Masti pentru fata cu uleiuri esentiale in casa

  • 1 Essential oils for the face - useful properties and recipes at home
    • 1.1 Essential oils from facial wrinkles
    • 1.2 Essential oil of lemon for the face how to take?
    • 1.3 Tea tree essential oil recipes for oily skin
    • 1.4 Face masks with essential oils at home
    • 1.5 Reviews

Modern cosmetology uses more than 2000 essential oils. They are added to facial creams, masks for oily scalp and shampoos against dandruff. Even in perfumes there are essential oils. And all because they have not only healing properties, tonic, but also soothing. For the skin of the face, these substances are simply necessary.

Essential oils for the face - useful properties and recipes at home

For caring to really give the desired result, it is necessary in accordance with the type of skin to pick up the remedy. After all, oils have different healing properties, sometimes one procedure will make you disappointed with it and the application will end there.

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The most pronounced properties of esters:

  • toning;
  • soothing;
  • anti-aging;
  • cleansing;
  • wound healing.

For normal facial skin, lemon, mint, chamomile and bergamot essential oil are suitable. For dry skin - ethereal lavender, orange, geranium and roses. Bold type is best processed with lemon, ginger, patchouli and lavender. For mixed use essential oils of rosemary, ylang-ylang, tea tree and bergamot.

You can use the extract in its pure form, or you can add it to different masks. Reviews of women say that fatty masks are good for the body. They relieve the sagging skin and reduce cellulite.

Essential oils from wrinkles for the face

In the fight against wrinkles, it will be good to help lemon, patchouli, lavender and myrrh. To remove deep wrinkles, you need to apply a mask of base and essential oils. The base can be jojoba, avocado or wheat germ. It will need 15 ml. To this liquid add 4 and 3 cap.lavender oil. This mask is applied to the cleansed face and it is on the wrinkles area. It should not be applied to the skin around the eyes.

To rejuvenate the skin in the corners of the eyes, the following recipe should be used:

  • Mix 30 ml of vitamin E, a fatty extract of sea-buckthorn and cocoa, as well as ethereal patchouli 3 drops, neroli 4 cap.and lavender 3 drops. It is applied to the upper eyelids and under the eyes, as well as to the corners. It is better to carry out this cosmetic procedure 3 hours before bedtime and three times a week.

Reviews say that effectively remove wrinkles citrus extracts. In addition to lemon ether, orange, grapefruit and mandarin are suitable for these purposes.

Essential oil of lemon for the face how to take?

Lemon is actively used to get rid of age spots and freckles. That's only care should be based on any herbal remedy or cream. Take 15 ml of olive raw material and add to it 4 drops of lemon. Mix well and apply. Keep no more than 15 minutes. After the face, rinse with a cool cloth and dry with a tissue.

To get rid of pimples, you can make a useful composition of clay and lemon extract. The mask is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp.l. White clay is bred with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. In this mixture drip 2 cap.lemon extract and insist 15 minutes. Apply also for 15 minutes, after removing the mask, the skin is wiped with lemon juice. Reviews about this tool are only laudatory. Girls write that it can be used from the age of 15 if they strongly overcome acne. The properties of clay are well dried and grease is removed.

Recipes with tea tree essential oil for oily skin

With a fatty skin will help to cope with a tonic, designed for everyday care. It is prepared from 50 ml.water and 5 cap.ethereal tea tree. This composition should be wiped face several times a day. If you prepare the tonic for a few weeks, then store it in the refrigerator.

Skin health will return if you apply a mask of tea tree and blue clay.0.5 tbsp.l.clay powder mixed with 2 tbsp.l.sour cream and 2 cap.aether of a tea tree. Make the mixture homogeneous and apply for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Reviews say that this mask is harmless, it can be used until the skin does not come back to normal.

Will remove greasy gloss mix of oils and protein. Protein shake and give it 1 drop of lavender, chamomile and tea tree. Lightly rub in your face for 15 minutes.

Face Masks with Essential Oils at Home

You can rejuvenate and eliminate wrinkles with the following recipe. Cold protein shake with 1 tbsp.l.honey, 2 tbsp.l.pure yogurt and 3 cap.ethereal extract of lavender. The procedure for rejuvenation lasts until the agent dries.
To freshen the faded skin it will be good to mint. First 2 tbsp.l.oatmeal boil in milk and in a warm give 3 drops of mint.

( A large number of facial mask recipes for all skin types, checked by specialists, can be found on our website at http: // maska-dlya-lica.)


All ladies know about the properties of aromatic plant extracts and actively apply them for beauty. Reviews after using essential oils for the face of laudatory. Women write that after 3-4 procedures the effect is pronounced and lasts a long time.

These natural ingredients did not cause any serious side effects in any of the girls, except when there is a personal intolerance to the product. Reviews are not advised to use the lemon in its pure form, because it overdoes the skin and feels quite a burning sensation. Many experienced recommend attaching masks and neck, especially anti-aging.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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