Congratulations to a 14-year-old girl in prose

You are already 14 years old, which means that soon you will receive your first certificate of maturity. There are very few left, you have time to catch up, correct estimates, learn new lessons. But today is your birthday, so have fun, relax, have fun with your family and friends who support you all your life. The study will wait a little, because childhood and adolescence fly so fast, leaving joyful memories. Happy Birthday!


You have a birthday today. Also it would be desirable to wish something especial, something warm and pleasant. I wish to meet neither in my life, nor with sorrow, nor with sorrow, nor with disappointment. Meet only the kind people in life. Take from life all the joy, bright colors, and bright days. And when you get out of your way, lift your head, look at the sky, and ask for help from the Lord. Let all your dreams come true one by one. The family is always happy. All the difficult situations, let them turn into an invaluable experience. And memories in memory are kept only pleasant. And know that you are a good person, and there will always be people who will help you in any situation. Happy Birthday to You!

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Happy Birthday! You're so young, your life is just beginning. I want to wish you self-confidence, which is so necessary for achieving the goals. Let near you will always be close and loving people - parents and friends. Let sad moments be as small as possible, and joyful - let them happen every day. Be happy today, tomorrow and always, let your life be beautiful and amazing.


Today you have become more mature for a year. But childhood still does not end, so let it be bright and joyful, bright and happy. This is a beautiful, carefree time, which you will remember in the future with warmth. Let it be filled with wonderful impressions, and parents and friends will always be there. Honey, be cheerful, always smile and do not be sad. Let today and always be with you a good mood.


Congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish that you have enough time for everything: to study and get good grades, to have fun and to talk to your mom and dad. Always know that your parents dream that you are the happiest girl, and they try to realize all your dreams. Be for them a good daughter and friend. Do not be ill and do not despond, smile and know this wonderful world!


Dear girl, on this joyful day, I wish you to receive the gift you dreamed of. Look around - there are people gathered here who love you very much - Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandfather. .. Most of all they want that you do not get a smile from your face, so that you fall asleep and wake up with a feeling of happiness. From the bottom of our heart we wish you to be a sunshine in your family, from which the day becomes brighter, and life - happier.


Dear friend, you are my best friend to whom I can trust any secret. I want you and me to be always around and never forget about each other. We are ready to help each other at any time, and let it be in 10 years and 20 years. I wish you fulfillment of desires and magic dreams, good mood and pleasant surprises. Always be cheerful and kind - such as you are now! I very love you!


Congratulations on your birthday! You are still a sweet child, but very soon you will become a beautiful girl. I want to wish you a dream. Everyone has their own. A person lives for the sake of a dream, and as soon as it comes true, we need a new one so that life will make sense. Let today, and in adulthood, you will strive to achieve the most incredible and bold goal - and then it will come true. Let in your life everything turn out the way you want!


Dear girl, I congratulate you on your birthday! Let you have everything you need for the happiness of the little princess. Now you have a great time - a magical childhood, so let it be unforgettable, carefree and full of wonderful events. Always remember that mom and dad do everything to make you happy. Let Mom be your best friend, and dad - a real protector - and then you will succeed!


I want to wish you real friends. Let next to you will be people who are always ready to help out, support, help. Happy you can call a person who goes side by side with his friend from childhood to old age. Do not lose friends, be yourself a reliable friend - and then you will never have to be sad, but life will be fun and full. Rejoice every day, do not forget your mother and father, grandparents, who love you very much. Happy Birthday!


Congratulations on the 14th Birthday! I want to wish that you have enough time for everything: to study and get good grades, to have fun and to talk to your mom and dad. Always know that your parents dream that you are the happiest girl, and they try to realize all your dreams. Be for them a good daughter and friend. Do not be ill and do not despond, smile and know this wonderful world!


You're so young, your life is just beginning. I want to wish you self-confidence, which is so necessary for achieving the goals. Let near you will always be close and loving people - parents and friends. Let sad moments be as small as possible, and joyful - let them happen every day. Be happy today, tomorrow and always, let your life be beautiful and amazing.


Happy holiday, here you are and fourteen, but it seemed that only yesterday the baby ran around the house. Happy Birthday and let your fourteenth summer pass no less joyfully than all the previous ones, and the subsequent ones will be only better. Let the holiday bring you everything you want from him.


__________( name)!Congratulations on your 14th birthday! From the bottom of the heart we wish that everything was fine with you! So that you always be so beautiful, sympathetic and kind! I wish you happiness, good health and warmth!


We congratulate you on your fourteenth birthday, We wholeheartedly wish you all well! So that you always be so beautiful, sympathetic and kind! I wish you happiness, good health and warmth!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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