It is contagious - it is necessary to know

Earlier it was believed that stomatitis is peculiar only to young children, but today this disease is quite common in people of any age. The cause of its occurrence, as a rule, is the effect of a certain reagent on the background of weakened immunity.

Because of this massive spread, there is a desire to know more about the existing types of stomatitis and the likelihood of infection with them.

Contents of

  • How is viral stomatitis transmitted?
  • Bacterial form of violation
  • If the provoker is Candida fungus. ..
  • Aphthous stomatitis
  • If the whole reason is an injury
  • Preventative measures to prevent infection
    • What if I need to communicate with a patient?

How is viral stomatitis transmitted?

Herpetic stomatitis

This kind of oral disease is provoked by the effect of the virus on the human body. The infected feels pain, the temperature rises. On the tongue and gums, one can notice watery bubbles that eventually burst and form wounds with a specific bloom.

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Viral stomatitis is transmitted by airborne droplet together with the virus that provokes it. If a healthy person has strong immunity that can cope with the pathogen, then this type of stomatitis is safe for him.

The most common herpetic stomatitis caused by the herpes simplex virus. To a greater extent, it is children that are prone to infection, and in adults it is activated as a result of adverse factors. Herpes is transmitted as an airborne way, and contact, through toys, pacifiers, dishes.

Viruses of chicken pox and influenza, adenoviruses and enteroviruses are less common as the culprits of the disease.

Bacterial form of disorder

Bacterial stomatitis occurs due to malfunction of the mucosa. For this reason, it is the toddlers that are more prone to infection, since in the first years of life the mucous membrane and microflora of the oral cavity form.

Young children can get bacterial stomatitis by airborne and by contact.

Adults rarely suffer from this type of disease. In the event that there are microcracks on the mucous membrane of the mouth, the adult falls into a risk group and can get stomatitis through a common dish.

Also, if a child has stomatitis and angina at the same time, both diseases will be transmitted to others.

The disease is accompanied by swelling of the oral mucosa and an unpleasant odor. In addition, in complicated situations there is an increase in temperature, there are signs of intoxication.

If provocateur is Candida fungus. ..

Children and elderly people are most often affected by fungal stomatitis due to reduced immunity and a weak concentration of protective substances in the saliva. This contributes to the growth of the fungus in the oral cavity.

The most common type of Candida fungus that causes thrush. Candidiasis is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and the appearance of white raids. Painful cracks and ulcers are a neglected form of stomatitis.

As a rule, adults successfully avoid infection with this kind of stomatitis, but use household items: glasses, spoons and other, of course do not recommend.

In addition, Candida fungus is transmitted sexually and through kisses, so an infected adult should observe sexual rest.

Aartic stomatitis

The disease develops on the basis of allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stress and other problems that cause the appearance of gray-white sores in the oral cavity. There is also a genetic predisposition to the disease. As a rule, aphthous stomatitis is not contagious.

If the pathological process is not treated, it can develop into a chronic disease that, against a background of reduced immunity, will worsen. As a result - pain in the area of ​​sores, fever.

If the reason is the injury

In case of external interference in the oral cavity, traumatic stomatitis may develop. It occurs when a blow hits the face, which damages the inner skin or teeth( for example, when falling), with burns( for example, if you drink hot tea).

People who have braces are also prone to this disease. Often poorly sharpened tooth scratches the mucous membrane and provokes the development of stomatitis.

This type of disease is one of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Traumatic stomatitis can not infect anyone, but it can develop into a chronic form.

Preventive measures to prevent infection

To protect yourself from the disease, you should follow a number of tips:

  • How to properly wash your hands

    Adhere to the hygiene of the oral cavity .In order not to damage the mucous membrane, it is recommended to use soft brushes or medium hardness, to handle the dental floss carefully. It is better to give preference to toothpaste without lauryl sulfate.

  • Avoid using as an product for aggressive products. For example, chips or crackers can scratch the mucous membrane. Hot drinks, alcohol, salted and spicy foods are also reagents that can cause stomatitis. Also, some allergenic foods can trigger the onset of the disease.
  • Visit the dentist , who will check the teeth for chips and sharp edges, correct prostheses. Brackets should be greased with a wax so that they do not wash the protective covering of the oral cavity.
  • Eat balanced , use multivitamins, it will help to strengthen immunity. It is desirable to exclude harmful habits, especially smoking. Do not forget about washing hands not only before eating, but also during the day.
  • Eliminate the stress of from your life.

Useful information about the selection of vitamins for preventive purposes in this video.

What if I need to communicate with a patient?

Try to avoid direct contacts in the form of kisses, do not use shared utensils, in case of viral infections, wear a mask. Usually treatment of stomatitis lasts about 10 days, so for this period you need to closely monitor your health.

This is an extremely unpleasant disease that everyone is eager to avoid. To understand, infectious or not, it is necessary to clarify to which type the disease belongs.

Traumatic and aphthous stomatitis are not infectious, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, and if the cause of the disease is fungi or mucosal damage, the disease can be transmitted at a household level.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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