- 1 Face masks with vitamins at home recipes
- 1.1 Face mask with vitamin C and vitamin A for oily skin how to use
- 1.2 Prescription for wrinkles with glycerin and vitamin C - proportions
- 1.3 How to prepare rejuvenating masks with vitamin Efor a face with dry skin
- 1.4 Combination of glycerin and Vitamin E
- 2 Face mask with vitamin C at home reviews
A homemade mask with ampoule preparations is known as an effective means of preserving youthve. To make it, you need vitamins in ampoules, tablets or capsules, freely available in pharmacies. How to properly prepare cosmetics on their basis, prompted by the advice and video.
Features of choice and usage:
Vitamins are divided into two types: water-soluble and fat-soluble.
The first type is: C and group B, the second type is E, A, PP, D. Each of them, introduced into the facial cosmetic, will help to deal with certain problems:
• vitamin C( ascorbic acid) is used foranti-hyperpigmentation and expanded pores
• vitamin PP( niacin) regulates lipid balance, reducing the production of sebum
• vitamin E( tocopherol) actively nourishes, combats dryness and scaling
• vitamin A( retinol) stimulates the production of collagen
• vitamin groupB increaseie skin tone, reducing the number and depth of wrinkles.
The beauty and freshness of the face will last longer, thanks to their medicinal properties, the main thing is to use the means on their basis correctly.
- Cosmetologists recommend at home not to mix different vitamins, and make cosmetic compositions using one active ingredient. The exception is vitamin A and vitamin E, their joint use, as well as the use of a complex drug based on them - Aevit, will help in combating anti-aging problems, providing beneficial effects, relieving inflammation and acne, nourishing, regenerating and regenerating the skin. Aevit can be added to an anti-aging night cream to enhance its effect.
- Before carrying out procedures with pharmacy products, cosmetologists recommend conducting a test for their individual tolerance, putting a small amount on hand for 10 minutes.and watching the reaction.
- Open ampoules are not recommended to be stored or reused.
Face masks with vitamins at home recipes
Prescription of cosmetic face packs should be chosen taking into account the skin problems. As the reviews show, beauty and youth will last longer if you apply them regularly - 2 times a week, with a course of 10 procedures. The procedures will help to restore the skin, saturating it with nutrients, restoring freshness and elasticity, eliminating flaws in the form of wrinkles and pigment spots.
Face mask with vitamin C and vitamin A for oily skin how to use
- This cosmetic face composition made at home has a matting and anti-inflammatory effect, narrows the enlarged pores, giving the oily skin a well-groomed and beautiful appearance.1 teaspoon of spoon, sprinkled with ascorbic acid powder( vitamin C) mixed with a liquid solution of retinol( vitamin A), diluted with mineral water. Apply the product on the face for 15 minutes, avoiding areas around the contour of the eyes and lips, and then rinse thoroughly with cool water.
- Another recipe for effective control of oily skin problems is a mask with dimexid. For its preparation, mix with ½ cay. Spoons of vitamin A and vitamin E, 1 teaspoonful.spoon of dimexide, 1 table.a spoonful of sour cream with a low percentage of fat and white cosmetic clay. The resulting mixture is applied a thick layer on the face for 20 minutes. Cleansing care with dimexid eliminates acne, inflammation, comedones, acne. A recipe for wrinkles with glycerin and vitamin C - the proportions of
Face mask with vitamin C and glycerine from wrinkles, cooked at home, has the property of moisturizing and enhancing the elasticity of the skin, helping to prolong its youth.
The recipe for its preparation is simple: dilute glycerin with mineral water 1: 2, add 5 drops of ascorbic acid( injection solution of vitamin C).Their cotton cloth cut out a mask with slits for the eyes, nose, mouth, wetting it in the resulting mixture, put on face for 30 minutes. Regular use of vitamin-glycerin mixture will help to restore the skin, strengthening anti-aging care.
Another popular and effective method to combat age-related changes is the alginate mask with vitamin C. As a result of its application, your skin will become tender, taut, pigmented spots and wrinkles - less noticeable.
For its preparation you will need:
- sodium alginate - 2
- mineral water - 1 table.spoon
- diatomite or kaolin - 1 teaspoon.spoon
- calcium chloride - 1 ampoule
- ascorbic acid - 1 ampoule
Carefully mix sodium alginate with a spoon of water and hold the mixture for 5 hours, separately dissolve the diatomite or kaolin in water until semi-liquid. Mix all the ingredients, apply the mixture on your face with a thick layer, pre-carefully grease the eyebrow cream and eyelashes. This mask, drying up, becomes rubber, while providing a modeling effect, completely repeating the contours of the face.
How to prepare rejuvenating masks with vitamin E for the face with dry skin
As the reviews show, the mask with vitamin E is a highly effective care for dry or fading skin. It remains only to choose and prepare a suitable remedy:
- Curd - 2 table. Spoons to grind, add any nutritious oil - 2 teaspoons.spoons and 5 drops of vitamin E and vitamin A.
- Aloe juice with vitamin E, taken 5 drops, mixed with vitamin A - 10 drops, add a nourishing cream - 1 teaspoonful.a spoon. Apply a useful composition on the face with a thick layer for 10 minutes. This rejuvenating care will not only moisturize, but also intensively nourish and restore.
- Mask with vitamin E, honey and protein, apart from the nutritional effect, also has a gentle exfoliating effect. Cooking means simply: 10 drops of vitamin E, ½ tea.spoons of honey and beaten the whiskey until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, apply for 20 minutes, rinse. Strengthen the effect of the drug can be if you add more vitamin A.
Combination of glycerin and Vitamin E
Face mask with vitamin E and glycerin at home has a regular application, a powerful nourishing and rejuvenating effect in skin care after 30 years.
- Glycerin and tocopherol taken for ½ tea.spoon, mix with camphor and castor oil, adding them to 1 teaspoonful.spoon. Dilute the mixture with a warm decoction of chamomile - ½ cup. Mask with glycerin on the face is applied for 20 minutes.
- Another version of the cosmetic mixture with glycerin and tocopherol: mix both components at the rate of 15 drops of vitamin per 30 ml of glycerin. Apply glycerol solution on face for 40 minutes. To achieve a more rejuvenating effect, in addition, you can add a few drops of vitamin A( retinol).
Face mask with vitamin C at home reviews
Vitamin mask prepared at home is very popular among women, as evidenced by their reviews:
Tatiana, 34 years old:
2. .. 2 courses of masks with vitamin C saved me fromHyperpigmentation on the face, which appeared after pregnancy. At least a few components and a minute of time to prepare the mask, and beauty and youth returned to me. .. »Elena, 22:
«. .. I have oily skin and enlarged pores, rave reviews of my friend pushed me to try the mask with vitamin C on me. After 5 procedures, acne disappeared, and the pores narrowed, the skin became better. I continue to do it periodically, because the effect on the face. .. "Natalia, 40:
«... I began to notice that the wrinkles on my face became deeper and more noticeable, and the skin is not so fresh and beautiful as before. As any woman began to try different ways, as a result she stopped at the masks with vitamin C and glycerin. The effect is stunning - the skin becomes taut after the procedure, the wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is fresh. .. »As the feedback shows, beauty and youth last longer, and the skin looks better if you regularly perform cleansing or rejuvenating procedures with vitamin C, A and E.