifies;
- the foot is hot to the touch;
- very quickly develops( 3-5 days) necrosis and gangrene.
Arterial thrombosis:
- develops pathology in just a few hours;
- the leg becomes pale, cold;
- severe and severe pain below the knees;
- requires immediate measures within 2-3 hours to avoid gangrene and tissue death.
Disease that occurs on the basis of calcium deficiency in the body. Bones change their structure, become brittle. Women are often exposed to the disease during menopause and menopause. Osteoporosis itself affects the bone and a sharp pain below the knees requires prolonged treatment.
to contents ^Polyneuropathy
This disease is a characteristic complication for diabetics. Pain in the legs, with polyneuropathy, carry a burning character, accompanied by chilliness and numbness of the limbs. Such pain is often constant, it does not depend on increased physical exertion and simple fatigue of the legs.
to the table of contents ^Osteomyelitis
Infectious disease. The disease affects the bone tissue. Pain in the legs, in front or behind, below the knees is very sharp, is periodic in nature. Osteomyelitis requires immediate treatment.
The following causes of can also cause painful shin syndrome:
- long-term medication( diuretics, hormones, cholesterol-lowering medications);
- arterial disease-nodular periarteritis, vasculitis;
- rheumatic diseases;
- compression of soft tissues of gastrocnemius muscles;
- cancer cells and metostases of different localization in bone tissue;
- oncological bone tumors;
- osteochondrosis;
- intervertebral lumbar hernia;
- Paget's disease.
Symptoms of
The main symptoms of pain in the legs below the knees, which should cause an immediate medical attention for subsequent treatment:
- stiffness of leg movements;
- difficulty in flexing and extending the legs;
- swelling, redness, cyanosis, suppuration, bruising;
- severe pain as a result of descent and climbing the stairs;
- sharp pain when attacking the leg;
- accruing pain accompanied by fever;
- pain, not lasting several days;
- sharp and cutting pains in the knees and lower.
The following research methods are used to determine the disease and its causes:
- ultrasound( ultrasound);
- radiography( the process of examining the internal structure of joints, bones, organs or tissues with the help of X-ray beams, which reflect the general picture on a special film);
- MRI( magnetic resonance imaging);
- CT( computed tomography);
- CDS of joints( procedure for the detection of vascular diseases of the legs);
- contrast angiography( X-ray of blood vessels);
- radionuclide diagnostics( radiation study of vessels for oncological diseases);
- arthroscopy( modern surgical procedure, which is carried out for the diagnosis and treatment of several groups of joints).
There is a method of examination using osteopathy. Osteopath will provide complex treatment not only to reduce the symptoms of diseases, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole.
Treatment of
The pain can be treated with medicines, exercise therapy and folk proven means.
to the table of contents ^Medication
Pain below the knee should be treated based on the cause of their occurrence. At the heart of the fight against the syndrome is the use of medicines.
The doctor most often prescribes the following groups of drugs:
- anti-inflammatory and analgesics( depending on the source of the problem);
- decongestants;
- vitamin preparations of group B and D;
- microelement rate - calcium, sodium, magnesium;
- medications are muscle relaxants that lower muscle tone;
- preparations for improving blood microcirculation;
- hormones and cytotoxic drugs in connective tissue diseases;
- anticoagulants in thrombosis;
- insulin for diabetes.
Physiotherapy will help to anesthetize, improve and normalize blood flow, partially eliminate possible inflammation.
For pains below the knees, these kinds of physiotherapy are prescribed:
- ultraphonophoresis( increasing pharmacological properties of the drug by ultrasonic vibrations);
- magnetotherapy( treatment with electromagnetic fields);
- laser treatment( a kind of physiotherapy with laser light);
- wave therapy( impact on bone and connective bone tissues by pulses of low frequency acoustics);
- paraffin therapy( heat treatment method using heated paraffin wax);
- mud treatment( treatment with healing mud);
- balneotherapy( mineral water treatment).
Folk remedies
The simplest and most effective folk medicine to relieve leg pains below the knees are:
- Herbal bath. Taking baths with chamomile grass, laurel leaves, lime blossom, eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs.
- Chestnut tincture. To prepare the tincture, you will need vodka and chestnut fruits in the ratio of 50 grams of fruit per 500 milliliters of vodka. All components are connected in a glass container, cover and insist in a dark and warm place for exactly a month. Tincture rub your aching legs.
- Honey Lubricate painful legs with fresh honey for the night. Cover with a clean cloth and wrap around with a flexible bandage. Honey eliminates the feeling of heaviness, relieves swelling and inflammation.
- Comfrey tincture. 250 grams of comfrey root chop and pour 1 liter of vodka. For 21 days you need to insure the mixture in a dark warm place. The container under the mixture must be glass and tightly-closed. On the 22nd day the infusion should be expressed. Store in a refrigerator in a closed container. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before eating a whole month.
- Black radish. Root must be freshly grated and applied to the affected area of the foot in the form of a compress.
- Tansy. Excellent assistant for gout and arthritis. A tablespoon of dried flowers and plant leaves pour dry raw material with a glass of steep boiling water and insist for 2 hours. You need to drink this infusion 2 times a day.
- Aloe and oils. With sprains, muscle spasms and osteochondrosis. Fresh aloe juice mixed with oil of eucalyptus, menthol, camphor and cloves. Rub the mixture into the sore points of the legs and cover with a woolen cloth.
- Pine nuts. Fold the walnut shell in a 0.5 liter glass bottle. Fill the shell with alcohol. Cork the bottle and insist for 20 days. Tincture to take inside. Start taking 2 drops and drink for 3 weeks( every day adding 1 dose to the dose), and then count the opposite side until it reaches two drops again. The course ends.
- Pumpkin jelly. Helps with the deposition of salts. Pumpkin juice mixed with gelatin and raspberry syrup. Pour into 250-grams cups and put into the refrigerator for freezing. Eat one 250-gram serving daily. The course is 7 days.
- Herbal collection. Relieves inflammation in the joints. Make an equal in number collection of leaves and flowers of immortelle, St. John's wort, string, birch and bearberry. Dry raw materials to grind. Brew as a tea in a thermos for the night. Drink the next day for 100 milliliters before meals 3 times a day.
Prevention of
To prevent pain below the knees, it is worth carrying out the following actions:
- the food should be balanced;
- undergo a medical examination every six months;
- pass once a year course full preventive massage;
- exercise every day;
- regulate its own weight based on its own growth;
- preventive physiotherapy( physiotherapy procedures can be aimed not only at treating diseases, but also on preventive improvement of blood circulation, cell regeneration).