Teeth injuries are common in both children and adults - they can be the result of a fall, stroke or dental disease. If a piece of the tooth has split off, do not delay with a visit to the doctor - the specialist will inspect and tell you what to do. In most cases, the situation is easily solvable, but ignoring the problem can lead to tooth loss and other complications.
Why the
is chipped The main causes of the chips are the mechanical action and thinning of the tooth enamel.
To provoke them can:
- fall, impact;
- hit the tooth too hard object while eating;
- incorrect wearing of orthodontic designs;
- anomalies of occlusion;
- caries, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity;
- chronic cracks in the teeth;
- incorrectly installed seal;
- calcium deficiency in the body;
- weakening of dental tissues due to excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, juices, sweets and other products containing sugar and acids;
- violation of acid-base balance of the oral cavity;
- weakened immunity;
- hormonal disorders;
- abuse of tobacco and alcohol products;
- chronic diseases of internal organs or special conditions( eg, increased gastric acidity).
Types of
The teeth are distinguished according to the depth of the lesion:
- The or fracture of the enamel is considered to be the most harmless lesion and is usually not accompanied by pain, which is why many patients neglect the approach to the dentist. However, the absence of a protective layer leads to a direct load on the tooth tissue and a decrease in resistance to harmful bacteria, which causes the tooth to collapse more rapidly.
- A tooth chip with the capture of the dentin ( hard tissue located under the enamel) can also not cause pain. However, such damage is quite dangerous - in addition to increased sensitivity, when exposed to a weakened tissue, microcracks appear, leading to tooth destruction.
- Damage to the tooth with bare nerve endings is the most serious lesion affecting soft tissues( pulp).In such cases, usually a large piece is cut off or the tooth splits into 2 parts and it hurts badly.
is dangerous A splintered piecetooth can lead to negative consequences:
- Sensitization of the tooth - is the most minor complication. There is discomfort with the use of hot, cold, sour or sweet food, as well as hygiene products( toothpaste, rinse liquid), unpleasant sensations can cause a touch of the toothbrush.
- Inflammation of pulp - when tooth tissue becomes infected, strong painful sensations occur, and destruction of the pulp can lead to tooth loss.
- The appearance of cysts( fluid filled cavities) and granules of ( nodules) on the roots of the tooth.
- Changing the angle of the root of the tooth - this can lead to a strong chipping caused by trauma. In this case, the tooth is displaced, which can lead to the movement of the whole dentition and the violation of the bite.
What to do
Anyone, even a minor one, should be shown a doctor. Before going to the dentist, the following measures can be taken:
- rinse your mouth with warm boiled water to wash off the fragments of enamel and food leftovers;
- when injuring the gums - attach a sterile bandage to it;
- to prevent edema can attach to the injury site an ice bag;
- for severe pulsating pain, the use of an anesthetic is allowed.
Among the methods of dental treatment are the following:
- Sealing is used for minor clefts, cracks, and enamel ruptures. The procedure helps to close the exposed areas of the dentin and strengthen the tooth. When treating chewing or milk teeth, you can apply silvering - coating the damaged surface with a solution of silver nitrate, which prevents the penetration of bacteria and further destruction of the tooth.
- Veneers - special plates that cover the outer layer of teeth and strengthen them, help to hide multiple cracks and chips of the enamel of the front teeth. For installation, a slight grinding of the enamel layer is required.
- Art restoration ( build-up) with composite materials or inserts may be required if the dentine is damaged. The substance is applied in several layers, each of which is fixed by means of light radiation.
- Pulp removal and filling of the channels is necessary in the case of chips with damage to the pulp, and in some cases an additional pin is added, which will reduce the load on the tooth walls.
- The installation of a ceramic or metal crown is required when most of the tooth is lost. The procedure involves a significant preparation( turning) of the tooth and putting on it a design made in the laboratory by casts of both jaws.
- Extraction of the tooth is carried out in exceptional cases, for example, if the wisdom tooth has split or if the milk teeth are severely damaged.
The child
Young children are very mobile, often falling and injured, so chips and cracks on their teeth is not uncommon. Many parents believe that baby teeth can not be treated: still they will be replaced by permanent ones. However, this opinion is erroneous - a trauma of the milk tooth can lead to caries or abscess, to touch the rudiment of the permanent tooth and lead to its destruction and even premature removal. Also, chipped off the resistance of the body to diseases of the oral cavity( for example, stomatitis), can increase the sensitivity of the teeth.
Before the treatment the child needs to take an X-ray - the picture shows the condition of the roots of the tooth and surrounding tissue after the injury. To eliminate chipped teeth, conservative gels that prevent the development of infection, silvering, fluoridation or the installation of a seal are often used. In case of significant damage, the tooth is removed.
to the table of contents ^In pregnancy,
During the gestation period, hormonal changes occur in the body of the woman, which affects the health of the teeth - the enamel is thinned, caries is formed and rapidly progresses, and chronic diseases of the oral cavity become aggravated. Many doctors explain these problems by the fact that the child draws out of the mother the micro- and macronutrients necessary for the formation of his skeleton, in particular, calcium.
Pregnant is very important to monitor the condition of the teeth, help in this:
- thorough oral hygiene;
- proper nutrition, including vitamins and minerals;
- minimizing stress;
- regular visit to the dentist.
If a piece of tooth has split off from a pregnant woman, do not postpone the trip to the dentist before delivery - modern clinics have a set of tools and drugs that can effectively solve the problem without pain and risks to the health of the baby. Without treatment, the potential focus of infection in the oral cavity can lead to serious complications with the health of the mother and baby.