- 1 From parsley face masks at home recipes
- 1.1 Face mask from parsley whitening - remedy for pigment spots
- 1.2 Wrinkle remedies
- 1.3 Face and neck masks after 30
- 1.4 How to make a moisturizing mask from parsley andoatmeal
- 1.5 Recipe with addition of sour cream for dry skin
Skin on the face should be perfect, and various masks, creams and lotions help in this. Many recipes for store tools are fairly simple, they can be prepared at home. And parsley-based products are easy to make by themselves.
So, recipes for masks made from parsley for the face, cooked at home.
From parsley face masks at home recipes
This greens is rich in vitamins, trace elements and phytoncides. The plant can be said to transform the skin of the face. It becomes smooth, tightened and elastic. Mask from parsley bleaching, moisturizing and rejuvenating. This ingredient in cooking helps protect against ultraviolet light. A remedy made at home, eliminates wrinkles, and from mimic small wrinkles can get rid of completely. Cosmetics recipes are simple, affordable and low-cost.
Face mask parsley whitening - remedy for pigment spots
Prepare a mask at home should be based on parsley, honey and lemon. If the skin is very dry, exclude the lemon. A bunch of herbs finely chop and rastolkite in a bowl until the appearance of juice. Put the fresh honey 2 tsp.and lemon juice. Stir thoroughly. Such a whitening mask is applied for 15 minutes, after it is washed off, and the skin is moistened with cream. It can be used to whiten scars after acne and freckles.
A decoction helps to get rid of the pigment spot. Prescription lotion:
- 1 tbsp.l.sliced greenery pour a cup of water and send to a 15-minute water bath. Then remove, infuse for another half an hour and strain. In a warm broth, add 50 gr.dry white wine. Use of broth daily, in the morning and before a dream. Such a clarifying broth will refresh the skin.
Prescription for wrinkles
Face masks for wrinkles are also moisturizing. To prepare a useful composition, it is necessary for this recipe:
• parsley must be crushed to make 1 tbsp.l., To give the same amount of pure yoghurt and croutons of the cucumber. Mix well and leave for 20 minutes.
This cosmetic composition is applied several times a week with a duration of no more than a month, after the recipe needs to be changed.
Still helps to smooth wrinkles only on the basis of spice. Mix in equal parts the grated root of the plant and greens. Apply to affected areas for 30 minutes. For this problem, cosmetic ice can be prepared. At home, it is easier to do, besides, ice is enough for a long time.
A bunch of greens cover 0.5 liters of water, put 2 tbsp.l.chamomile and 1 tbsp.l.black tea. Ingredients boil, cook for 15 minutes and infuse as much. Broth spread over the forms and send to the freezer. Wipe your face with ice twice a day, before cleaning the skin.
Face mask at home from wrinkles from parsley has no recipe. The article shows the most effective and cheap.
Face and neck masks after 30
For skin after 30 it is difficult to choose a remedy that is a tandem of whitening, moisturizing and rejuvenating. The beauty of Agafia's grandmother is good in this class. However, from parsley, folk masks for face and neck after 33 years old recipes at home are no less effective.
Gentle care has the following method. Mix a teaspoon of chopped parsley, mint, rosemary and homemade milk. Spread on face and decollete for 20 minutes. Reviews say that such a mask is suitable for any type of skin. They help to preserve the beauty of dill and parsley leaves.
Take 1 tbsp each.l.chopped raw materials and cover with water. Apply under the lid for 12 hours, after the plant squeeze and put on the face and neck. Hold for 20 minutes, then wash with cool water. And infusion, you can either wash yourself, or wipe the problem areas 2 r.in a day. This infusion and whitening and moisturizing.
Beauty after 30 will be preserved if you use masochki from a plant and oatmeal. Flakes well exfoliate the horny skin.
How to make a moisturizing mask of parsley and oatmeal
Oatmeal is suitable for dry and oily skin. Dry skin will become moisturized, smooth and pleasant to the touch, and greasy shine will leave the greasy skin. The recipe is based on oatmeal, spice and honey.2 tbsp.l.oat flakes boil with boiling water and allow to swell for 15 minutes. Then drain the water, add 1 tsp.honey and chopped parsley. Mix everything well. Apply for 20 minutes. In this mixture, you can add any moisturizing ingredients, most importantly - that the mixture does not spread.
Recipe with addition of sour cream for dry skin
Home-made products from our greenery help even dry skin.
Stir 3 tsp.sour cream and 1 tbsp.l.add some oatmeal. Keep on the face for 20 minutes. This mixture is moisturizing, whitening, and still relieves of black points.
Agree, cosmetic masks made at home, not only effective, but also safe.