Masks for oily hair at home recipes

  • 1 Masks for oily hair at home recipes
    • 1.1 Mask for oily hair roots and dry on the tips at home
    • 1.2 Prescription against loss and growth
    • 1.3 Mask for oily hair at home for growth and hair density
    • 1.4 Recipe with oil for split ends
  • 2 Which shampoo for oily hair at the roots and dry at the tips?
  • 3 Masks for oily hair reviews

With the question of greasy hair, a large part of mankind and not only women face. In the shops there are a lot of special tools, yet it will be more effective to make them at home. Let's see what kind of masks are the best, according to reviews experienced.

Masks for oily hair at home recipes

The kefir mask is very popular. Before bathing your head, you need to apply the whole length of kefir or curdled milk. It is better that these products are homemade. Hold for 30 minutes, and then rinse. Kefir will help to moisten the curls themselves and reduce sebaceous discharge.

The problem of oily hair will help to solve mustard. Prepare the mask as follows: in a glass of hot water, put 2 tbsp.l.mustard and wait. Mix the mortar even with a liter of boiling water and wash your head, rub your skin well. Rinse with warm water. Reviews say that the fat content quickly goes away, but the skin can react poorly to mustard.

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Well get rid of the fat content of the roots of the bread. Dry it with 150 gr.white and black bread. The recipe is based on bread crumbs. To grind the bread you can use a blender or a coffee grinder. After the crumb, pour a cup of herbal decoction and let cool. Then filter and get a decoction of dried roots, warm your head for half an hour. Rinse with warm water. This mask is also good for volume hairstyles. She quickly get rid of fatty shine. It is used not only for oily hair, but also for thin hair. Reviews about her approving.

Mask for oily hair roots and dry on the tips at home

Usually get fat roots and dry tips can be in the process of regular staining. However, natural hair also can be exposed to this problem. In this case, it is important to make a mask at home with the egg and cognac. If the curls are light, then the cognac should be replaced with vodka. Stir yolk, 20 g cognac and the same proportion of hot water. Shake until smooth, so that the yolk is not a piece. It is necessary to lubricate the entire length of the product, while the tips are thicker and rubbed into the head. After 30 minutes, rinse under a warm shower. You need to apply the prescription twice a week. Alcohol very well dries up the skin, and the egg replenishes with vitamins.

Still get rid of fat content and dry tips will help decoction based on chamomile.40 g dried inflorescences, pour 150 ml boiling water, cover with saucer and send for 3 hours in a dark place for tincture. Now beat the egg until the foam forms and mix with the broth. To apply it is necessary on all hair and well to rub in a head. Hold until the mixture is completely dry. For washing, use a shampoo, because the frozen egg is washed off heavily.

Prescription against loss and growth

Mask for oily hair against hair loss and for growth is made from eggs and honey. Shake 2 yolks with honey in an amount of 2 tbsp.l. Apply to the roots for a minimum of 2 hours, and preferably done at night.

The next remedy can be done daily. Take 1 tsp.honey, lemon juice and a century old and an average chive of garlic. Garlic is missed on the garlic and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Apply to damp, for a quarter of an hour and insulate. At home, such a mixture is much easier to cook, and reviews about it are only good.

Mask for oily hair at home for growth and hair density

Excellent in this case, a mustard mask has proved itself. But if its use brings terrible discomfort, use a remedy from aloe. From several sheets, form a slurry and pour 100 ml of vodka. Send under the bed for 7 days. After plenty of rubbing in the skin, you can up to 3 times a week.

Also at home, it is recommended to use an oil-alcohol mask that is suitable for any type of hair. Combine in equal parts castor oil and alcohol. Rub in the head 2 rubles / week.

Recipe with oil for split ends

The mask recipe with oil for greasy hair is also prepared with yolk. Connect the yolk, 0.5 tsp.camphor oil and 2 tbsp.l.water. Lubricate the roots and do not forget about the tips. Hold for 10 minutes.

Since ancient times, folk physicians have treated damaged hair with burdock oil. They say that burdock quickly strengthens curls, heals the skin and prevents dandruff. To do this, the oil should be slightly heated, rubbed into the head and lubricated with dry ends. The oils work well under heat treatment, so wrap them in polyethylene. If you can, do this procedure at night.

Which shampoo for oily hair at the roots and dry at the tips?

If at home you can not do masochki, then use therapeutic shampoos. A good assistant will be any shampoo based on coconut oil, olives and avocado.

Good reviews received hair cosmetics from Agafia's grandmother, a clean line and Herbal Coctail. The main thing - to select a shampoo for a combined type and it is desirable to supplement them with herbal balms. For dry ends, there are good sprays in the brand of Timothy.

Trichologists recommend buying care products solely from natural herbs and oils. Such cosmetics is represented by the company Siberian cosmetics, Green pharmacy, General and Else.

Masks for oily hair reviews of

Commendation deserved praise for sour milk products. They are preferred by those who do not suffer from "hot" masks. For greasy roots and dry ends, honey and egg mixtures are mainly used. And of course the huge demand for oil procedures. Women noted that they are at home doing them best, and the desired results appear in a couple of applications. According to reviews, you can say that with a greasy haircut well cope with herbal infusions.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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