Mask of blue, white, black clay for the face at home

  • 1 Masks made of clay for the face at home: what are they useful for?
    • 1.1 Mask of blue clay for face
    • 1.2 White clay: how often can I do?
    • 1.3 Mask of black clay: how to apply?
    • 1.4 Green, blue, pink, red and yellow - which is better to choose?
  • 2 Facial mask of clay from wrinkles: recipe
    • 2.1 How often can I make a mask?
    • 2.2 Recipes for fading skin
    • 2.3 Which clay is better to make a face mask
  • 3 Mask varieties
    • 3.1 With clay and honey
    • 3.2 For dry, oily, combination skin
    • 3.3 Clay mask from black dots
    • 3.4 Recipes for clay masks with: glycerin, waterfat, tea tree oil, essential oils
  • 4 Facial clay mask: reviews

Of all the skin care products, the most optimal option is a cosmetic clay base. It is a natural remedy in which there is a large content of hydrogen. What distinguishes white clay from green, black, blue, red or pink, how it is useful, how to apply it / make it at home - we suggest together to consider the answers to the questions posed, as well as to see the options for effective home recipes.

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Masks made of clay for the face at home: what are they useful for?

Each clay variant( red, black, blue, green, pink, white, etc. ) has its own unique composition and has a mass of useful properties: remove wrinkles , for fading skin , for narrowing pores, remove black dots , align the complexion of ( even if it is red from acne), remove pigmentation and freckles - all this can make this unique cosmetic product created by you at home. About its unique healing and medicinal qualities is known since antiquity.

blue face clay mask Since the blue foundation ( second name Cambrian) has universal features, it can be used to create various variations in comfortable home conditions: from wrinkles, nourishing, whitening effect, tonic or cleansing action of .You can create the composition yourself or use already checked home beauty recipes.

White clay: how often can I do?

In any version, the main component can be purchased as powder ( white, red, pink, black, green, black, etc. ) for preparation of the product at home. White clay ( kaolin) is a universal clay, i.e.with its help it is possible to make various variations. Young girls / women / men often look for variants of a kaolin mask that is effective from spots after acne.

You will need:

  • alcohol - 10 ml;
  • lemon ( juice) - 1 table.a spoon;
  • kaolin ( white base) - 2 tbsp.

components should be connected to homogeneous state ( ideal consistency of thick sour cream) and applied to the skin of ( face, neck, etc.).Keep until dry. Procedures can be done from one to three times a week. The steady effect can be achieved after 10-15 procedures .

Mask of black clay: how to apply?

Black base ( second name Moroccan) is used mostly to remove various inflammations and / or as wound-healing agent .Otherwise, the salon way from the conditions of use in the home version is no different and identical to the analogues of other variations( white, red, green, pink, blue, etc. ).

Green, blue, pink, red and yellow - which is better to choose?

Each recipe of this cosmetic product at home has its own special feature:

  • yellow, pink and red perfectly suited for withering and / or dry skin of the face. It has the effect of soft effect on the gentle ( delicate) skin ( impact of the unique mineral composition), of the dermis will become soft and tight ( ie, smooth and young);
  • green acts counterweight to its predecessors , it is used for certain types( combined or fat).The composition of these agents allows to remove excess fat from the surface , by normalizing the process of the sebaceous glands. Along the way removes black dots, wrinkles and small scars from the face ;
  • black is most effective for various inflammatory processes ( pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • white or blue have their own unique composition, which is combined with any types. Have antimicrobial and toning action, help smooth wrinkles, tighten the pores( small) and remove freckles / pigment spots .

Face mask from clay from wrinkles: recipe

We offer variants of folk salubrious recipes:

  • from wrinkles and flabbiness ( tightening, liffing effect, great for aging skin) - it is recommended to add milk and sour cream ( all ingredients in equal parts).For this purpose pink better suits;
  • whitening - any sour-milk product and tomato juice ( for dry type replace with lemon juice), ingredients in equal parts, it is better to use Cambrian( blue) ;
  • nutritious - water and honey in equal quantities, it is better to use red( brick) ;
  • toning - raw egg yolk and sea buckthorn oil , also in equal proportions, is recommended red ;
  • from acne and black points - green or black clay mix with water ( better mineral) and butter ( better from hazelnuts).

How often can I make a mask?

According to the practitioners' feedback, the procedure should not be done often - in a week is enough 2-3 times .To improve the effect, alternation is recommended.

Recipes for fading facial skin

Question how many times a week you can make a mask of clay for the face, under what conditions and why we have already discussed. We propose to go to practical advice and home recipes:

  1. Apply any formulation better than to the cleansed skin of ( remove before use with a clear area around the eyes.)
  2. Hold for 5 to 15 minutes ( depends on skin type)
  3. Rinse with warm water .(alternating temperature, contrast no more than 30 degrees)
  4. Select the composition taking into account the type of your skin
  5. Mix the components and prepare the composition with wooden, clay or ceramic instruments preferably .You should know that clay procedures do not depend on the number of years, you can start using at any age and you can also do them at any time, preferably until problems arise.

    Which clay is better to make a face mask

    We pay attention - how much to keep the mask from clay onthe face directly depends on the type of skin:

    • dry - up to 5 minutes;
    • bold - up to 15 min.;
    • combined - up to 10 minutes.

    Variety of masks

    We offer to consider several variants of recipes for a cosmetic product manufactured at home. Any

    clay( white, pink, red, black, green, etc. ) is suitable for , it is important to choose a variation considering the skin type. For example, for dry type a good selection of additives in the form of milk, sour cream, egg protein or infusions of herbs with drying effect of , for fat - yolk, low-fat kefir, yogurt, etc. .

    With clay and honey

    For nutritional variation, honey and vitamins A and B ( ampoules can be bought at any pharmacy) are excellent. Honey should be liquid( water bath is suitable), but not hot.

    For dry, oily, combination skin

    Manufacturers of beauty products for care offer ready-made formulations. For example, TM IvRoshe mask for face and hair with Moroccan clay reviews can be seen on their official homepage on the Internet. TM Avon, Pure Line, Oriflame, Recipes of Agafia's grandmother, etc., also please a wide range. These compounds can be prepared on their own, adding auxiliary components to the clay basis:

    • for dry - excellent protein, oil( olive, sea-buckthorn, etc.), fatty milk products, milk;
    • for oily - yolk, tomato or onion juice, etc.

    Clay mask from black dots

    Face mask with clay and gelatin ( white, black, green, red, blue, pink, etc. )perfect for solving this problem. First, dissolve the gelatin and leave it to swell, then add the clay composition ( leave gelatin in water until completely dissolved).

    Recipes of clay masks with: glycerine, waterlog, tea tree oil, essential oils

    We offer several tested home-made facial recipes:

    • blue, glycerin and water sponge ( in equal amounts) dilute to easy mush condition - rejuvenating ;
    • pink with oil( better than tea tree) - option is good for problem skin;
    • white, essential oil ( any) and honey - for tightening ;
    • of blue, whey and oat flakes - cleansing ;
    • from black, bodjagi and sour cream - toning and nourishing ;
    • green, oil ( better suited tea tree) and banana ( puree) - nutritious.

    Mask of clay for the face: reviews

    On the Internet, practicing users massively write their rave reviews of about cosmetic products made on clay basis. It is noted that homemade recipes are not inferior to those purchased by .

    Marina 45 years

    «... No matter how much I try the mask with clay, I always remain satisfied. I especially like the blue one. After her skin moisturized and wrinkles are not as noticeable . .. »

    Valentine 33 years old

    «. .. I adore clay for its miraculous properties. It tightens the skin and improves complexion. I advise everyone to buy it in all colors: white, black, blue, gray, pink . .. "

    If you want to learn more about face masks at home, click here and you will find a recipe that is perfect for you personally for your skin.

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