- 1 Face Mask unboxing at home or clean skin with no problems
- 1.1 Face mashing before cleaning recipes
- 1.2 How long does it take to keep a facial mask steaming?
- 2 Face Mask for Face Reviews
- 2.1 Face Bath 50 With Mask for Face Face reviews
Today, we suggest paying attention to a procedure such as a face mask. From the publication you can find out how it can be done at home, effective recipes that will help you achieve the desired results, as well as get acquainted with the reviews of those women who have already tried them on themselves.
Mask for the face pairing at home or clean skin without problems
Steam masks are necessary not only for age-related manifestations, but also for excessively greasy skin type. It is the latter reason that is the most frequent indication for conducting such procedures, incl.and at home. The first thing you need to know to the user is the variations of such procedures:
- fabric - this mask has a fabric base( you can use only natural materials, most often it's gauze) with special cuts for the eyes and mouth, the cloth is dipped in a prepared solution / broth,e.performs the role of compress;
- vapor I - as in the first case the name speaks for itself, the process boils down to the fact that the user is holding his head for a while over the steam from the prepared hot solution, by analogy to the grandmother's method of treating cold infections on the back of the head, a tight towel is put on;
- hot - in this variant the effect of the hot mask is due to a special composition that is able to heat up the dermis as much as possible, most often these are variations with mustard powder, red pepper( sometimes pepper oil), salt or soda, etc.
Indication for the use of similar proceduresany way can be:
• age manifestations;
• cleaning of skin and pores;
• Prevention of frostbite;
• improvement of skin color.
Contraindications: couperose, hypertension, sensitive skin, allergy to one of the components.
Unfolding face mask before cleaning recipes
For a steaming mask, before cleaning or for other purposes, grassy infusions / decoctions and various oils are used more at home. We offer several effective recipes:
- the first way - add to boiling water: chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, lavender and green tea. Remove from heat and use as directed( steam the skin);
- the second way is to mix: 2 yolks with honey( 1 tsp), warm up on a steam bath and apply on face, cover face with food film( take care of slits for eyes and mouth), top with a towel;
- the third way - to steam oatmeal on milk or water, add soda and put on the face.
We draw attention to the fact that this procedure can be used to prepare the skin for a cleansing mask( skin cleansing, cleansing pores, etc.), mechanical cleaning at home or in the salon( scrub or deep peeling) is better postponed for another time, otherwise it cancause undesirable consequences.
How long does it take to keep the facial mask steaming?
Any composition that must be applied to the face before cleaning at home for steaming is applied from the forehead and only after habituation is distributed further along the entire skin( face, chin, neck).Keep the steaming mask for no more than 20 minutes. If a steam procedure is used, the exposure time is reduced by 5-10 minutes.
Please pay attention - it is necessary to properly steam-up the procedures: before applying the formulations, it is necessary to cleanse of cosmetics, be sure to check the reaction of the dermis to the composition( checked on the wrist), in this case the steaming procedure will help before cleaning the skin and pores, assist in solving age-related problems andAve
Face Mask for Face Reviews of
Analyzing reviews of women on proven sources about the effectiveness of such procedures at home, the following conclusions can be drawn: a steaming mask in most variants is an excellent alternative to salon procedures.
After its application, many women notice pleasant changes: the complexion is smoothed, a natural blush appears, fine wrinkles are removed, etc. However, some women did not like such procedures because the effect is not always noticeable immediately, in addition, some recipes simply do not fit the recipes(cause allergic reactions), which indicate their negative feedback.
Bath for the face 50 With a steaming face mask reviews
Today you can buy a lot of cosmetics for facial skin care, incl.professional. Comments of users are noted among manufacturers of cosmetics( baths of 50 degrees) such trade marks as Garnier, Eveline, Floresan, Organic Shop etc.
Some of the products may include black clay, sometimes with zinc, necessarily flavoring oils, etc. Manufacturers guarantee the careand skin cleansing, this composition is easy to use and consumers are able to choose the appropriate price segment of the final product.
Reviews of women stopped somewhere in the middle - no special negative was revealed, but also the insanely inspiring effect when using was also not observed. Many women leave feedback that it is much easier and cheaper to prepare compositions for skin cleansing and pores at home and not to spend the family budget.